Class WFSClient


public class WFSClient extends Object
A WFS 2.0 client component.
  • Field Details

    • client

      protected client
    • wfsMetadata

      protected Document wfsMetadata
      A Document that describes the service under test.
    • globalBindings

      protected Set<ProtocolBinding> globalBindings
      The set of message bindings broadly implemented by the SUT.
    • featureTypes

      protected List<QName> featureTypes
      The list of feature types recognized by the SUT.
  • Constructor Details

    • WFSClient

      public WFSClient()
      Default client constructor. The client is configured to consume SOAP message entities. The request and response may be logged to a default JDK logger (in the namespace "com.sun.jersey.api.client"). TODO
    • WFSClient

      public WFSClient(Document wfsMetadata)
      Constructs a client that is aware of the capabilities of a WFS implementation.
      wfsMetadata - A service description (e.g. WFS capabilities document).
  • Method Details

    • getServiceDescription

      public Document getServiceDescription()
      Returns the WFS service description set for this client.
      A WFS capabilities document (wfs:WFS_Capabilities).
    • getClient

      public getClient()
      Returns the underlying JAX-RS client.
      A JAX-RS client component.
    • setServiceDescription

      public void setServiceDescription(InputStream srvMetadata) throws SAXException, IOException
      Sets the service description obtained using the given InputStream. The standard description is an XML representation of a WFS capabilities document.
      srvMetadata - An InputStream supplying the service metadata.
      SAXException - If any I/O errors occur.
      IOException - If any parsing errors occur.
    • invokeStoredQuery

      public Document invokeStoredQuery(String queryId, Map<String,Object> params)
      Invokes a stored query using any supported protocol binding (request encoding).
      queryId - A stored query identifier.
      params - A collection of query parameters distinguished by name (may be empty, e.g. Collections.<String, Object>.emptyMap() ).
      A Document representing the XML response entity, or null if the response doesn't contain one.
    • getFeatureByType

      public Document getFeatureByType(QName typeName, int count, ProtocolBinding binding)
      Retrieves feature representations by type name.
      typeName - A QName denoting the feature type.
      count - The maximum number of features to fetch (> 0). If count < 1, the default value (10) applies.
      binding - The ProtocolBinding to use for this request; if null a global binding will be used.
      A Document representing the XML response entity, or null if the response doesn't contain one.
    • getFeature

      public getFeature(Source reqEntity, ProtocolBinding binding)
      Submits a GetFeature request.
      reqEntity - A Source representing the content of the request entity; if necessary it will be transformed into the query component of a GET request.
      binding - The HTTP method binding to use.
      A client response context.
    • deleteFeatures

      public Document deleteFeatures(Map<String,QName> features, ProtocolBinding binding)
      Submits a request to delete a collection of features specified by identifier and type name.
      features - A Map containing entries that specify a feature by identifier (gml:id attribute value) and type name (QName).
      binding - The ProtocolBinding to use.
      A Document representing the XML response entity, or null if the response doesn't contain one.
    • deleteFeature

      public deleteFeature(Document reqEntity, String id, QName typeName)
      Submits a request to delete a feature. A wfs:Delete element is appended to the given transaction request entity.
      reqEntity - A WFS transaction request entity (wfs:Transaction).
      id - A feature identifier.
      typeName - The type name of the feature.
      A representation of the HTTP response.
    • GetFeatureVersion

      public GetFeatureVersion(ResourceId rid, QName typeName)
      Submits a request to retrieve one or more feature versions as specified by the given resource identifier.
      rid - A resource identifier that selects members of the version chain to which this identified version belongs.
      typeName - The name of a feature type.
      The (JAX-RS) client response message.
    • insert

      public Document insert(List<Element> features, ProtocolBinding binding)
      Submits a request to insert a collection of GML feature instances.
      features - A List<Element> containing one or more feature representations.
      binding - The ProtocolBinding to use.
      A Document representing the XML response entity, or null if the response doesn't contain one.
    • updateFeature

      public Document updateFeature(String id, QName featureType, Map<String,Object> properties)
      Submits a request to update a feature using the POST protocol binding.
      id - A feature identifier.
      featureType - The qualified name of the feature type.
      properties - A Map containing the feature properties to be updated.
      A Document representing the XML response entity.
      See Also:
    • updateFeature

      public Document updateFeature(Document req, String id, QName featureType, Map<String,Object> properties, ProtocolBinding binding)
      Submits a request to update a feature.
      req - An empty wfs:Transaction request entity.
      id - The GML identifier of the feature to be updated (gml:id attribute).
      featureType - The type of the feature instance.
      properties - A Map containing the feature properties to be updated (replaced). Each entry consists of a value reference (an XPath expression) and a value object. The value may be a Node representing a complex property value; otherwise it is treated as a simple value by calling the object's toString() method.
      binding - The ProtocolBinding to use.
      A Document representing the XML response entity, or null if the response doesn't contain one.
    • submitRequest

      public submitRequest(Source entity, ProtocolBinding binding, URI endpoint)
      Submits an HTTP request message. For GET requests the XML request entity is serialized to its corresponding KVP string format and added to the query component of the Request-URI. For SOAP requests that adhere to the "Request-Response" message exchange pattern, the outbound message entity is a SOAP envelope containing the standard XML request in the body.
      entity - An XML representation of the request entity.
      binding - The ProtocolBinding to use.
      endpoint - The service endpoint.
      A Response object representing the response message.
    • submitRequest

      public submitRequest(Document reqEntity, ProtocolBinding binding)
      Submits a request using the specified message binding and the content of the given XML request entity.
      reqEntity - A DOM Document representing the content of the request message.
      binding - The ProtocolBinding to use; may be ProtocolBinding.ANY if any supported binding can be used.
      A Response object representing the response message.
    • getCapabilities

      public Document getCapabilities()
      Retrieves a complete representation of the capabilities document from the WFS implementation described by the service metadata. The acceptVersions parameter is omitted, so the response shall reflect the latest version supported by the SUT.
      A Document containing the response to a GetCapabilities request, or null if one could not be obtained.
    • getAnyTransactionBinding

      public ProtocolBinding getAnyTransactionBinding()
      Returns a protocol binding suitable for transaction requests. Any binding advertised in the service capabilities document is returned.
      A supported ProtocolBinding instance (POST or SOAP).
    • executeTransaction

      Document executeTransaction(Document request, ProtocolBinding binding)
      Executes a WFS transaction.
      request - A Document node representing a wfs:Transaction request entity.
      binding - The ProtocolBinding to use
      A Document node representing the response entity.
    • retrieveXMLResponseEntity

      Document retrieveXMLResponseEntity(Document request, ProtocolBinding binding)
      Submits the given request entity and returns the response entity as a DOM Document.
      request - An XML representation of the request entity; the actual request depends on the message binding in use.
      binding - The ProtocolBinding to use (GET, POST, or SOAP).
      A DOM Document containing the response entity, or null if the request failed or the message body could not be parsed.
    • deleteStoredQuery

      public int deleteStoredQuery(String queryId)
      Submits a request to delete a stored query.
      queryId - A URI value that identifies the query to be dropped.
      The HTTP status code.
    • listStoredQueries

      public List<String> listStoredQueries()
      Requests a list of stored queries.
      A list of query identifiers.