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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values


ACCEPT_FORMATS - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.CAT3
Constant ACCEPT_FORMATS="acceptFormats"
ACCEPT_VERSIONS - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.CAT3
Constant ACCEPT_VERSIONS="acceptVersions"
addAllBindings(Map<String, String>) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.util.NamespaceBindings
Adds all of the supplied namespace bindings to the existing set of entries.
addDomainValues(Set<String>, XdmValue) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.util.ServiceMetadataUtils
Adds the allowed values of operation metadata elements to the given set.
addNamespaceBinding(String, String) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.util.NamespaceBindings
Adds a namespace binding that associates a namespace name with a prefix.
APP_OPENSEARCH_XML - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.CAT3
Constant APP_OPENSEARCH_XML="application/opensearchdescription+xml"
APP_VND_OPENSEARCH_XML - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.CAT3
Constant APP_VND_OPENSEARCH_XML="application/vnd.a9.opensearchdescriptio"{trunked}
assertAllTermsOccur(NodeList, String...) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.ETSAssert
Asserts that the given search terms all occur in the content of each record in the given collection.
assertDescendantElementCount(Document, QName, int) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.ETSAssert
Asserts that the given XML entity contains the expected number of descendant elements having the specified name.
assertEmptyResultSet(Document) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.ETSAssert
Asserts that the given response entity includes no search results.
assertEnvelopeIntersectsBoundingBoxes(Envelope, Source) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.ETSAssert
Asserts that all bounding boxes appearing in the search results intersect the given envelope.
assertExceptionReport(Response, String, String) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.ETSAssert
Asserts that the given response message contains an OGC exception report.
assertQualifiedName(Node, QName) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.ETSAssert
Asserts that the qualified name of a DOM Node matches the expected value.
assertSchematronValid(URL, Source) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.ETSAssert
Asserts that an XML resource satisfies all applicable constraints specified in a Schematron (ISO 19757-3) schema.
assertSchemaValid(Validator, Source) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.ETSAssert
Asserts that an XML resource is schema-valid.
assertXPath(String, Node, Map<String, String>) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.ETSAssert
Asserts that an XPath 1.0 expression holds true for the given evaluation context.
ATOM - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.Namespaces
Atom Syndication Format (RFC 4287)
ATOM_SCHEMA - Enum constant in enum class org.opengis.cite.cat30.SuiteAttribute
An immutable Schema object for Atom (RFC 4287).
atomSchema - Variable in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.CommonFixture
An immutable Schema object for validating Atom feeds/entries (RFC 4287, Appendix B).


BasicGetRecordsTests - Class in org.opengis.cite.cat30.basic
Provides tests that apply to the GetRecords request using the KVP syntax.
BasicGetRecordsTests() - Constructor for class org.opengis.cite.cat30.basic.BasicGetRecordsTests
BasicSearchTests - Class in org.opengis.cite.cat30.basic
Includes GetRecords tests pertaining to the Filter-FES-KVP conformance class.
BasicSearchTests() - Constructor for class org.opengis.cite.cat30.basic.BasicSearchTests
BBOX - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.CAT3
Constant BBOX="bbox"
boundingBoxQuery() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.opensearch.OpenSearchGeoTests
[Test] Submits an OpenSearch request that includes a bounding box in the normative CRS ("urn:ogc:def:crs:OGC:1.3:CRS84").
buildClient() - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.util.ClientUtils
Builds a client component for interacting with HTTP endpoints.
buildClientWithProxy(String, int) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.util.ClientUtils
Constructs a client component that uses a specified web proxy.
buildGetRequest(URI, Map<String, String>, MediaType...) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.CommonFixture
Builds an HTTP request message that uses the GET method.
buildGetRequest(URI, Map<String, String>, MediaType...) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.util.ClientUtils
Builds an HTTP request message that uses the GET method.
buildRequestURI(Element, Map<QName, String>) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.util.OpenSearchTemplateUtils
Builds a request URI by processing a URL template according to the given parameter substitution values.
buildSchematronValidator(String, String) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.util.ValidationUtils
Constructs a SchematronValidator that will check an XML resource against the rules defined in a Schematron schema.


calculateTotalExtent(File) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.util.DatasetInfo
Calculates the total extent of the records in the sample data.
CAT3 - Class in org.opengis.cite.cat30
Contains various constants pertaining to Catalogue 3.0 (HTTP) service interfaces as specified in OGC 12-176r5 and related standards.
CC_OPEN_SEARCH - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.CAT3
Constant CC_OPEN_SEARCH="OpenSearch"
checkOpenSearchImplementationStatus(ITestContext) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.opensearch.OpenSearchPreconditions
Checks that the service capabilities document advertises OpenSearch support.
clearMessages() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.CommonFixture
client - Variable in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.CommonFixture
HTTP client component (JAX-RS Client API).
CLIENT - Enum constant in enum class org.opengis.cite.cat30.SuiteAttribute
A client component for interacting with HTTP endpoints.
ClientUtils - Class in org.opengis.cite.cat30.util
Provides various utility methods for creating and configuring HTTP client components.
ClientUtils() - Constructor for class org.opengis.cite.cat30.util.ClientUtils
CommonFixture - Class in org.opengis.cite.cat30
A supporting base class that sets up a common test fixture.
CommonFixture() - Constructor for class org.opengis.cite.cat30.CommonFixture
CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.ErrorMessageKeys
Constant CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION="ConstraintViolation"
createAtomSchema() - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.util.ValidationUtils
Creates a Schema object representing the constraints defined in RFC 4287 ("The Atom Syndication Format").
createCSWSchema() - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.util.ValidationUtils
Creates a Schema object representing the complete set of constraints defined in the CSW 3.0 schema.
createElement(QName) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.util.XMLUtils
Creates a new Element having the specified qualified name.
createGML32Envelope(Node) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.util.SpatialUtils
Creates a GML 3.2 envelope from a legacy GML 3.1 representation.
createOpenSearchSchema() - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.util.ValidationUtils
Creates a Schema object representing the constraints defined for an OpenSearch description document (1.1 Draft 5).
createSchemaResolver(URI) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.util.ValidationUtils
Creates a resource resolver suitable for locating schemas using an entity catalog.
CSW - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.Namespaces
OGC 12-176r4 (CSW 3.0)
CSW_SCHEMA - Enum constant in enum class org.opengis.cite.cat30.SuiteAttribute
An immutable Schema object representing the complete CSW 3.0 schema.
cswCapabilities - Variable in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.CommonFixture
Service capabilities document (csw:Capabilities).
CSWClient - Class in org.opengis.cite.cat30.util
A CSW 3.0 client component.
CSWClient() - Constructor for class org.opengis.cite.cat30.util.CSWClient
cswSchema - Variable in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.CommonFixture
An immutable Schema object for validating all CSW 3.0 messages (cswAll.xsd).


