Class GetPropertyValueTests


public class GetPropertyValueTests extends BaseFixture
Tests the service response to a GetPropertyValue request. The GetPropertyValue operation allows the value of a feature property (or part of the value of a complex feature property) to be retrieved.
See Also:
  • "ISO 19142:2010, cl. 10: GetPropertyValue operation"
  • Constructor Details

    • GetPropertyValueTests

      public GetPropertyValueTests()
  • Method Details

    • setupClassFixture

      @BeforeClass public void setupClassFixture(org.testng.ITestContext testContext)
      Retrieves the (pre-compiled) WFS schema from the suite fixture.
      testContext - The test (group) context.
    • buildRequestEntity

      @BeforeMethod public void buildRequestEntity()
      Builds a DOM Document node representing the entity body for a GetPropertyValue request. A minimal XML representation is read from the classpath (at util/GetPropertyValue.xml).
    • getProperty_gmlId

      public void getProperty_gmlId(ProtocolBinding binding)
      Submits a GetPropertyValue request for a known feature type with valueReference="@gml:id". The members in the resulting ValueCollection element are expected to contain simple (atomic) text values representing the server-assigned object identifiers (xsd:ID).
      binding - The ProtocolBinding to use.
      See Also:
      • "ISO 19142:2010, cl. GetPropertyValue - valueReference parameter"
    • getProperty_emptyValueRef

      public void getProperty_emptyValueRef(ProtocolBinding binding)
      If the valueReference is an empty string, an ExceptionReport is expected to contain the error code "InvalidParameterValue".
      binding - The ProtocolBinding to use.
      See Also:
      • "ISO 19142:2010, cl. 10.4: GetPropertyValue - Exceptions"
    • setValueReference

      void setValueReference(Document entity, String xpath)
      Sets the valueReference attribute on the request entity.
      entity - The request entity (wfs:GetPropertyValue).
      xpath - A String representing an XPath expression.
    • addQuery

      void addQuery(Document request, QName qName)
      Adds a simple query element to the request entity.
      request - The request entity (wfs:GetPropertyValue).
      qName - A QName representing the qualified name of a feature type.