Class OpenSearchCoreTests


public class OpenSearchCoreTests extends CommonFixture
Verifies behavior of the SUT when processing queries that contain one or more core OpenSearch parameters. The relevant query parameter bindings are shown in the following table.
Binding OpenSearch query parameters
Parameter name Parameter value template Description
q {searchTerms} A comma-separated list of terms used to search across all text fields. The value must be URL-encoded.
startPosition {startIndex?} Integer value specifying first search result desired by the client.
maxRecords {count?} Non-negative integer value specifying the number of search results (per page) desired by the client.


  • [OGC-12-176r5] OGC Catalogue Services 3.0 Specification – HTTP Protocol Binding, Table 6: KVP encoding for query constraints
  • OpenSearch 1.1 Draft 5
  • Constructor Details

    • OpenSearchCoreTests

      public OpenSearchCoreTests()
  • Method Details

    • setSearchTerm

      void setSearchTerm(String searchTerm)
      searchTerm -
    • initOpenSearchCoreTestsFixture

      @BeforeClass public void initOpenSearchCoreTestsFixture(org.testng.ITestContext testContext)
      Initializes the test fixture. A Document representing an OpenSearch description document is obtained from the test context and the URL templates it contains are extracted.
      testContext - The test context containing various suite attributes.
    • keywordSearch_emptyResultSet

      public void keywordSearch_emptyResultSet()
      [Test] Submits a keyword search where the searchTerms value is a randomly generated sequence of 5-14 characters in the range [a-z]. The result set is expected to be empty; that is, there are no matching entries (os:totalResults = 0).
    • singleKeywordSearch

      public void singleKeywordSearch()
      [Test] Submits a keyword search where the {searchTerms} value is a title word (URL-encoded) that occurs in at least one catalog record. The result set must not be empty.
    • multipleKeywordSearch

      public void multipleKeywordSearch()
      [Test] Submits a keyword search request where the {searchTerms} value contains two terms (URL-encoded). The result set must not be empty.
    • sliceResults

      public void sliceResults()
      [Test] Submits a query that contains the count and startIndex parameters. The response entity must contain the requested 'slice' of the result set in accord with its content model:
      • atom:feed (with OpenSearch response elements)
      • csw:GetRecordsResponse/csw:SearchResults
    • executeExampleQueries

      public void executeExampleQueries()
      Executes example queries specified in the OpenSearch description document. It is recommended that the document contains at least one query having role="example" in order to allow testing or demonstration of the search service.
      See Also:
    • invokeQuery

      NodeList invokeQuery(Element qryTemplate, Map<QName,String> parameters)
      Invokes the query defined by the given OpenSearch template. The supplied parameters replace the corresponding substitution variables in the template.
      qryTemplate - An Element representing an OpenSearch query template (osd:Url).
      parameters - A Map containing the actual query parameters.
      A NodeList containing the records extracted from the response.
    • randomlySelectTitleWord

      String randomlySelectTitleWord(List<String> titles)
      Returns a word from a randomly selected title in the given list.
      titles - A list of record titles.
      A word (the last) occurring in some title.