Class PagingTests


public class PagingTests extends BaseFixture
Provides test methods that verify the pagination of search results. This capability allows a client to iterate over the items in a result set. The lifetime of a cached result set is indicated by the value of the operation constraint ResponseCacheTimeout (duration in seconds); if this constraint is not specified then the response cache never times out.
See Also:
  • "OGC 09-025: Table 14"
  • Constructor Details

    • PagingTests

      public PagingTests()
  • Method Details

    • initDataSample

      @BeforeClass public void initDataSample(org.testng.ITestContext testContext)
    • getPagingConstraints

      @BeforeClass public void getPagingConstraints(org.testng.ITestContext testContext)
    • getFeatureWithHitsOnly

      public void getFeatureWithHitsOnly()
      [Test] Submits a GetFeature request with a very small page size (count="1") and resultType="hits". The initial response entity shall be an empty feature collection with numberReturned = 0. The value of the next attribute shall be a URI that refers to the first page of results. Furthermore, the previous attribute must not appear.
    • traverseResultSetInBothDirections

      public void traverseResultSetInBothDirections()
      [Test] Submits a GetFeature request with count = "4" and resultType = "results". The feature identifiers in the first page of results are collected and the next page is retrieved. Then the previous (first) page is retrieved and the feature identifiers are extracted; they must match the known values from the first page.
    • retrieveResource retrieveResource(String uriRef)
      Dereferences the given URI reference and returns the response message.
      uriRef - A String denoting an absolute 'http' URI.
      A representation of the HTTP response message.
    • anyFeatureType

      QName anyFeatureType(Map<QName,FeatureTypeInfo> featureInfo)
      Returns the name of a feature type for which data exist.
      featureInfo - Information about feature types gleaned from the SUT.
      The qualified name of a feature type.
    • featureTypeWithAtLeastTwoFeatures

      QName featureTypeWithAtLeastTwoFeatures(Map<QName,FeatureTypeInfo> featureInfo)
      Returns the name of a feature type for which at least two features exist.
      featureInfo - Information about feature types gleaned from the SUT.
      The qualified name of a feature type.