Uses of Class

Packages that use AbstractBBoxCrs
  • Uses of AbstractBBoxCrs in

    Modifier and Type
    Abstract Test 8: /conf/crs/bbox-crs-parameter Test Purpose: Verify that the parameter bbox-crs has been implemented correctly Requirement: /req/crs/fc-bbox-crs-definition, /req/crs/bbox-crs-action Test Method For every CRS identifier advertized by the Web API that is known to the test engine and for which the test engine can convert geometries between the CRS and the default CRS of the Web API ("known CRS") execute the following test.
    Abstract Test 10: /conf/crs/bbox-crs-parameter-default Test Purpose: Verify that the parameter bbox-crs has been implemented correctly Requirement: /req/crs/fc-bbox-crs-default-value Test Method For each spatial feature collection collectionId and every GML or GeoJSON feature representation supported by the Web API, send a request with the parameters bbox and bbox-crs to /collections/{collectionId}/items for the default CRS of the collection.
    Abstract Test 9: /conf/crs/bbox-crs-parameter-invalid Test Purpose: Verify that the parameter bbox-crs has been implemented correctly Requirement: /req/crs/fc-bbox-crs-valid-value Test Method For each spatial feature collection collectionId, send a request with the parameters bbox and bbox-crs to /collections/{collectionId}/items with a value for bbox-crs that is not included in the list of CRSs and verify that the response has status code 400.