DATASET - Enum constant in enum class org.opengis.cite.cat30.SuiteAttribute
Sample data obtained from the IUT.
DatasetInfo - Class in org.opengis.cite.cat30.util
Provides information about the data held by the IUT.
DatasetInfo(File) - Constructor for class org.opengis.cite.cat30.util.DatasetInfo
Constructor for DatasetInfo.
DCMES - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.Namespaces
Dublin Core Metadata Element Set, Version 1.1 (legacy)
DCMI - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.Namespaces
DCMI Metadata Terms
deleteTempFiles(ISuite) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.SuiteFixtureListener
Deletes temporary files created during the test run if TestSuiteLogger is enabled at the INFO level or higher (they are left intact at the CONFIG level or lower).
dereferenceURI(URI) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.util.URIUtils
Dereferences the given URI and stores the resulting resource representation in a local file.
doTestRun(Document) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.TestNGController


ELEMENT_NAME - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.CAT3
Constant ELEMENT_NAME="elementName"
ELEMENT_SET - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.CAT3
Constant ELEMENT_SET="elementSetName"
ELEMENT_SET_BRIEF - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.CAT3
Constant ELEMENT_SET_BRIEF="brief"
ELEMENT_SET_FULL - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.CAT3
Constant ELEMENT_SET_FULL="full"
ELEMENT_SET_SUMMARY - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.CAT3
Constant ELEMENT_SET_SUMMARY="summary"
elementSetAndElementName() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.basic.BasicGetRecordsTests
[Test] Submits a GetRecords request that contains both the ElementName and ElementSetName parameters.
EMPTY_RESULT_SET - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.ErrorMessageKeys
Constant EMPTY_RESULT_SET="EmptyResultSet"
EMPTY_STRING - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.ErrorMessageKeys
Constant EMPTY_STRING="EmptyString"
envelopeFromSimpleGeoRSSBox(Node) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.util.SpatialUtils
Creates an Envelope from a simple georss:box element.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.opensearch.TemplateParamInfo
ErrorMessage - Class in org.opengis.cite.cat30
Utility class for retrieving and formatting localized error messages that describe failed assertions.
ErrorMessage() - Constructor for class org.opengis.cite.cat30.ErrorMessage
ErrorMessageKeys - Class in org.opengis.cite.cat30
Defines keys used to access localized messages for assertion errors.
ErrorMessageKeys() - Constructor for class org.opengis.cite.cat30.ErrorMessageKeys
ETSAssert - Class in org.opengis.cite.cat30
Provides a set of custom assertion methods.
evaluateXPath(Source, String, Map<String, String>, QName) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.util.XMLUtils
Evaluates an XPath expression using the given context item and returns the result as the specified type.
evaluateXPath(Node, String, Map<String, String>) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.util.XMLUtils
Evaluates an XPath 1.0 expression using the given context and returns the result as a node set.
evaluateXPath2(Source, String, Map<String, String>) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.util.XMLUtils
Evaluates an XPath 2.0 expression using the Saxon s9api interfaces.
evaluateXQuery(Source, String, Map<String, String>) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.util.XMLUtils
Evaluates an XQuery 1.0 expression using the Saxon s9api interfaces.
executeExampleQueries() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.opensearch.OpenSearchCoreTests
Executes example queries specified in the OpenSearch description document.
expandReferencesInText(String) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.util.XMLUtils
Expands character entity ( &name;) and numeric references (&#xhhhh; or &dddd;) that occur within a given string value.
extractSchemaReferences(Source, String) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.util.ValidationUtils
Extracts a set of XML Schema references from a source XML document.


FACTORY_RELAXNG_COMPACT - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.util.ValidationUtils
FES - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.Namespaces
ISO 19143:2010 (FES 2.0)
fetchSampleData() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.basic.SuitePreconditions
Fetches records from the IUT using a simple GetRecords request (with no filter criteria) and saves the response entity to a temporary file.
filter(ClientRequestContext) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.util.LoggingFilter
filter(ClientRequestContext, ClientResponseContext) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.ReusableEntityFilter
filterURLTemplatesByParam(List<Node>, QName) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.util.OpenSearchTemplateUtils
Filters a list of OpenSearch URL templates to include only those that contain the specified parameter.
findItems(String, Map<String, String>) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.util.DatasetInfo
Finds the (infoset) items in the sample data that satisfy the given XPath (2.0) expression.
findMatchingSearchTerms(File, QName...) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.util.Records
Finds matching search terms corresponding to the given record elements.
findPropertyValues(File, String) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.util.Records
Evaluates an XPath (2.0) expression against the sample data and returns the results as a list of string values.
findRecordsInSampleData(File, QName...) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.util.Records
Finds records in the sample data that contain all of the specified child elements (some of which may occur more than once).
findRequestEndpoints() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.basic.GetRecordByIdTests
Finds the GET and POST method endpoints for the GetCapabilities request in the capabilities document.
findRequestEndpoints(ITestContext) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.basic.BasicGetRecordsTests
Finds the GET and POST method endpoints for the GetRecords request in the capabilities document.
findRequestEndpoints(ITestContext) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.basic.BasicSearchTests
Finds the GET method endpoint for the GetRecords request in the capabilities document.
findServiceEndpoint() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.basic.GetCapabilitiesTests
Finds the GET method endpoint for the GetCapabilities request in the capabilities document.
format(String, Object...) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.ErrorMessage
Produces a formatted error message using the supplied substitution arguments and the current locale.


