Class DiscoveryCollectionsStorageCrs

public class DiscoveryCollectionsStorageCrs extends AbstractDiscoveryCollections
Verifies objects in the paths /collections
 Abstract Test 3: /conf/crs/storageCrs Test Purpose: Verify that the storage CRS identifier is a valid value
 Requirement: /req/crs/fc-md-storageCrs-valid-value

 Test Method: For each collection object that includes a storageCrs property in the paths /collections and
 /collections/{collectionId}, validate that the string is also found in the crs property of the collection or, in case
 the crs property includes a value #/crs, in the global list of CRSs.
Lyn Goltz
  • Constructor Details

    • DiscoveryCollectionsStorageCrs

      public DiscoveryCollectionsStorageCrs()
  • Method Details

    • verifyCollectionsPathCollectionCrsPropertyContainsStorageCrs

      public void verifyCollectionsPathCollectionCrsPropertyContainsStorageCrs(TestPoint testPoint, io.restassured.path.json.JsonPath jsonPath, Map<String,Object> collection)
      Test: storageCrs property in the collection objects in the path /collections
      testPoint - test point to test, never null
      jsonPath - the /collections JSON, never null
      collection - the /collection object, never null