Class LockFeatureTests
Tests the response to a LockFeature request that attempts to lock feature instances
identified using one or more query expressions. A lock is active until it either
expires (default duration is 300 s) or it is released by a subsequent transaction.
- ISO 19142:2010, cl. 12: LockFeature operation
- ISO 19142:2010, cl. 12.4: Exceptions
- ISO 19142:2010, cl. Declaring support for locking
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class org.opengis.cite.iso19142.locking.LockingFixture
dataSampler, locks, storedQueryId
Fields inherited from class org.opengis.cite.iso19142.BaseFixture
docBuilder, ETS_PKG, featureInfo, featureTypes, reqEntity, rspEntity, supportedBindings, TNS_PREFIX, wfsClient, wfsMetadata, wfsVersion
Constructor Summary
Constructors -
Method Summary
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
Builds a DOM Document representing a LockFeature request entity.void
(ProtocolBinding binding, QName featureType) [Test
] Locks all feature instances of a given type using default values for all locking options.void
] A feature instance may be locked by only one lock.void
] Submits a request to lock a feature instance; within this interval an attempt to delete the instance without the correct lock identifier should fail with exception codeMissingParameterValue
] An attempt to reset a lock with locKId and fes:AbstractQueryExpression should produce a service exception with error code "OperationParsingFailed" and HTTP status code 400 (Bad Request).Methods inherited from class org.opengis.cite.iso19142.locking.LockingFixture
initLockingFixture, releaseAllLocks
Methods inherited from class org.opengis.cite.iso19142.BaseFixture
addAttributesOnTestFailure, allProtocolsAndFeatureTypes, bindingAndAvailFeatureTypeProductSet, extractBodyAsDocument, getFeatureTypes, getInstantiatedFeatureTypes, getProtocolBindings, initBaseFixture, initParser, setWfsClient
Constructor Details
public LockFeatureTests()
Method Details
@BeforeMethod public void buildSimpleLockFeatureRequest()Builds a DOM Document representing a LockFeature request entity. -
public void lockFeatureAndAttemptDelete()[Test
] Submits a request to lock a feature instance; within this interval an attempt to delete the instance without the correct lock identifier should fail with exception codeMissingParameterValue
- ISO 19142:2010, cl. Lock expiry parameter
- ISO 19142:2010, cl. lockId parameter
public void lockFeatureAlreadyLocked()[Test
] A feature instance may be locked by only one lock. An attempt to establish another lock should fail with exception codeCannotLockAllFeatures
if lockAction = "ALL" (the default value).Sources
- ISO 19142:2010, Table 18: Keywords for LockFeature KVP encoding
- ISO 19142:2010, cl. 12.2.5: State machine for WFS locking
] Locks all feature instances of a given type using default values for all locking options. If no data exist for a given feature type it is skipped. The response entity must include a lockId attribute and the wfs:FeaturesLocked element. The wfs:FeatureNotLocked element must not be present.Sources
- ISO 19142:2010, cl. 12.3.2: XML-encoding
- Parameters:
- The ProtocolBinding to use for the request.featureType
- A QName object denoting the feature type name.
public void lockFeatureWithLockIdAndQuery()[Test
] An attempt to reset a lock with locKId and fes:AbstractQueryExpression should produce a service exception with error code "OperationParsingFailed" and HTTP status code 400 (Bad Request).Note: The WFS 2.0.2 specification specifies this behaviour in detail ( lockId parameter): "If both a lockId parameter and one or more fes:AbstractQueryExpression elements are included in a LockFeature request then the server shall raise an OperationParsingFailed exception (see 7.5).[24]"
- 09-025r2, cl. lockId parameter
- 09-025r2, Table D.2