generateRandomText() - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.util.Records
Generates a random sequence of 5-14 characters in the range [a-z].
GEORSS - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.Namespaces
GeoRSS namespace.
get(String) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.ErrorMessage
Retrieves a simple message according to the current locale.
GET_CAPABILITIES - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.CAT3
Constant GET_CAPABILITIES="GetCapabilities"
GET_RECORD_BY_ID - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.CAT3
Constant GET_RECORD_BY_ID="GetRecordById"
GET_RECORDS - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.CAT3
Constant GET_RECORDS="GetRecords"
GET_RECORDS_RSP - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.CAT3
Constant GET_RECORDS_RSP="GetRecordsResponse"
getAllBindings() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.util.NamespaceBindings
Returns an unmodifiable view of the declared namespace bindings.
getBriefRecordById() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.basic.GetRecordByIdTests
[Test] Verifies that a request for a brief record by identifier produces a matching csw:BriefRecord in the response entity.
getBriefRecordsByBBOX() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.basic.BasicSearchTests
[Test] Submits a GetRecords request with a BBOX parameter that includes a supported CRS reference.
getBriefRecordsWithNamespaceBinding() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.basic.BasicGetRecordsTests
[Test] Submits a GetRecords request with no search criteria.
getCapabilities(URI) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.util.CSWClient
Retrieves a complete capabilities document from the specified endpoint.
getCapabilitiesBySection() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.basic.GetCapabilitiesTests
[Test] Verifies that a request for a part of a capabilities document produces the expected response entity.
getCapabilitiesFromBaseURL() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.basic.GetCapabilitiesTests
[Test] Attempts to retrieve the capabilities document from the base URL (endpoint for GetCapabilities via GET).
getCapabilitiesFromBaseURLAsXML() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.basic.GetCapabilitiesTests
[Test] Attempts to retrieve the capabilities document from the base URL (endpoint for GetCapabilities via GET).
getCapabilitiesInSupportedFormat() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.basic.GetCapabilitiesTests
[Test] Verifies that a request for a supported representation (format) of a capabilities document produces the expected response entity.
getCapabilitiesInUnsupportedFormat() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.basic.GetCapabilitiesTests
[Test] Verifies that a request for a known but unsupported representation (format) of a capabilities document produces an exception report containing the exception code "InvalidParameterValue".
getCapabilitiesIsMissingServiceParam() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.basic.GetCapabilitiesTests
[Test] If the required "service" parameter is missing, an exception report with status code 400 must be produced.
GetCapabilitiesTests - Class in org.opengis.cite.cat30.basic
Provides tests pertaining to the GetCapabilities request.
GetCapabilitiesTests() - Constructor for class org.opengis.cite.cat30.basic.GetCapabilitiesTests
getCapabilitiesWithInvalidParamValue() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.basic.GetCapabilitiesTests
[Test] Query parameter values must be handled in a case-sensitive manner.
getCapabilitiesWithMixedCaseParamNames() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.basic.GetCapabilitiesTests
[Test] Query parameter names must be handled in a case-insensitive manner.
getCapabilitiesWithUnsupportedVersion() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.basic.GetCapabilitiesTests
[Test] Verifies that a request for an unsupported version of a capabilities document produces an exception report containing the exception code "VersionNegotiationFailed".
getCode() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.TestNGController
getConstraintValues(Document, String) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.util.ServiceMetadataUtils
Searches a CSW capabilities document for the specified constraint and returns its set of allowed values.
getDataFile() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.util.DatasetInfo
Returns the file containing the sample data.
getDatasetInfo(ITestContext) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.basic.BasicGetRecordsTests
Gets information about the sample data obtained from the IUT, including: its total geographic extent; a collection of record titles; and a set of record identifiers.
getDatasetInfo(ITestContext) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.basic.BasicSearchTests
Gets information about the sample data obtained from the IUT, including: its total geographic extent; a collection of record titles; and a set of record identifiers.
getDefaultParamValue(List<TemplateParamInfo>, QName) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.util.OpenSearchTemplateUtils
Returns the default value of the specified template parameter.
getDefaultValue() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.opensearch.TemplateParamInfo
Get the default value of the parameter.
getElementsByNamespaceURI(Node, String) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.util.XMLUtils
Returns a List of all descendant Element nodes having the specified [namespace name] property.
getFullCapabilitiesAcceptVersion3() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.basic.GetCapabilitiesTests
[Test] Verifies that the content of a complete service capabilities document is schema-valid.
getFullRecordById() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.basic.GetRecordByIdTests
[Test] Verifies that a request for a full record by identifier produces a matching csw:Record in the response entity.
getGeographicExtent() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.util.DatasetInfo
Returns an Envelope representing the total geographic extent of the sample data.
getMultipleRecordsById() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.basic.BasicSearchTests
[Test] Submits a GetRecords request with a 'recordIds' parameter that contains a (comma-separated) list of two record identifiers.
getName() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.opensearch.TemplateParamInfo
Get the qualified name of the parameter.
getName() - Method in enum class org.opengis.cite.cat30.SuiteAttribute
getNamespaceURI(String) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.util.NamespaceBindings
getNodeListAsList(NodeList) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.util.XMLUtils
Returns a List view of the specified NodeList collection.
getNodeValues(NodeList) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.util.XMLUtils
Returns the text content of the nodes in the given list.
getOpenSearchDescription(URI) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.util.CSWClient
Retrieves an OpenSearch description document from the IUT.
getOpenSearchDescriptionFromCapabilities() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.opensearch.OpenSearchDescriptionTests
[Test] Attempts to retrieve an OpenSearch description document using the URI presented in the capabilities document as the value of the "OpenSearchDescriptionDocument" constraint.
getOpenSearchQueriesByRole(Document, QName) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.util.ServiceMetadataUtils
Returns a list of nodes representing queries defined in an OpenSearch description document.
getOpenSearchURLTemplates(Document) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.util.ServiceMetadataUtils
Returns a list of nodes representing the URL templates defined in an OpenSearch description document.
getOperationEndpoint(Document, String, String) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.util.ServiceMetadataUtils
Extracts a request endpoint from a service capabilities document.
getOutputDir() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.TestRunArguments
Getter for the field outputDir.
getParameterValues(Document, String, String) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.util.ServiceMetadataUtils
