The geopackage-java LibraryΒΆ

There are several different ways to create and read a GeoPackage. Most of the implementing software products have their own unique way of supporting the handling of a GeoPackage. In this chapter we will show how a GeoPackage can be read using the free and open source GeoPackage Java library that can be found here . This library has been designed to closely abstract the tables of a GeoPackage. The library offers a Data Access Object (DAO) for each of the core tables found in a GeoPackage.

Features and tiles can be accessed from the DAO instances and queried to extract metadata or feature properties. The following code block presents an annotated example of a program that reads two separate GeoPackages, one containing vector features and another containing tiles of imagery. The source code has been adapted from the GeoPackage Java library website . Note that the example uses the states10.gpkg and bluemarble.gpkg sample files. Both files can be downloaded from here .

package org.opengeospatial.GeoPackageDemo;

import java.util.List;
import mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackage;
import mil.nga.geopackage.core.contents.ContentsDao;
import mil.nga.geopackage.core.srs.SpatialReferenceSystemDao;
import mil.nga.geopackage.extension.ExtensionsDao;
import mil.nga.geopackage.features.columns.GeometryColumnsDao;
import mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.FeatureDao;
import mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.FeatureResultSet;
import mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.FeatureRow;
import mil.nga.geopackage.geom.GeoPackageGeometryData;
import mil.nga.geopackage.manager.GeoPackageManager;
import mil.nga.geopackage.metadata.MetadataDao;
import mil.nga.geopackage.metadata.reference.MetadataReferenceDao;
import mil.nga.geopackage.schema.columns.DataColumnsDao;
import mil.nga.geopackage.schema.constraints.DataColumnConstraintsDao;
import mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.matrix.TileMatrixDao;
import mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.matrixset.TileMatrixSetDao;
import mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.user.TileDao;
import mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.user.TileResultSet;
import mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.user.TileRow;
import mil.nga.wkb.geom.Geometry;

 * GeoPackage demonstration
public class App {

  * This method reads a GeoPackage file and prints out the contents to the console
  public void read(File geopackageFile) {

          // Open a GeoPackage and create an handle to it
          GeoPackage geoPackage =;

          // Create DAO instances of GeoPackage tables
          SpatialReferenceSystemDao srsDao = geoPackage.getSpatialReferenceSystemDao(); //accesses gpkg_spatial_ref_sys
          ContentsDao contentsDao = geoPackage.getContentsDao();   //accesses gpkg_contents
          GeometryColumnsDao geomColumnsDao = geoPackage.getGeometryColumnsDao();  //accesses gpkg_geometry_columns
          TileMatrixSetDao tileMatrixSetDao = geoPackage.getTileMatrixSetDao();  //accesses gpkg_tile_matrix_set
          TileMatrixDao tileMatrixDao = geoPackage.getTileMatrixDao();   //accesses gpkg_tile_matrix
          DataColumnsDao dataColumnsDao = geoPackage.getDataColumnsDao();  //accesses gpkg_data_columns
          DataColumnConstraintsDao dataColumnConstraintsDao = geoPackage.getDataColumnConstraintsDao(); //accesses gpkg_data_columns_constraints
          MetadataDao metadataDao = geoPackage.getMetadataDao(); //accesses gpkg_metadata
          MetadataReferenceDao metadataReferenceDao = geoPackage.getMetadataReferenceDao();  //accesses gpkg_metadata_reference
          ExtensionsDao extensionsDao = geoPackage.getExtensionsDao(); //accesses gpkg_extensions

          // Feature and tile tables
          List<String> features = geoPackage.getFeatureTables();
          List<String> tiles = geoPackage.getTileTables();

          // If there are any features print their properties (as represented by column names and values)
          if (features.size() > 0) {
                  FeatureDao featureDao = geoPackage.getFeatureDao(features.get(0));
                  FeatureResultSet featureResultSet = featureDao.queryForAll();
                  try {
                          while (featureResultSet.moveToNext()) {
                                  FeatureRow featureRow = featureResultSet.getRow();
                                  String[] columnNames = featureRow.getColumnNames();
                                  for(String columnName: columnNames)

                  } finally {


          // If there are any tiles in the GeoPackage, then print out information about the tile tables
          if (tiles.size() > 0) {

                  TileDao tileDao = geoPackage.getTileDao(tiles.get(0));
                  TileResultSet tileResultSet = tileDao.queryForAll();

                  //Now print out descriptions of the tiles
                  StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder();
                  GeoPackageTextOutput textOutput = new GeoPackageTextOutput(

          // Close the database when done


   * This is the main method. It creates an array of two GeoPackage files, one consisting of vector feature data and another consisting of imagery tile data.
  public static void main(String[] args) {

          //Create an array of two GeoPackage files.
          File[] existingGeoPackages = new File[2];
          existingGeoPackages[0] = new File("/Users/Shared/states10.gpkg");
          existingGeoPackages[1] = new File("/Users/Shared/bluemarble.gpkg");

          //Pass each of the files in the array to the read() method for reading
          App app = new App();
          for(File existingGeoPackage: existingGeoPackages){



When the program runs it prints out the feature and tile datasets, including feature properties and tile matrix descriptions.

To run this program, create a Maven project and add the following dependency to the configuration file of the Maven project. This will allow the library dependencies to be pulled in from the Maven Central Repository. A quick start guide for creating a Maven project can be found here.
