public class BBoxCrsParameterDefault extends AbstractBBoxCrs
 Abstract Test 10: /conf/crs/bbox-crs-parameter-default
 Test Purpose: Verify that the parameter bbox-crs has been implemented correctly
 Requirement: /req/crs/fc-bbox-crs-default-value

 Test Method
 For each spatial feature collection collectionId and every GML or GeoJSON feature representation supported by the
 Web API, send a request with the parameters bbox and bbox-crs to /collections/{collectionId}/items for the default CRS
 of the collection. Use a bbox value in the spatial extent of the collection. Send the same request, but with no
 bbox-crs parameter. Do not include a crs parameter in the requests. Verify that the responses include the same features.
Lyn Goltz
  • Constructor Details

    • BBoxCrsParameterDefault

      public BBoxCrsParameterDefault()
  • Method Details

    • collectionDefaultCrs

      @DataProvider(name="collectionDefaultCrs") public Iterator<Object[]> collectionDefaultCrs(org.testng.ITestContext testContext)


      testContext - a ITestContext object
      a Iterator object
    • verifyBboxCrsParameterDefault

      public void verifyBboxCrsParameterDefault(String collectionId, io.restassured.path.json.JsonPath collection, CoordinateSystem defaultCrs)


      collectionId - the id of the collection, never null
      collection - the /collection object, never null
      defaultCrs - the defaultCrs of the collection, never null