Searches a CSW capabilities document for the specified request parameter and returns its set of allowed values.
getPartialResults() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.basic.BasicGetRecordsTests
[Test] Submits a GetRecords request where the startPosition and maxRecords parameters have non-default values.
getPartialResultsAsAtomFeed() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.basic.BasicGetRecordsTests
[Test] Submits a GetRecords request where the startPosition and maxRecords parameters have non-default values.
getPercentEncodedString(String) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.util.URIUtils
Replaces characters not allowed in the query component of a URI with their equivalent percent-encoded values (UTF-8).
getPrefix(String) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.util.NamespaceBindings
getPrefixes(String) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.util.NamespaceBindings
getPropertiesFile() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.TestRunArguments
getQueryParameters(Node) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.util.OpenSearchTemplateUtils
Extracts the actual parameters from an OpenSearch query specification.
getRecordById_noMatch() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.basic.GetRecordByIdTests
[Test] Verifies that a request for a record by identifier produces a response with status code 404 (Not Found) if no matching resource representation is found.
getRecordByIdAsAtomEntryUsingAcceptHeader() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.basic.GetRecordByIdTests
[Test] Verifies that a request for an Atom representation of a record produces a matching atom:entry in the response entity.
getRecordByIdAsAtomEntryUsingOutputFormat() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.basic.GetRecordByIdTests
[Test] Verifies that a request for an Atom representation of a record produces a matching atom:entry in the response entity.
GetRecordByIdTests - Class in org.opengis.cite.cat30.basic
Provides tests that apply to the GetRecordById request.
GetRecordByIdTests() - Constructor for class org.opengis.cite.cat30.basic.GetRecordByIdTests
getRecordByIdWithMissingId() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.basic.GetRecordByIdTests
[Test] Verifies that a request for a record that omits the required 'id' parameter produces an exception report containing the exception code "MissingParameterValue".
getRecordByIdWithUnsupportedFormat() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.basic.GetRecordByIdTests
[Test] Verifies that a request for a record representation in an unsupported format (media type) produces an exception report containing the exception code "InvalidParameterValue".
getRecordByIdWithUnsupportedSchema() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.basic.GetRecordByIdTests
[Test] Verifies that a request for a record that conforms to an unsupported output schema produces an exception report containing the exception code "InvalidParameterValue".
getRecordId(Element) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.util.Records
Gets the identifier of the given record representation.
getRecordIdentifiers() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.util.DatasetInfo
Returns a sequence of record identifiers (dc:identifier) found in the sample data.
getRecordIdentifiers(ITestContext) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.basic.GetRecordByIdTests
Gets the record identifiers that occur in the sample data obtained from the SUT.
getRecordName(String) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.util.Records
Returns the name of the catalog record corresponding to the specified media type.
getRecordsByBBOXAndTitle() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.basic.BasicSearchTests
[Test] Submits a GetRecords request containing the bbox and q parameters, where the latter matches one or more record titles.
getRecordsByBBOXWithUnsupportedCRS() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.basic.BasicSearchTests
[Test] Submits a GetRecords request with a BBOX parameter that includes an invalid CRS reference ("urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::0000").
getRecordsBySubjectWithoutResults() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.basic.BasicSearchTests
[Test] Submits a GetRecords request where the q parameter contains a subject word and the maxRecords parameter value has the value "0" (zero).
getRecordsInUnsupportedOutputFormat() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.basic.BasicGetRecordsTests
[Test] Submits a GetRecords request that specifies an unsupported output format (text/example) as the value of the outputFormat parameter.
getRecordsWithUnknownTypeName() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.basic.BasicGetRecordsTests
[Test] Submits a GetRecords request that specifies an unknown typeName parameter value.
getRecordsWithUnsupportedSchema() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.basic.BasicGetRecordsTests
[Test] Submits a GetRecords request that specifies an unsupported output schema ("urn:uuid:6a29d2a8-9651-47a6-9b14-f05d2b5644f0").
getRecordTitles() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.util.DatasetInfo
Returns a sequence of record titles (dc:title) found in the sample data.
getRecordTopics() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.util.DatasetInfo
Returns a sequence of topic (dc:subject) values found in the sample data.
getRequestMessageInfo(ClientRequest) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.TestFailureListener
Gets diagnostic information about a request message.
getResourceById() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.opensearch.OpenSearchGeoTests
[Test] Submits an OpenSearch request that includes a resource identifier.
getResourceById_notFound() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.opensearch.OpenSearchGeoTests
[Test] Submits an OpenSearch request that includes a (randomly generated) identifier for which there is no matching record.
getResponseEntityAsDocument(Response, String) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.CommonFixture
Obtains the (XML) response entity as a DOM Document.
getResponseEntityAsDocument(Response, String) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.util.ClientUtils
Obtains the (XML) response entity as a DOM Document and resets the entity input stream for subsequent reads.
getResponseEntityAsSource(Response, String) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.util.ClientUtils
Obtains the (XML) response entity as a JAXP Source object and resets the entity input stream for subsequent reads.
getResponseMessageInfo(Response) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.TestFailureListener
Gets diagnostic information about a response message.
getServiceDescription() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.util.CSWClient
getSummaryRecordById() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.basic.GetRecordByIdTests
[Test] Verifies that a request for a record by identifier produces a matching csw:SummaryRecord in the response entity.
getSummaryRecordsByWGS84BBOX() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.basic.BasicSearchTests
[Test] Submits a GetRecords request with a 'bbox' parameter that uses the default CRS ("urn:ogc:def:crs:OGC:1.3:CRS84").
getSummaryRecordsInAtomFeed() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.basic.BasicGetRecordsTests
[Test] Submits a GetRecords request with no search criteria.
getSummaryRecordsInDefaultRepresentation() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.basic.BasicGetRecordsTests
[Test] Submits a GetRecords request with no search criteria.
getTemplateParameterName(String, Node) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.util.OpenSearchTemplateUtils
Returns the qualified name of the given OpenSearch URL template parameter.
getTitle() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.TestNGController
getType() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.opensearch.TemplateParamInfo
Get the data type of the parameter.
getType() - Method in enum class org.opengis.cite.cat30.SuiteAttribute
getVersion() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.TestNGController
GML - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.Namespaces
GML 3.2 (ISO 19136)
GML31 - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.Namespaces
GML 3.1 (03-105r1)


