Class WFSMessage


public class WFSMessage extends Object
Provides various utility methods for constructing, accessing, or manipulating the content of WFS request and response messages.
  • Constructor Details

    • WFSMessage

      public WFSMessage()
  • Method Details

    • transformEntityToKVP

      public static String transformEntityToKVP(Source xmlSource)
      Transforms the XML representation of a WFS request entity to its corresponding KVP serialization format.
      xmlSource - A Source representing the XML request entity.
      A String containing the resulting query component.
    • wrapEntityInSOAPEnvelope

      public static Document wrapEntityInSOAPEnvelope(Source xmlSource, String version)
      Wraps the given XML request entity in the body of a SOAP envelope.
      xmlSource - The Source providing the XML request entity.
      version - The version of the SOAP protocol (either "1.1" or "1.2"); if not specified the latest version is assumed.
      A DOM Document node representing a SOAP request message.
    • appendSimpleQuery

      public static Element appendSimpleQuery(Document doc, QName... qNames)
      Adds a simple wfs:Query element (without a filter) to the given request entity. The typeNames attribute value is set using the supplied QName objects. Namespace bindings are added if necessary.
      doc - A Document representing a WFS request entity that accepts wfs:Query elements as children of the document element (GetFeature, GetPropertyValue, GetFeatureWithLock, LockFeature).
      qNames - A sequence of QName objects representing (qualified) feature type names recognized by the IUT.
      The Element representing the query expression (wfs:Query); it will be empty.
    • appendStoredQuery

      public static void appendStoredQuery(Document doc, String queryId, Map<String,Object> params)
      Adds a wfs:StoredQuery element to the given request entity.
      doc - A Document representing a WFS request entity that accepts wfs:StoredQuery elements as children of the document element (GetFeature, GetPropertyValue, GetFeatureWithLock, LockFeature).
      queryId - A URI that identifies the stored query to invoke.
      params - A Map containing query parameters (may be empty, e.g. Collections.<String, Object>.emptyMap()). A parameter name is associated with an Object (String or QName) representing its value.
    • createRequestEntity

      public static Document createRequestEntity(String reqResource, String wfsVersion)
      Creates an XML request entity of the specified request type.
      reqResource - The name of a classpath resource containing an XML request entity.
      wfsVersion - A WFS version identifier ("2.0.0" if not specified).
      A Document representing a WFS request entity.
    • updateVersion

      public static void updateVersion(Document doc, String wfsVersion)
      Sets the @version attribute in the root element of the doc to the specified version
      doc - the doc to update. never null
      wfsVersion - A WFS version identifier ("2.0.0" if not specified).
    • setTypeName

      public static void setTypeName(Element elem, QName qName)
      Sets the value of the typeName attribute on an action element (wfs:Update, wfs:Delete) contained in a Transaction request entity.
      elem - An action element in a transaction request.
      qName - The qualified name of a feature type.
    • newResourceIdFilter

      public static Element newResourceIdFilter(String id)
      Builds a filter predicate containing a fes:ResourceId element that identifies the feature instance to be modified.
      id - A String denoting a GML object identifier (gml:id).
      An Element node (fes:Filter).
    • insertGMLProperty

      public static void insertGMLProperty(Element feature, Element gmlProperty)
      Inserts a standard GML property into a given feature instance. If the property node already exists it is replaced.
      feature - An Element node representing a GML feature
      gmlProperty - An Element node representing a standard (non-deprecated) GML feature property.
    • createValueReference

      public static Element createValueReference(org.apache.xerces.xs.XSElementDeclaration propertyElem)
      Creates an Element node (fes:ValueReference) containing an XPath expression derived from a property element declaration.
      propertyElem - An element declaration that defines some feature property.
      An Element containing an XPath expression and an appropriate namespace binding.
    • createGMLEnvelope

      public static Document createGMLEnvelope()
      Creates a GML envelope covering the area of use for the "WGS 84" CRS (srsName="urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::4326").
      A Document containing gml:Envelope as the document element.
    • addNamespaceBinding

      public static void addNamespaceBinding(Document doc, QName qName)
      Adds a namespace binding to the document element.
      doc - A Document representing a request entity.
      qName - A QName containing a namespace URI and prefix; the local part is ignored.
    • addReplaceStatements

      public static void addReplaceStatements(Document trxRequest, List<Element> replacements)
      Adds a sequence of wfs:Replace statements to the given transaction request entity.
      trxRequest - A Document node representing a wfs:Transaction request entity.
      replacements - A List containing replacement feature representations (as GML).
    • addInsertStatement

      public static void addInsertStatement(Document request, Node feature)
      Appends a wfs:Insert element to the document element in the given request entity. The wfs:Insert element contains the supplied feature instance.
      request - A Document node representing a wfs:Transaction request entity.
      feature - A Node representing a GML feature instance.
    • addResourceIdPredicate

      public static void addResourceIdPredicate(Document request, Set<String> idSet)
      Adds a ResourceId predicate to a GetFeature (or GetFeatureWithLock) request entity that contains a simple query expression without a filter. The identifiers should match features of the indicated type.
      request - The request entity (/wfs:GetFeature/[wfs:Query]).
      idSet - A Set<String> of feature identifiers that conform to the xsd:ID datatype.
    • containsGetProtocolBinding

      public static boolean containsGetProtocolBinding(Object[] testParams)
      Checks the given list of objects for the presence of a ProtocolBinding.GET object.
      testParams - A list of objects representing test method parameters.
      true if a ProtocolBinding#GET object was found; false otherwise.
    • findMatchingElements

      public static List<Node> findMatchingElements(Document doc, org.apache.xerces.xs.XSElementDeclaration... elemDeclarations)
      Finds elements in a DOM Document that correspond to the given collection of element declarations.
      doc - A Document node containing an XML entity.
      elemDeclarations - A collection of element declarations.
      A list of matching element nodes (it may be empty).
    • extractFeatureIdentifiers

      public static Set<String> extractFeatureIdentifiers(Document doc, QName featureType)
      Returns the set of feature identifiers found in the given WFS response entity.
      doc - A WFS response entity that may contain feature instances.
      featureType - The feature type of interest.
      A set of feature identifiers (gml:id attribute values); it may be empty.
    • addTemporalPredicate

      public static void addTemporalPredicate(Document request, String temporalOp, Document gmlTime, Element valueRef)
      Adds a temporal predicate to a GetFeature request entity. If the given temporal element has no temporal reference (frame) it is assumed to use the default frame (ISO 8601).
      request - The request entity (wfs:GetFeature).
      temporalOp - The name of a spatial operator.
      gmlTime - A Document containing a GML temporal primitive.
      valueRef - An Element (fes:ValueReference) that specifies the temporal property to check. If it is null, the predicate applies to all temporal properties.
    • setReturnTypesAndTypeNamesAttribute

      public static void setReturnTypesAndTypeNamesAttribute(Document request, QName featureTypeName)
      Sets the attribute CreateStoredQuery/StoredQueryDefinition/QueryExpressionText/Query/@typeNames to the passed feature type name.
      request - request to modify, never null
      featureTypeName - name to set, never null