Class DescribeStoredQueriesTests


public class DescribeStoredQueriesTests extends BaseFixture
Tests the service response to a DescribeStoredQueries request. This operation provides a detailed description of each stored query that a server offers.
See Also:
  • "ISO 19142:2010, cl. 14.2: Defining stored queries"
  • "ISO 19142:2010, cl. 14.4: DescribeStoredQueries operations [sic]"
  • Constructor Details

    • DescribeStoredQueriesTests

      public DescribeStoredQueriesTests()
  • Method Details

    • setupClassFixture

      @BeforeClass public void setupClassFixture(org.testng.ITestContext testContext)
      Retrieves the (pre-compiled) WFS schema from the suite fixture and builds a DOM Document node representing the request entity.
      testContext - The test (group) context.
    • clearQueryIdentifiers

      @BeforeMethod public void clearQueryIdentifiers()
    • describeAllStoredQueries

      public void describeAllStoredQueries(ProtocolBinding binding)
      If no stored query identifiers are supplied in the request then all stored queries offered by a server shall be described (one or more).
      binding - The ProtocolBinding to use.
      See Also:
      • "ISO 19142:2010, cl. 14.4.2: XML encoding"
      • "ISO 19142:2010, Table 21: Keywords for DescribeStoredQueries KVP-encoding"
    • describeStoredQuery_GetFeatureById

      public void describeStoredQuery_GetFeatureById(ProtocolBinding binding)
      A conforming service must implement at least the GetFeatureById stored query, which has the identifier "".

      Note: The URN form of the query identifier was deprecated in WFS 2.0.2; the 'http' URI is preferred.

      binding - The ProtocolBinding to use.
      See Also:
      • "ISO 19142:2010, cl. GetFeatureById stored query"
    • removeAllQueryIdentifiers

      void removeAllQueryIdentifiers(Document reqEntity)
      Removes all wfs:StoredQueryId elements from the request entity.
      reqEntity - A Document with wfs:DescribeStoredQueries as the document element.
    • addQueryIdentifier

      void addQueryIdentifier(Document request, String queryId)
      Adds a wfs:StoredQueryId element with the given text value.
      request - A Document with wfs:DescribeStoredQueries as the document element.
      queryId - A URI value that identifies a stored query.