hashCode() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.opensearch.TemplateParamInfo


ID - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.CAT3
Constant ID="id"
ID_NOT_FOUND - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.ErrorMessageKeys
Constant ID_NOT_FOUND="IdNotFound"
INFOSET_ITEM_VALUE - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.ErrorMessageKeys
Constant INFOSET_ITEM_VALUE="InfosetItemValue"
initCommonFixture(ITestContext) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.CommonFixture
Initializes the common test fixture with the following objects: a client component for interacting with HTTP endpoints the CSW message schema (obtained from the suite attribute SuiteAttribute.CSW_SCHEMA, a thread-safe Schema object). the Atom schema (obtained from the suite attribute SuiteAttribute.ATOM_SCHEMA, a thread-safe Schema object). the service capabilities document (obtained from the suite attribute SuiteAttribute.TEST_SUBJECT, which should evaluate to a DOM Document node).
initFixture(ITestContext) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.opensearch.OpenSearchDescriptionTests
Initializes the test fixture by: building a Relax NG schema validator for an OpenSearch description document; the schema resource is located on the classpath at this location: /org/opengis/cite/cat30/rnc/osd-1.1-draft5.rnc extracting the base GetCapabilities URL (for the GET method binding) from the capabilities document
initOpenSearchCoreTestsFixture(ITestContext) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.opensearch.OpenSearchCoreTests
Initializes the test fixture.
initOpenSearchGeoTestsFixture(ITestContext) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.opensearch.OpenSearchGeoTests
Initializes the test fixture.
INVALID_PARAM_VAL - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.CAT3
Constant INVALID_PARAM_VAL="InvalidParameterValue"
INVALID_UPDATE_SEQ - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.CAT3
Constant INVALID_UPDATE_SEQ="InvalidUpdateSequence"
invalidBoundingBoxCoords() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.opensearch.OpenSearchGeoTests
[Test] Submits an OpenSearch request that includes a bounding box with invalid (UTM) coordinates.
invokeQuery(Element, Map<QName, String>) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.opensearch.OpenSearchCoreTests
Invokes the query defined by the given OpenSearch template.
isLoggable(Level) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.util.TestSuiteLogger
Indicates if the logger is enabled at a given logging level.
isRequired() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.opensearch.TemplateParamInfo
Get the value of isRequired
isXML(MediaType) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.util.XMLUtils
Determines if the given media type is an XML-based media type.
IUT - Enum constant in enum class org.opengis.cite.cat30.TestRunArg
An absolute URI that refers to a representation of the test subject or metadata about it.


keywordSearch_emptyResultSet() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.opensearch.OpenSearchCoreTests
[Test] Submits a keyword search where the searchTerms value is a randomly generated sequence of 5-14 characters in the range [a-z].


LOCAL_NAME - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.ErrorMessageKeys
Constant LOCAL_NAME="LocalName"
log(Level, String) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.util.TestSuiteLogger
Logs a simple message at the specified logging level.
log(Level, String, Exception) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.util.TestSuiteLogger
Logs a message at the specified logging level with the given Exception object that represents a noteworthy error condition.
log(Level, String, Object[]) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.util.TestSuiteLogger
Logs a message at the specified logging level with the given message parameters.
LoggingFilter - Class in org.opengis.cite.cat30.util
LoggingFilter class.
LoggingFilter() - Constructor for class org.opengis.cite.cat30.util.LoggingFilter


main(String[]) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.TestNGController
A convenience method for running the test suite using a command-line interface.
MAX_RECORDS - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.CAT3
Constant MAX_RECORDS="maxRecords"
MISSING_ENTITY - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.ErrorMessageKeys
Constant MISSING_ENTITY="MissingEntity"
MISSING_INFOSET_ITEM - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.ErrorMessageKeys
Constant MISSING_INFOSET_ITEM="MissingInfosetItem"
MISSING_PARAM_VAL - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.CAT3
Constant MISSING_PARAM_VAL="MissingParameterValue"
multipleKeywordSearch() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.opensearch.OpenSearchCoreTests
[Test] Submits a keyword search request where the {searchTerms} value contains two terms (URL-encoded).
multipleTermTextSearch() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.basic.BasicSearchTests
[Test] This test submits a GetRecords request where the 'q' parameter value contains two terms.


