All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values
- add(Instant, int, TemporalUnit) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.geomatics.time.TemporalUtils
Returns a copy of the given instant with the specified amount added or subtracted.
- antipodalEnvelope(Envelope) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.geomatics.Extents
Returns an envelope that is diametrically opposite to the specified envelope.
- ARC_BY_CENTER - Enum constant in enum class org.opengis.cite.geomatics.gml.CurveSegmentType
gml:ArcByCenterPoint, gml:CircleByCenterPoint
- ARC_STRING - Enum constant in enum class org.opengis.cite.geomatics.gml.CurveSegmentType
gml:ArcString, gml:Arc, gml:Circle
- assertIntersects(Envelope, Envelope) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.geomatics.SpatialAssert
Asserts that the given envelopes intersect.
- assertTemporalRelation(RelativePosition, TemporalGeometricPrimitive, TemporalGeometricPrimitive) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.geomatics.time.TemporalUtils
Asserts that the first temporal primitive is related to the second one so as to satisfy the specified temporal relationship.
- BBOX - Enum constant in enum class org.opengis.cite.geomatics.SpatialOperator
- BEYOND - Enum constant in enum class org.opengis.cite.geomatics.SpatialOperator
- buildLineString(Curve) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.geomatics.gml.GmlUtils
Creates a JTS LineString geometry from a GML Curve geometry.
- calculateDestination(Position, double, double) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.geomatics.GeodesyUtils
Determines the destination position given the azimuth and distance from some starting position.
- calculateEnvelope(NodeList) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.geomatics.Extents
Calculates the envelope that covers the given collection of GML geometry elements.
- calculateEnvelopeUsingSingleGeometry(NodeList) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.geomatics.Extents
Calculates the envelope using single GML geometry element.
- checkForAbstractSurfacePatchTypes(Node) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.geomatics.gml.GmlUtils
Checks for
in geometry nodes - coalesceBoundingBoxes(List<Node>) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.geomatics.Extents
Coalesces a sequence of bounding boxes so as to create an envelope that covers all of them.
- compare(TemporalGeometricPrimitive, TemporalGeometricPrimitive) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.geomatics.time.TemporalComparator
- computeConvexHull(AbstractGeometry) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.geomatics.gml.GmlUtils
Calculates the planar convex hull of the given GML geometry element.
- CONTAINS - Enum constant in enum class org.opengis.cite.geomatics.SpatialOperator
- convertSRSNameToURN(String) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.geomatics.GeodesyUtils
Converts an srsName identifier to the corresponding URN value if it is an 'http' URI.
- convertToMultiType(Node) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.geomatics.gml.GmlUtils
Convert Surface or Curve geometry to MultiSurface or MultiCurve.
- CoordinateListFactory - Interface in org.opengis.cite.geomatics.gml
This interface defines a factory for generating a sequence of points from a geometry object.
- createCoordinateList(AbstractGeometry) - Method in interface org.opengis.cite.geomatics.gml.CoordinateListFactory
Creates a list of coordinates from a GML geometry representation.
- createCoordinateList(AbstractGeometry) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.geomatics.gml.CurveCoordinateListFactory
- createCoordinateList(AbstractGeometry) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.geomatics.gml.PointCoordinateListFactory
- createCoordinateList(AbstractGeometry) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.geomatics.gml.SurfaceCoordinateListFactory
- createCoordinateList(Element) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.geomatics.gml.SurfaceCoordinateListFactory
Creates a list of coordinates on the exterior boundary of a GML surface geometry.
- createEnvelope(Node) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.geomatics.Extents
Creates an Envelope from the given XML representation of a spatial extent (ows:BoundingBox, ows:WGS84BoundingBox, or gml:Envelope).
