public class DiscoveryCollectionsCrsUri extends AbstractDiscoveryCollections
Verifies objects in the paths /collections
 Abstract Test 1:  /conf/crs/crs-uri
 Test Purpose: Verify that each CRS identifier is a valid value
 Requirement: /req/crs/crs-uri, /req/crs/fc-md-crs-list A, /req/crs/fc-md-storageCrs, /req/crs/fc-md-crs-list-global

 Test Method
 For each string value in a crs or storageCrs property in the collections and collection objects in the paths /collections and /collections/{collectionId}, validate that the string conforms to the generic URI syntax as specified by RFC 3986, section 3. In addition, accept a single value of #/crs in each collection object at path /collections, if the collections object has a crs property.
  1. For http-URIs (starting with http:) validate that the string conforms to the syntax specified by RFC 7230, section 2.7.1.
  2. For https-URIs (starting with https:) validate that the string conforms to the syntax specified by RFC 7230, section 2.7.2.
  3. For URNs (starting with urn:) validate that the string conforms to the syntax specified by RFC 8141, section 2.
  4. For OGC URNs (starting with urn:ogc:def:crs:) and OGC http-URIs (starting with validate that the string conforms to the syntax specified by OGC Name Type Specification - definitions - part 1 – basic name.
Lyn Goltz
  • Constructor Details

    • DiscoveryCollectionsCrsUri

      public DiscoveryCollectionsCrsUri()
  • Method Details

    • verifyCollectionsCrsIdentifierOfCrsProperty

      public void verifyCollectionsCrsIdentifierOfCrsProperty(TestPoint testPoint, io.restassured.path.json.JsonPath jsonPath)
      Test: crs property in the collections object in the path /collections
      testPoint - test point to test, never null
      jsonPath - the /collections JSON, never null
    • verifyCollectionsCrsIdentifierOfStorageCrs

      public void verifyCollectionsCrsIdentifierOfStorageCrs(TestPoint testPoint, io.restassured.path.json.JsonPath jsonPath)
      Test: storageCrs property in the collections object in the path /collections
      testPoint - test point to test, never null
      jsonPath - the /collections JSON, never null
    • verifyCollectionsCollectionCrsIdentifierOfCrsProperty

      public void verifyCollectionsCollectionCrsIdentifierOfCrsProperty(TestPoint testPoint, io.restassured.path.json.JsonPath jsonPath, Map<String,Object> collection)
      Test: crs property in the collection objects in the path /collections
      testPoint - test point to test, never null
      jsonPath - the /collections JSON, never null
      collection - the /collection object, never null
    • verifyCollectionsCollectionCrsIdentifierOfStorageCrs

      public void verifyCollectionsCollectionCrsIdentifierOfStorageCrs(TestPoint testPoint, io.restassured.path.json.JsonPath jsonPath, Map<String,Object> collection)
      Test: storageCrs property in the collection objects in the path /collections
      testPoint - test point to test, never null
      jsonPath - the /collections JSON, never null
      collection - the /collection object, never null