Class CreateStoredQueryTests


public class CreateStoredQueryTests extends BaseFixture
Provides test methods that verify the creation of stored queries. A conforming implementation must support the query language "urn:ogc:def:queryLanguage:OGC-WFS::WFSQueryExpression". Other query languages may be listed in the capabilities document in the context of the CreateStoredQuery request.
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • CreateStoredQueryTests

      public CreateStoredQueryTests()
  • Method Details

    • initQueryFilterFixture

      @BeforeClass public void initQueryFilterFixture(org.testng.ITestContext testContext)
    • deleteQueriesAtStart

      @BeforeClass public void deleteQueriesAtStart()
      This configuration method deletes specific stored queries that may already be known to the IUT; specifically: The remaining tests are skipped if this fails because a precondition cannot be met.
    • deleteQueriesAtEnd

      @AfterClass public void deleteQueriesAtEnd()
      This configuration method drops any stored queries that may have been created by a test method. If an error occurs a WARNING message is logged.
    • createGetFeatureByTypeName

      public void createGetFeatureByTypeName()
      [Test] Submits a CreateStoredQuery request to retrieve features by type name. The query identifier is "urn:example:wfs2-query:GetFeatureByTypeName". The response is expected to contain an XML entity with "CreateStoredQueryResponse" as the document element. The query is then invoked for all feature types for which data exist.
    • createStoredQueryWithUnsupportedQueryLanguage

      public void createStoredQueryWithUnsupportedQueryLanguage()
      [Test] Submits a CreateStoredQuery request that contains a query expressed in an unsupported query language. An exception report is expected in response containing the error code "InvalidParameterValue".
    • duplicateQuery

      public void duplicateQuery()
      [Test] Submits a CreateStoredQuery request containing a query definition that is identical to an existing one. An exception report is expected in response containing the error code "DuplicateStoredQueryIdValue".