NAMED_ITEM_NOT_FOUND - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.ErrorMessageKeys
Constant NAMED_ITEM_NOT_FOUND="NamedItemNotFound"
nameOfDocumentElement(Source) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.util.XMLUtils
Returns the name of the document element in the given XML resource.
NAMESPACE - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.CAT3
Constant NAMESPACE="namespace"
NAMESPACE_NAME - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.ErrorMessageKeys
Constant NAMESPACE_NAME="NamespaceName"
NamespaceBindings - Class in org.opengis.cite.cat30.util
Provides namespace bindings for evaluating XPath 1.0 expressions using the JAXP XPath API.
NamespaceBindings() - Constructor for class org.opengis.cite.cat30.util.NamespaceBindings
Namespaces - Class in org.opengis.cite.cat30
XML namespace names.
NEXT_REC - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.CAT3
Constant NEXT_REC="nextRecord"
NO_CODE - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.CAT3
Constant NO_CODE="NoApplicableCode"
NOT_SCHEMA_VALID - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.ErrorMessageKeys
Constant NOT_SCHEMA_VALID="NotSchemaValid"
NOT_XML - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.ErrorMessageKeys
Constant NOT_XML="NotXML"
NUM_REC_MATCHED - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.CAT3
Constant NUM_REC_MATCHED="numberOfRecordsMatched"
NUM_REC_RETURNED - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.CAT3
Constant NUM_REC_RETURNED="numberOfRecordsReturned"


onFinish(ISuite) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.SuiteFixtureListener
Performs various cleanup tasks when the test run is completed.
onStart(ISuite) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.SuiteFixtureListener
onTestFailure(ITestResult) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.TestFailureListener
Sets the "request" and "response" attributes of a test result.
OPENSEARCH_CONSTRAINT - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.opensearch.OpenSearchDescriptionTests
Constant OPENSEARCH_CONSTRAINT="OpenSearchDescriptionDocument"
OPENSEARCH_DESCR - Enum constant in enum class org.opengis.cite.cat30.SuiteAttribute
A DOM Document representing an OpenSearch 1.1 description.
OPENSEARCH_UNAVAIL - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.ErrorMessageKeys
Constant OPENSEARCH_UNAVAIL="OpenSearchUnavailable"
OpenSearchCoreTests - Class in org.opengis.cite.cat30.opensearch
Verifies behavior of the SUT when processing queries that contain one or more core OpenSearch parameters.
OpenSearchCoreTests() - Constructor for class org.opengis.cite.cat30.opensearch.OpenSearchCoreTests
OpenSearchDescriptionTests - Class in org.opengis.cite.cat30.opensearch
Verifies the structure and content of the OpenSearch description document obtained from the SUT.
OpenSearchDescriptionTests() - Constructor for class org.opengis.cite.cat30.opensearch.OpenSearchDescriptionTests
OpenSearchGeoTests - Class in org.opengis.cite.cat30.opensearch
Verifies behavior of the SUT when processing OpenSearch requests that contain geographic extensions defined in OGC OpenSearch Geo and Time Extensions (OGC 10-032r8).
OpenSearchGeoTests() - Constructor for class org.opengis.cite.cat30.opensearch.OpenSearchGeoTests
OpenSearchPreconditions - Class in org.opengis.cite.cat30.opensearch
Checks that various preconditions are satisfied before the tests for OpenSearch conformance are run.
OpenSearchPreconditions() - Constructor for class org.opengis.cite.cat30.opensearch.OpenSearchPreconditions
Constructor for OpenSearchPreconditions.
OpenSearchTemplateUtils - Class in org.opengis.cite.cat30.util
Provides various utility methods for processing OpenSearch URL templates.
OpenSearchTemplateUtils() - Constructor for class org.opengis.cite.cat30.util.OpenSearchTemplateUtils
OPER_NOT_SUPPORTED - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.CAT3
Constant OPER_NOT_SUPPORTED="OperationNotSupported"
OPT_NOT_SUPPORTED - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.CAT3
Constant OPT_NOT_SUPPORTED="OptionNotSupported"
org.opengis.cite.cat30 - package org.opengis.cite.cat30
The root package includes supporting classes of general utility such as the main controller, listeners, and reporters.
org.opengis.cite.cat30.basic - package org.opengis.cite.cat30.basic
Includes tests covering capabilities required for Basic-Catalogue conformance.
org.opengis.cite.cat30.opensearch - package org.opengis.cite.cat30.opensearch
Includes tests covering capabilities required for OpenSearch conformance.
org.opengis.cite.cat30.util - package org.opengis.cite.cat30.util
This package includes miscellaneous utility classes to support testing.
OS_GEO - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.Namespaces
OpenSearch Geo extension namespace (see OGC 10-032r8).
OSD11 - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.Namespaces
OpenSearch 1.1 description
OUTPUT_FORMAT - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.CAT3
Constant OUTPUT_FORMAT="outputFormat"
OUTPUT_SCHEMA - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.CAT3
Constant OUTPUT_SCHEMA="outputSchema"
OWS - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.Namespaces
OGC 06-121r9 (OWS 2.0)
OWS11 - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.Namespaces
OGC 06-121r3 (OWS 1.1)


parse(Source) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.util.XMLUtils
Parses the content of the given Source and returns a DOM Document node.
parseURI(URI) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.util.URIUtils
Parses the content of the given URI as an XML document and returns a new DOM Document object.
PARSING_FAILED - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.CAT3
Constant PARSING_FAILED="OperationParsingFailed"
preferOpenSearchDescription() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.opensearch.OpenSearchDescriptionTests
[Test] Requests an OpenSearch description document as the most preferred media type.
presentTitleProperty() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.basic.BasicGetRecordsTests
[Test] Submits a GetRecords request where the 'elementName' parameter value identifies a single element from the output schema (dc:title).
presentUnknownRecordProperty() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.basic.BasicGetRecordsTests
[Test] Submits a GetRecords request that specifies an element name not declared in the output schema.
PROCESSING_FAILED - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.CAT3
Constant PROCESSING_FAILED="OperationProcessingFailed"
processSuiteParameters(ISuite) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.SuiteFixtureListener
Processes test suite arguments and sets suite attributes accordingly.


