Package org.opengis.cite.cat30.basic

package org.opengis.cite.cat30.basic

Includes tests covering capabilities required for Basic-Catalogue conformance. The service requests listed below fall into this group; they may be submitted using either the GET method or the POST method with the content type "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" (key-value pair syntax).

  • GetCapabilities: Obtain information (service-related metadata) about the capabilities of the service
  • GetRecordById: Retrieve a representation of a catalog record by identifier.
  • GetRecords: Search catalog content and retrieve results using basic filter criteria.

The following presentation formats must be supported:

  • CSW record schema (mostly consisting of DCMI metadata terms);
  • ATOM syndication format (RFC 4287).


  • [OGC-12-176r5] OGC Catalogue Services 3.0 Specification – HTTP Protocol Binding, Table 2: Requirement classes and abstract tests
  • [OGC-14-014r3] OGC Catalogue Services 3.0 Specification – HTTP Protocol Binding – Abstract Test Suite, cl. 2: Basic-Catalogue conformance class