- CROSSES - Enum constant in enum class org.opengis.cite.geomatics.SpatialOperator
- CURVE - Enum constant in enum class org.opengis.cite.geomatics.gml.GeometryType
GM_CURVE (gml:Curve)
- CurveCoordinateListFactory - Class in org.opengis.cite.geomatics.gml
Creates a sequence containing the coordinates of a curve.
- CurveCoordinateListFactory() - Constructor for class org.opengis.cite.geomatics.gml.CurveCoordinateListFactory
- CurveSegmentType - Enum Class in org.opengis.cite.geomatics.gml
Curve segment type.
- DISJOINT - Enum constant in enum class org.opengis.cite.geomatics.SpatialOperator
- DWITHIN - Enum constant in enum class org.opengis.cite.geomatics.SpatialOperator
- envelopeAsGML(Envelope) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.geomatics.Extents
Generates a standard GML representation (gml:Envelope) of an Envelope object.
- envelopeAsPolygon(Envelope) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.geomatics.Extents
Creates a JTS Polygon having the same extent as the given envelope.
- envelopeToString(Envelope) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.geomatics.Extents
Returns a String representation of a bounding box suitable for use as a query parameter value (KVP syntax).
- EPSG_4326 - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.geomatics.GeodesyUtils
OGC identifier for WGS 84 (geographic 2D)
- EQUALS - Enum constant in enum class org.opengis.cite.geomatics.SpatialOperator
- Extents - Class in org.opengis.cite.geomatics
Provides utility methods to create or operate on envelope representations.
- exteriorBoundaryOfPolygon(PolygonType) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.geomatics.gml.SurfaceCoordinateListFactory
Returns a list of points on the exterior boundary of a Polygon geometry.
- exteriorBoundaryOfSurface(SurfacePatchArrayPropertyType, String) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.geomatics.gml.SurfaceCoordinateListFactory
Returns a list of points on the exterior boundary of a Surface geometry.
- extractCoordinatesFromPosList(List<Double>, int, List<Coordinate>) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.geomatics.gml.GmlUtils
Extracts (2D) coordinates from a sequence of coordinate tuples and adds them to a list.
- findCRSReference(Element) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.geomatics.gml.GmlUtils
Returns the value of the srsName attribute for the given geometry element.
- GEODESIC_STRING - Enum constant in enum class org.opengis.cite.geomatics.gml.CurveSegmentType
gml:GeodesicString, gml:Geodesic
- GeodesyUtils - Class in org.opengis.cite.geomatics
Provides utility methods for using coordinate reference systems and performing coordinate transformations.
- GeodesyUtils() - Constructor for class org.opengis.cite.geomatics.GeodesyUtils
- GeometryCoordinateList - Class in org.opengis.cite.geomatics.gml
Constructs an array of points from a GML geometry instance.
- GeometryCoordinateList() - Constructor for class org.opengis.cite.geomatics.gml.GeometryCoordinateList
- GeometryType - Enum Class in org.opengis.cite.geomatics.gml
Geometric primitive types defined in ISO 19107 and realized in ISO 19136 (GML 3.2.1).
- getAbbreviatedCRSIdentifier(String) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.geomatics.GeodesyUtils
Returns an abbreviated identifier for the given CRS reference.
- getAntipode(double[]) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.geomatics.Extents
Returns the antipode of the specified coordinate tuple.
- getCoordinateList(AbstractCurveSegment, CoordinateReferenceSystem) - Method in enum class org.opengis.cite.geomatics.gml.CurveSegmentType
Returns a list of points on a curve segment.
- getCoordinateList(AbstractGeometry) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.geomatics.gml.GeometryCoordinateList
Creates an array of 2D coordinates from the given GML geometry instance.
- getCoordinateList(Curve) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.geomatics.gml.CurveCoordinateListFactory
Returns a list of points on a curve consisting of one or more segments.
- getCoordinateList(LineString) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.geomatics.gml.CurveCoordinateListFactory
Returns a list of points representing the vertices of a LineString geometry.