Q - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.CAT3
Constant Q="q"


randomlySelectTitleWord(List<String>) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.opensearch.OpenSearchCoreTests
Returns a word from a randomly selected title in the given list.
REC_ID_LIST - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.CAT3
Constant REC_ID_LIST="recordIds"
Records - Class in org.opengis.cite.cat30.util
This class contains various utility methods for querying or reading representations of catalog records.
Records() - Constructor for class org.opengis.cite.cat30.util.Records
registerClientComponent(ISuite) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.SuiteFixtureListener
A client component is added to the suite fixture as the value of the SuiteAttribute.CLIENT attribute; it may be subsequently accessed via the ITestContext.getSuite() method.
registerSchemas(ISuite) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.SuiteFixtureListener
Builds immutable Schema objects suitable for validating the content of CSW 3.0 response entities.
removeParameters(MediaType) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.util.ClientUtils
Creates a copy of the given MediaType object but without any parameters.
request - Variable in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.CommonFixture
An HTTP request message.
REQUEST - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.CAT3
Constant REQUEST="request"
resolveRelativeURI(String, String) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.util.URIUtils
Constructs an absolute URI from the given URI reference and a base URI.
response - Variable in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.CommonFixture
An HTTP response message.
RESULT_SET_SIZE - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.ErrorMessageKeys
Constant RESULT_SET_SIZE="ResultSetSize"
ReusableEntityFilter - Class in org.opengis.cite.cat30
Buffers the (response) entity so it can be read multiple times.
ReusableEntityFilter() - Constructor for class org.opengis.cite.cat30.ReusableEntityFilter
ROOT_PKG - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.util.ValidationUtils
ROOT_PKG_PATH - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.CommonFixture
Root test suite package (absolute path).


saveFullRecords(int, MediaType) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.util.CSWClient
Submits a GetRecords request and saves the response entity to a (temporary) file.
SCH - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.Namespaces
Schematron (ISO 19757-3) namespace
SCHEMA_URI - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.CAT3
Constant SCHEMA_URI=""{trunked}
SCHEMATRON_ATOM - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.CommonFixture
Classpath reference for Schematron schema (Atom feed).
SEARCH_RESULTS - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.CAT3
Constant SEARCH_RESULTS="SearchResults"
SECTIONS - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.CAT3
Constant SECTIONS="sections"
SERVICE - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.CAT3
Constant SERVICE="service"
SERVICE_TYPE_CODE - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.CAT3
ServiceMetadataUtils - Class in org.opengis.cite.cat30.util
Provides various utility methods for accessing service-related metadata resources such as an OGC service description or an OpenSearch description document.
ServiceMetadataUtils() - Constructor for class org.opengis.cite.cat30.util.ServiceMetadataUtils
setClient(CSWClient) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.opensearch.OpenSearchPreconditions
setDefaultValue(Object) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.opensearch.TemplateParamInfo
Set the default value of the parameter.
setExtent(Envelope) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.basic.BasicSearchTests
setGetEndpoint(URI) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.basic.BasicGetRecordsTests
setGetEndpoint(URI) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.basic.BasicSearchTests
setIdList(List<String>) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.basic.GetRecordByIdTests
setIsRequired(boolean) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.opensearch.TemplateParamInfo
Set the value of isRequired
setName(QName) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.opensearch.TemplateParamInfo
Set the (qualified) name of the parameter.
setSearchTerm(String) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.opensearch.OpenSearchCoreTests
setServiceCapabilities(Document) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.basic.GetCapabilitiesTests
Sets the service capabilities document.
setServiceDescription(Document) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.util.CSWClient
setType(Class) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.opensearch.TemplateParamInfo
Set the data type of the parameter (java.lang.String by default).
singleKeywordSearch() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.opensearch.OpenSearchCoreTests
[Test] Submits a keyword search where the {searchTerms} value is a title word (URL-encoded) that occurs in at least one catalog record.
singleTermTextSearch() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.basic.BasicSearchTests
[Test] Submits a GetRecords request where the 'q' parameter value is a single URL-encoded term that occurs in at least one catalog record.
sliceResults() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.opensearch.OpenSearchCoreTests
[Test] Submits a query that contains the count and startIndex parameters.
SOAP_ENV - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.Namespaces
SOAP 1.2 message envelopes.
SpatialUtils - Class in org.opengis.cite.cat30.util
Utility methods pertaining to geographic data representations.
SpatialUtils() - Constructor for class org.opengis.cite.cat30.util.SpatialUtils
START_POS - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.CAT3
Constant START_POS="startPosition"
SuiteAttribute - Enum Class in org.opengis.cite.cat30
An enumerated type defining ISuite attributes that may be set to constitute a shared test fixture.
SuiteFixtureListener - Class in org.opengis.cite.cat30
A listener that performs various tasks before and after a test suite is run, usually concerned with maintaining a shared test suite fixture.
SuiteFixtureListener() - Constructor for class org.opengis.cite.cat30.SuiteFixtureListener
SuitePreconditions - Class in org.opengis.cite.cat30.basic
Checks that various preconditions are satisfied before the test suite is run.
SuitePreconditions() - Constructor for class org.opengis.cite.cat30.basic.SuitePreconditions


