SensorThings - Operations

The entities offered by a SensorThings API service can be accessed by appending a resource path to the service root URI. An example of a URL that retrieves observations is shown below.

An extract of the response is presented below. Notice how the instances of the requested entity are presented in a JSON array.


Other entities can also be retrieved through resource paths of a similar pattern. The following table lists the resource paths of each entity type.

Entity Sets Offered

Entity Set

Resource Path





Historical locations






Observed properties




Features of interest


In addition to accessing an entity, the property of an entity can also be accessed in a similar way by appending the name of the property to the resource path. The following is an example of a request that retrieves a property named ‘result’ from a specific observation.

Examples of resource paths of properties are shown in the following table.

Property Resource Path Examples


Resource Path

Result of an observation with an ID of 1595550


The name of a feature of interest


A link to metadata about a sensor with an ID of 4


Coordinates of the feature observed by observation 1595550


Retrieval Options


The $filter system option allows clients to filter a collection of entities that are addressed by a request URL.

For example, the following request returns all Observations whose result is less than 15.00.$filter=result%20lt%2015.00


The $count query option specifies whether the total count of items within a collection matching the request should be returned along with the result.

For example, the following request returns the total number of Observations in the collection, as well as the results. Changing the value of the $count option to false causes the count to be omitted from the response.$count=true


The $orderby query option specifies the order in which items are returned from the service.

For example, the following request all Observations arranged in ascending order of the result property$orderby=result


The $top query option specifies the limit on the number of items returned from a collection of entities.

For example, the following request returns only the first six entities in the Observations collection.$top=6


The $expand query option enables the client to specify the set of properties to be included in a response by indicating that the related entities are to be represented inline.

For example, the following request returns the complete entity set of Things and their associated Datastreams.$expand=Datastreams


The $select query option enables the client to specify the set of properties to be included in a response by instructing the service to return only the properties explicitly requested.

For example, the following request returns each Observation entity with only the result and phenomenonTime properties listed.$select=result,phenomenonTime