All Classes and Interfaces

Tests the response to a GetFeature request that includes the temporal predicate After.
Utility methods for accessing and analyzing components of GML application schemas.
A supporting base class that provides common configuration methods and data providers.
Tests the service response to a GetCapabilities request for "Basic WFS" conformance.
Tests the response to a GetFeature request that returns a selection of features matching specified criteria.
Tests the response to a GetFeature request that includes a BBOX predicate.
Tests the response to a GetFeature request that includes the temporal predicate Before.
Declares supported command line arguments that are parsed using the JCommander library.
Tests the response to a GetFeature request that includes a filter predicate containing one of the following comparison operators: PropertyIsLessThan PropertyIsGreaterThan PropertyIsLessThanOrEqualTo PropertyIsGreaterThanOrEqualTo
A WFS 2.0 conformance class.
Provides test methods that verify the creation of stored queries.
Obtains samples of the feature data available from the WFS under test.
Tests the response to a Transaction request that includes one or more delete actions.
Tests the service response to a DescribeFeatureType request.
Tests the service response to a DescribeStoredQueries request.
Provides test methods that verify the deletion of stored queries.
Tests the response to a GetFeature request that includes the temporal predicate During.
Utility class for retrieving and formatting localized error messages that describe failed assertions.
Defines keys used to access localized messages for assertion errors.
Provides a set of custom assertion methods.
An enumerated type defining OGC exception codes that appear in an exception report.
An immutable description of a feature property.
Provides information about a feature type managed by a WFS.
Checks preconditions for running tests to verify that the IUT satisfies the requirements of the Feature versions conformance class.
Contains various constants pertaining to standard filter expressions specified in ISO 19143:2010.
VersionAction is used to filter the version chain in ResourceId.
Tests the response to a GetFeatureWithLock request that attempts to lock feature instances that belong to a set of query results.
Tests the service response to a GetPropertyValue request.
Tests the response to a Transaction request that includes one or more insert actions.
Tests the response to a GetFeature request that includes the spatial predicate Intersects.
Utility methods for constructing join queries.
Tests the service response to a ListStoredQueries request.
Tests the response to a LockFeature request that attempts to lock feature instances identified using one or more query expressions.
Verifies that the content of the service description satisfies the requirements for "Locking WFS" conformance.
Provides configuration methods that facilitate the testing of locking behavior specified for the "Locking WFS" conformance level.
Provides namespace bindings for evaluating XPath 1.0 expressions using the JAXP XPath API.
XML namespace names.
Provides test methods that verify the pagination of search results.
Tests the response to a GetFeature request that includes a PropertyIs[Not]EqualTo filter that compares the value of a property against some specified value.
Tests the response to a GetFeature request that includes a PropertyIsLike filter that tests the value of a property using a specified pattern--a combination of regular characters and metacharacters.
Tests the response to a GetFeature request that includes a PropertyIsNil filter predicate that tests the content of a specified property and evaluates if it is nil.
Tests the response to a GetFeature request that includes a PropertyIsNull filter predicate; this operator tests for the existence of a specified feature property.
An enumerated type that indicates how a request message is bound to an application protocol.
Provides configuration methods that facilitate the testing of query filters by inspecting the application schema and sample data in order to deduce appropriate property names and values to include in filter predicates.
Provides utility methods to randomly generate test inputs.
Tests the response to a Transaction request that includes one or more replace actions.
A resource identifier as defined in ISO 19143 (OGC Filter Encoding 2.0 Encoding Standard).
Tests the response to a GetFeature request that includes a ResourceId filter predicate, which is used to identify a feature instance (or some version of it).
Checks preconditions for running tests to verify that the IUT satisfies the requirements of the Response paging conformance class.
Contains tests regarding service metadata resources, especially the content of the WFS capabilities document.
Provides various utility methods for accessing service metadata.
Tests the service response to a GetCapabilities request for "Simple WFS" conformance.
A W3C SOAP message consumer that converts an input stream to a SOAPMessage object.
A spatial join includes a spatial predicate.
Checks preconditions for running tests to verify that the IUT satisfies the requirements of the Manage stored queries conformance class.
Tests the service response to a GetFeature request that invokes a stored query.
An enumerated type defining ISuite attributes that may be set to constitute a shared test fixture.
A listener that performs various tasks before and after a test suite is run, usually concerned with maintaining a shared test suite fixture.
Includes tests to confirm the readiness of the SUT to undergo testing.
Checks preconditions for running tests to verify that the IUT satisfies the requirements of the Minimum Temporal filter conformance class.
Utility methods to facilitate the creation and verification of temporal queries.
Main test run controller oversees execution of TestNG test suites.
An enumerated type defining all recognized test run arguments.
Logging utility class that provides simple access to the JDK Logging API.
Provides various utility methods for working with representations of temporal values.
Tests the service response to a GetCapabilities request for "Transactional WFS" conformance.
Provides configuration methods that facilitate testing of transaction capabilities.
Tests the response to a Transaction request that includes one or more update actions.
Provides a collection of utility methods for manipulating or resolving URI references.
A utility class that provides convenience methods to support schema validation.
Provides test methods that verify the behavior of the IUT with respect to creating and navigating feature versions.
Contains various constants pertaining to WFS 2.0 service interfaces as specified in ISO 19142:2010 and related standards.
The action embodied by a transaction.
VersionState indicates the state of a feature version.
A WFS 2.0 client component.
Provides various utility methods for constructing, accessing, or manipulating the content of WFS request and response messages.
Provides various utility methods for accessing or manipulating XML representations.