- getCoordinateList(AbstractRingType) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.geomatics.gml.CurveCoordinateListFactory
Returns a list of points on a ring representing a single connected component of a surface boundary.
- getCoordinateList(CompositeCurveType) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.geomatics.gml.CurveCoordinateListFactory
Returns a list of points on a composite curve consisting of one or more curve members.
- getCoordinateList(OrientableCurveType) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.geomatics.gml.CurveCoordinateListFactory
Returns a list of points on an orientable curve.
- getCoordinateSetFactory() - Method in enum class org.opengis.cite.geomatics.gml.GeometryType
- getCRSIdentifier(CoordinateReferenceSystem) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.geomatics.GeodesyUtils
Returns a well-known identifier (URI) for the given coordinate reference system using the 'urn' scheme (e.g.
- getDateTime(Instant) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.geomatics.time.TemporalUtils
Reproduces the behavior of legacy
calls. - getDomainOfValidity(String) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.geomatics.GeodesyUtils
Returns an immutable envelope representing the valid geographic extent of the CRS identified by the given URI reference.
- getExteriorBoundary(AbstractSurfacePatchType) - Method in enum class org.opengis.cite.geomatics.gml.SurfacePatchType
Returns the exterior boundary of a surface patch (an element that substitutes for gml:AbstractSurfacePatch).
- getInteriorBoundaries(AbstractSurfacePatchType) - Method in enum class org.opengis.cite.geomatics.gml.SurfacePatchType
Returns the set of interior boundaries for a surface patch (an element that substitutes for gml:AbstractSurfacePatch).
- getNamespaceURI(String) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.geomatics.gml.GmlUtils.GmlNamespaceContext
- getNamespaceURI(String) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.geomatics.gml.GmlUtils.NodeNamespaceContext
- getPrefix(String) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.geomatics.gml.GmlUtils.GmlNamespaceContext
- getPrefix(String) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.geomatics.gml.GmlUtils.NodeNamespaceContext
- getPrefixes(String) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.geomatics.gml.GmlUtils.GmlNamespaceContext
- getPrefixes(String) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.geomatics.gml.GmlUtils.NodeNamespaceContext
- GML_NS - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.geomatics.gml.GmlUtils
- GmlNamespaceContext() - Constructor for class org.opengis.cite.geomatics.gml.GmlUtils.GmlNamespaceContext
- gmlToTemporalGeometricPrimitive(Element) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.geomatics.gml.GmlUtils
Creates a TemporalGeometricPrimitive instance from a GML temporal value representation.
- GmlUtils - Class in org.opengis.cite.geomatics.gml
Provides utility methods for processing representations of GML elements.
- GmlUtils() - Constructor for class org.opengis.cite.geomatics.gml.GmlUtils
- GmlUtils.GmlNamespaceContext - Class in org.opengis.cite.geomatics.gml
A NamespaceContext that only recognizes the conventional "gml" namespace prefix.
- GmlUtils.NodeNamespaceContext - Class in org.opengis.cite.geomatics.gml
A NamespaceContext that provides the in-scope namespace bindings for a given DOM Node.
- handleAbstractSurfacePatch(Node) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.geomatics.gml.GmlUtils
Rewrites a geometry Node that contain AbstractSurfacePatch elements.
- hasChildElement(Element, String, String) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.geomatics.gml.GmlUtils
Checks if a DOM Element has a child element with the given qualified name.
- inferPointsOnArc(AbstractCurveSegment, CoordinateReferenceSystem, List<Coordinate>) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.geomatics.gml.GmlUtils
Computes the positions of at least three points on a curve segment representing an arc: the two end points and one or more intermediate points.
- interiorBoundariesOfPolygon(PolygonType) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.geomatics.gml.SurfaceCoordinateListFactory
Returns a set containing sequences of points on the interior boundaries of a Polygon geometry.
