public class BBoxCrsParameter extends AbstractBBoxCrs
 Abstract Test 8: /conf/crs/bbox-crs-parameter
 Test Purpose: Verify that the parameter bbox-crs has been implemented correctly
 Requirement: /req/crs/fc-bbox-crs-definition, /req/crs/bbox-crs-action

 Test Method
 For every CRS identifier advertized by the Web API that is known to the test engine and for which the test engine can convert geometries between the CRS and the default CRS of the Web API ("known CRS") execute the following test. Skip the test for unknown CRSs.
  1. For each spatial feature collection collectionId and every GML or GeoJSON feature representation supported by the Web API, send a request with the parameters bbox and bbox-crs to /collections/{collectionId}/items for every known CRS. Use a bbox value in the spatial extent of the collection, converted to the known CRS. Send the same request, but with no bbox-crs parameter and a bbox value in the default CRS. Do not include a crs parameter in the requests. Verify that the responses include the same features.
Lyn Goltz
  • Constructor Details

    • BBoxCrsParameter

      public BBoxCrsParameter()
  • Method Details

    • collectionDefaultCrs

      @DataProvider(name="collectionDefaultCrs") public Iterator<Object[]> collectionDefaultCrs(org.testng.ITestContext testContext)


      testContext - a ITestContext object
      a Iterator object
    • collectionCrs

      @DataProvider(name="collectionCrsAndDefaultCrs") public Iterator<Object[]> collectionCrs(org.testng.ITestContext testContext)


      testContext - a ITestContext object
      a Iterator object
    • verifyBboxCrsParameterWithDefaultCrs

      public void verifyBboxCrsParameterWithDefaultCrs(String collectionId, io.restassured.path.json.JsonPath collection, CoordinateSystem defaultCrs)


      collectionId - the id of the collection, never null
      collection - the /collection object, never null
      defaultCrs - the defaultCrs of the collection, never null
    • verifyBboxCrsParameter

      public void verifyBboxCrsParameter(String collectionId, io.restassured.path.json.JsonPath collection, CoordinateSystem crs, CoordinateSystem defaultCrs)


      collectionId - the id of the collection, never null
      collection - the /collection object, never null
      crs - the crs to test, never null
      defaultCrs - the defaultCrs of the collection, never null