All Classes and Interfaces

AbstractBBoxCrs class.
AbstractDiscoveryCollection class.
AbstractDiscoveryCollections class.
AbstractFeatureCrs class.
AbstractFeatures class.
AbstractFeaturesCrs class.
BBox class.
Abstract Test 8: /conf/crs/bbox-crs-parameter Test Purpose: Verify that the parameter bbox-crs has been implemented correctly Requirement: /req/crs/fc-bbox-crs-definition, /req/crs/bbox-crs-action Test Method For every CRS identifier advertized by the Web API that is known to the test engine and for which the test engine can convert geometries between the CRS and the default CRS of the Web API ("known CRS") execute the following test.
Abstract Test 10: /conf/crs/bbox-crs-parameter-default Test Purpose: Verify that the parameter bbox-crs has been implemented correctly Requirement: /req/crs/fc-bbox-crs-default-value Test Method For each spatial feature collection collectionId and every GML or GeoJSON feature representation supported by the Web API, send a request with the parameters bbox and bbox-crs to /collections/{collectionId}/items for the default CRS of the collection.
Abstract Test 9: /conf/crs/bbox-crs-parameter-invalid Test Purpose: Verify that the parameter bbox-crs has been implemented correctly Requirement: /req/crs/fc-bbox-crs-valid-value Test Method For each spatial feature collection collectionId, send a request with the parameters bbox and bbox-crs to /collections/{collectionId}/items with a value for bbox-crs that is not included in the list of CRSs and verify that the response has status code 400.
Provides various utility methods for creating and configuring HTTP client components.
Declares supported command line arguments that are parsed using the JCommander library.
CommonDataFixture class.
A supporting base class that sets up a common test fixture.
Encapsulates an CRS from
CrsRequirementClassPrecondition class.
Verifies object in the paths /collection
Verifies object in the paths /collection
Verifies objects in the paths /collections
Verifies objects in the paths /collections
Verifies objects in the paths /collections
Verifies object in the paths /collection
Utility class for retrieving and formatting localized error messages that describe failed assertions.
Defines keys used to access localized messages for assertion errors.
Provides a set of custom assertion methods.
Verifies header in the paths /collection/{collectionId}/items/{featureId}
Verifies default CRS requesting /collection/{collectionId}/items
Verifies invalid CRS requesting /collection/{collectionId}/items
Verifies header in the paths /collection/{collectionId}/items/{featureId}
FeaturesAssertions class.
Verifies header in the paths /collection/{collectionId}/items
Verifies default CRS requesting /collection/{collectionId}/items
Verifies invalid CRS requesting /collection/{collectionId}/items
Verifies transformed geometries in the paths /collection/{collectionId}/items
GeometryTransformer class.
JsonUtils class.
LoggingTestListener class.
Provides namespace bindings for evaluating XPath 1.0 expressions using the JAXP XPath API.
XML namespace names.
Contains various constants pertaining to WFS 3.0 specification and related standards.
OgcNameValidator class.
OpenApiUtils class.
RequestLimitFilter class.
Encapsulates all known requirement classes.
Buffers the (response) entity so it can be read multiple times.
An enumerated type defining ISuite attributes that may be set to constitute a shared test fixture.
A listener that performs various tasks before and after a test suite is run, usually concerned with maintaining a shared test suite fixture.
Checks that various preconditions are satisfied before the test suite is run.
TemporalExtent class.
A listener that augments a test result with diagnostic information in the event that a test method failed.
Main test run controller oversees execution of TestNG test suites.
Encapsulates a Test Point with the UriTemplate and predefined replacements.
An enumerated type defining all recognized test run arguments.
A listener that is invoked before and after a test run.
Logging utility class that provides simple access to the JDK Logging API.
UnknownCrsException class.
Builds a URL out of a TestPoint.
Provides a collection of utility methods for manipulating or resolving URI references.
Provides various utility methods for accessing or manipulating XML representations.