- interiorBoundariesOfSurface(SurfacePatchArrayPropertyType, String) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.geomatics.gml.SurfaceCoordinateListFactory
Returns a set containing sequences of points on the interior boundary curves of a Surface geometry.
- interiorCoordinatesSet(AbstractGeometry) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.geomatics.gml.SurfaceCoordinateListFactory
Returns a set containing sequences of points on the interior boundaries of a surface geometry.
- interiorCoordinatesSet(Element) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.geomatics.gml.SurfaceCoordinateListFactory
Returns a set containing sequences of points on the interior boundaries of a surface geometry.
- INTERSECTS - Enum constant in enum class org.opengis.cite.geomatics.SpatialOperator
- isBeyond(Node, Node, Element) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.geomatics.TopologicalRelationships
Tests whether or not the orthodromic distance between two geometry objects is greater than or equal to the specified distance.
- isSpatiallyRelated(SpatialOperator, Node, Node) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.geomatics.TopologicalRelationships
Determines whether or not two GML geometry representations are spatially related in some manner (e.g.
- isWithinDistance(Node, Node, Element) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.geomatics.TopologicalRelationships
Tests whether or not the minimum (orthodromic) distance between two geometry objects is less than the specified distance.
- lengthInMeters(LengthType) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.geomatics.gml.GmlUtils
Converts the given length measurement to meters.
- LINE_STRING - Enum constant in enum class org.opengis.cite.geomatics.gml.CurveSegmentType
- minCurveSegmentLength(String) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.geomatics.gml.GmlUtils
Indicates the minimum number of direct positions required to specify a GML curve segment.
- NodeNamespaceContext(Node) - Constructor for class org.opengis.cite.geomatics.gml.GmlUtils.NodeNamespaceContext
- OGC_CRS84 - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.geomatics.GeodesyUtils
OGC identifier for WGS 84 (longitude-latitude)
- org.opengis.cite.geomatics - package org.opengis.cite.geomatics
- org.opengis.cite.geomatics.gml - package org.opengis.cite.geomatics.gml
Contains classes for operating on GML (3.2.1) geometry representations.
- org.opengis.cite.geomatics.time - package org.opengis.cite.geomatics.time
Provides classes for operating on temporal data.
- ORIENT_NEG - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.geomatics.gml.CurveCoordinateListFactory
Indicates that an orientable curve has a negative orientation with respect to its base curve.
- OVERLAPS - Enum constant in enum class org.opengis.cite.geomatics.SpatialOperator
- POINT - Enum constant in enum class org.opengis.cite.geomatics.gml.GeometryType
GM_POINT (gml:Point)
- PointCoordinateListFactory - Class in org.opengis.cite.geomatics.gml
Creates a sequence containing a single coordinate tuple denoting the position of a geometric point.
- PointCoordinateListFactory() - Constructor for class org.opengis.cite.geomatics.gml.PointCoordinateListFactory
- POLYGON - Enum constant in enum class org.opengis.cite.geomatics.gml.SurfacePatchType
- RECTANGLE - Enum constant in enum class org.opengis.cite.geomatics.gml.SurfacePatchType
- removeConsecutiveDuplicates(List<Coordinate>, double) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.geomatics.GeodesyUtils
Checks a coordinate list for consecutive duplicate positions and removes them.
- segmentTypeMap - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.geomatics.gml.CurveCoordinateListFactory
- setCRS(Geometry, CoordinateReferenceSystem) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.geomatics.TopologicalRelationships
Checks that the given geometry object uses the specified CRS.
- setSrsNameOnCollectionMembers(Node...) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.geomatics.gml.GmlUtils
Sets the srsName attribute on all members of a GML geometry collection if it is specified for the collection.
- SpatialAssert - Class in org.opengis.cite.geomatics
Provides specialized assertion methods that apply to representations of spatial objects.