TemplateParamInfo - Class in org.opengis.cite.cat30.opensearch
Provides information about a URL template parameter appearing in an OpenSearch description document.
TemplateParamInfo() - Constructor for class org.opengis.cite.cat30.opensearch.TemplateParamInfo
Default constructor sets the parameter type to be String with a zero-length string as the default value.
TemplateParamInfo(QName, boolean) - Constructor for class org.opengis.cite.cat30.opensearch.TemplateParamInfo
Constructs a new TemplateParamInfo with the given qualified name.
TEST_SUBJ_FILE - Enum constant in enum class org.opengis.cite.cat30.SuiteAttribute
A File containing the test subject or a description of it.
TEST_SUBJECT - Enum constant in enum class org.opengis.cite.cat30.SuiteAttribute
A DOM Document representing the test subject or a description of it.
TestFailureListener - Class in org.opengis.cite.cat30
A listener that augments a test result with diagnostic information in the event that a test method failed.
TestFailureListener() - Constructor for class org.opengis.cite.cat30.TestFailureListener
TestNGController - Class in org.opengis.cite.cat30
Main test run controller oversees execution of TestNG test suites.
TestNGController() - Constructor for class org.opengis.cite.cat30.TestNGController
Default constructor uses the location given by the "user.home" system property as the root output directory.
TestNGController(String) - Constructor for class org.opengis.cite.cat30.TestNGController
Construct a controller that writes results to the given output directory.
TestRunArg - Enum Class in org.opengis.cite.cat30
An enumerated type defining all recognized test run arguments.
TestRunArguments - Class in org.opengis.cite.cat30
Declares supported command line arguments that are parsed using the JCommander library.
TestRunArguments() - Constructor for class org.opengis.cite.cat30.TestRunArguments
Constructor for TestRunArguments.
TestSuiteLogger - Class in org.opengis.cite.cat30.util
Logging utility class that provides simple access to the JDK Logging API.
textSearchProducesEmptyResultSet() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.basic.BasicSearchTests
[Test] Submits a GetRecords request where the 'q' parameter value is randomly generated text.
toStreamSource(DOMSource) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.util.XMLUtils
Converts a DOMSource object to a StreamSource representing an XML data source.
toString() - Method in enum class org.opengis.cite.cat30.SuiteAttribute
toString() - Method in enum class org.opengis.cite.cat30.TestRunArg
toString() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.util.NamespaceBindings
transform(Source, Node) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.util.XMLUtils
Transforms the content of a DOM Node using a specified XSLT stylesheet.
TYPE_NAMES - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.CAT3
Constant TYPE_NAMES="typeNames"


UID_PARAM - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.opensearch.OpenSearchGeoTests
UNEXPECTED_MEDIA_TYPE - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.ErrorMessageKeys
Constant UNEXPECTED_MEDIA_TYPE="UnexpectedMediaType"
UNEXPECTED_STATUS - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.ErrorMessageKeys
Constant UNEXPECTED_STATUS="UnexpectedStatus"
unknownElementSetName() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.basic.BasicGetRecordsTests
[Test] Submits a GetRecords request that specifies an unknown elementSetName parameter value.
updateOpenSearchParameter(TemplateParamInfo, Element) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.util.OpenSearchTemplateUtils
Updates the type and default value of a standard OpenSearch parameter.
URIUtils - Class in org.opengis.cite.cat30.util
Provides a collection of utility methods for manipulating or resolving URI references.
URIUtils() - Constructor for class org.opengis.cite.cat30.util.URIUtils
URL_TEMPLATE_PARAMS - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.util.ServiceMetadataUtils
Key value that associates an Element node (osd:Url in an OpenSearch description document) with the collection of URL template parameters it declares.


validateTestRunArgs(Document) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.TestNGController
Validates the test run arguments.
ValidationUtils - Class in org.opengis.cite.cat30.util
A utility class that provides convenience methods to support schema validation.
ValidationUtils() - Constructor for class org.opengis.cite.cat30.util.ValidationUtils
validOpenSearchDescription() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.opensearch.OpenSearchDescriptionTests
[Test] Validates the OpenSearch description document obtained from the IUT.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.opengis.cite.cat30.SuiteAttribute
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.opengis.cite.cat30.TestRunArg
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum class org.opengis.cite.cat30.SuiteAttribute
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.opengis.cite.cat30.TestRunArg
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
VER_NEGOTIATION_FAILED - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.CAT3
Constant VER_NEGOTIATION_FAILED="VersionNegotiationFailed"
verifyTestSubject() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.basic.SuitePreconditions
Verifies that a service capabilities document was supplied as a test run argument and that the implementation it describes is available.
VERSION - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.CAT3
Constant VERSION="version"
VERSION_3_0_0 - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.CAT3
Constant VERSION_3_0_0="3.0.0"


withStandardBindings() - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.util.NamespaceBindings
Creates a NamespaceBindings object that is configured with the following namespace bindings: ows: "" ows11: "" xlink: "" gml: "" csw: "" dc: ""
writeNode(Node, OutputStream) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.util.XMLUtils
Writes the content of a DOM Node to a byte stream.
writeNodeToString(Node) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.util.XMLUtils
Writes the content of a DOM Node to a string.
writeXdmValueToString(XdmValue) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.util.XMLUtils
Writes the content of an XdmValue sequence to a string.


XLINK - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.Namespaces
W3C XLink
XML_ERROR - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.ErrorMessageKeys
Constant XML_ERROR="XMLError"
XMLUtils - Class in org.opengis.cite.cat30.util
Provides various utility methods for accessing or manipulating XML representations.
XMLUtils() - Constructor for class org.opengis.cite.cat30.util.XMLUtils
XPATH_ERROR - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.ErrorMessageKeys
Constant XPATH_ERROR="XPathError"
XPATH_RESULT - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.ErrorMessageKeys
Constant XPATH_RESULT="XPathResult"
XSD - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.cat30.Namespaces
W3C XML Schema namespace
A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X 
All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values