Class SuiteFixtureListener

All Implemented Interfaces:
org.testng.ISuiteListener, org.testng.ITestNGListener

public class SuiteFixtureListener extends Object implements org.testng.ISuiteListener
A listener that performs various tasks before and after a test suite is run, usually concerned with maintaining a shared test suite fixture. Since this listener is loaded using the ServiceLoader mechanism, its methods will be called before those of other suite listeners listed in the test suite definition and before any annotated configuration methods. Attributes set on an ISuite instance are not inherited by constituent test group contexts (ITestContext). However, suite attributes are still accessible from lower contexts.
See Also:
  • ISuite interface
  • Constructor Summary

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    (package private) void
    deleteTempFiles(org.testng.ISuite suite)
    Deletes temporary files created during the test run if TestSuiteLogger is enabled at the INFO level or higher (they are left intact at the CONFIG level or lower).
    onFinish(org.testng.ISuite suite)
    Performs various cleanup tasks when the test run is completed.
    onStart(org.testng.ISuite suite)
    (package private) void
    processSuiteParameters(org.testng.ISuite suite)
    Processes test suite arguments and sets suite attributes accordingly.
    (package private) void
    registerClientComponent(org.testng.ISuite suite)
    A client component is added to the suite fixture as the value of the SuiteAttribute.CLIENT attribute; it may be subsequently accessed via the ITestContext.getSuite() method.
    (package private) void
    registerSchemas(org.testng.ISuite suite)
    Builds immutable Schema objects suitable for validating the content of CSW 3.0 response entities.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Constructor Details

    • SuiteFixtureListener

      public SuiteFixtureListener()
  • Method Details

    • onStart

      public void onStart(org.testng.ISuite suite)
      Specified by:
      onStart in interface org.testng.ISuiteListener
    • onFinish

      public void onFinish(org.testng.ISuite suite)
      Performs various cleanup tasks when the test run is completed. Any temporary files created during the test run are deleted if TestSuiteLogger is enabled at the INFO level or higher.
      Specified by:
      onFinish in interface org.testng.ISuiteListener
    • processSuiteParameters

      void processSuiteParameters(org.testng.ISuite suite)
      Processes test suite arguments and sets suite attributes accordingly. The entity referenced by the iut argument--expected to be an OGC service capabilities document--is parsed and the resulting Document is set as the value of the testSubject attribute.
      suite - An ISuite object representing a TestNG test suite.
    • registerClientComponent

      void registerClientComponent(org.testng.ISuite suite)
      A client component is added to the suite fixture as the value of the SuiteAttribute.CLIENT attribute; it may be subsequently accessed via the ITestContext.getSuite() method.
      suite - The test suite instance.
    • registerSchemas

      void registerSchemas(org.testng.ISuite suite)
      Builds immutable Schema objects suitable for validating the content of CSW 3.0 response entities. The schemas are added to the suite fixture as the value of the attributes identified in the following table.
      Application schemas
      SuiteAttribute Schema
      SuiteAttribute.CSW_SCHEMA OGC 12-176r6, 7.9(a): cswAll.xsd
      SuiteAttribute.ATOM_SCHEMA RFC 4287, Appendix B: RELAX NG Compact Schema
      suite - The test suite to be run.
    • deleteTempFiles

      void deleteTempFiles(org.testng.ISuite suite)
      Deletes temporary files created during the test run if TestSuiteLogger is enabled at the INFO level or higher (they are left intact at the CONFIG level or lower).
      suite - The test suite.