- SpatialAssert() - Constructor for class org.opengis.cite.geomatics.SpatialAssert
- SpatialOperator - Enum Class in org.opengis.cite.geomatics
Named spatial relationship predicates based on the dimensionally extended nine-intersection matrix (DE-9IM) and ISO 19143 (OGC 09-026r2).
- splitInterval(Period, int) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.geomatics.time.TemporalUtils
Splits a time period into the specified number of intervals.
- SRS_NAME - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.geomatics.gml.GmlUtils
- SURFACE - Enum constant in enum class org.opengis.cite.geomatics.gml.GeometryType
GM_SURFACE (gml:Suface)
- SurfaceCoordinateListFactory - Class in org.opengis.cite.geomatics.gml
Creates a sequence containing the coordinates comprising the exterior surface boundary.
- SurfaceCoordinateListFactory() - Constructor for class org.opengis.cite.geomatics.gml.SurfaceCoordinateListFactory
- SurfacePatchType - Enum Class in org.opengis.cite.geomatics.gml
Surface patch type.
- TemporalComparator - Class in org.opengis.cite.geomatics.time
Compares temporal objects according to their relative position in time.
- TemporalComparator() - Constructor for class org.opengis.cite.geomatics.time.TemporalComparator
- temporalExtent(TreeSet<TemporalGeometricPrimitive>) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.geomatics.time.TemporalUtils
Determines the total temporal extent of a set of temporal primitives.
- temporalGeometricPrimitiveToString(TemporalGeometricPrimitive) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.geomatics.time.TemporalUtils
Produces a condensed string representation of the given temporal object.
- TemporalUtils - Class in org.opengis.cite.geomatics.time
Provides various utility methods that apply to representations of temporal objects.
- TemporalUtils() - Constructor for class org.opengis.cite.geomatics.time.TemporalUtils
- toJTSGeometry(AbstractGeometry) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.geomatics.TopologicalRelationships
Builds a JTS geometry object from a GML geometry object.
- TopologicalRelationships - Class in org.opengis.cite.geomatics
Provides methods to test for the existence of a specified spatial relationship between two geometric objects.
- TopologicalRelationships() - Constructor for class org.opengis.cite.geomatics.TopologicalRelationships
- TOTAL_ARC_POINTS - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.geomatics.gml.GmlUtils
Total number of arc points to be computed (including end points).
- TOUCHES - Enum constant in enum class org.opengis.cite.geomatics.SpatialOperator
- transformRingToRightHandedCS(AbstractRing) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.geomatics.GeodesyUtils
Transforms the given GML ring to a right-handed coordinate system (if it does not already use one) and returns the resulting coordinate sequence.
- transformRingToRightHandedCSKeepAllCoords(AbstractRing) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.geomatics.GeodesyUtils
Transforms the given GML ring to a right-handed coordinate system (if it does not already use one) and returns the resulting coordinate sequence.
- TRIANGLE - Enum constant in enum class org.opengis.cite.geomatics.gml.SurfacePatchType
- unmarshal(Node) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.geomatics.TopologicalRelationships
Creates a GML geometry object from a DOM node.
- unmarshalGMLGeometry(URI) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.geomatics.gml.GmlUtils
Deserializes an XML resource into a GML geometry representation.
- unmarshalGMLGeometry(Source) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.geomatics.gml.GmlUtils
Deserializes an XML source into a GML geometry representation.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.opengis.cite.geomatics.gml.CurveSegmentType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.opengis.cite.geomatics.gml.GeometryType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.opengis.cite.geomatics.gml.SurfacePatchType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.opengis.cite.geomatics.SpatialOperator
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- values() - Static method in enum class org.opengis.cite.geomatics.gml.CurveSegmentType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class org.opengis.cite.geomatics.gml.GeometryType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class org.opengis.cite.geomatics.gml.SurfacePatchType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class org.opengis.cite.geomatics.SpatialOperator
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- WITHIN - Enum constant in enum class org.opengis.cite.geomatics.SpatialOperator
All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values