All Classes and Interfaces

This interface defines a factory for generating a sequence of points from a geometry object.
Creates a sequence containing the coordinates of a curve.
Curve segment type.
Provides utility methods to create or operate on envelope representations.
Provides utility methods for using coordinate reference systems and performing coordinate transformations.
Constructs an array of points from a GML geometry instance.
Geometric primitive types defined in ISO 19107 and realized in ISO 19136 (GML 3.2.1).
Provides utility methods for processing representations of GML elements.
A NamespaceContext that only recognizes the conventional "gml" namespace prefix.
A NamespaceContext that provides the in-scope namespace bindings for a given DOM Node.
Creates a sequence containing a single coordinate tuple denoting the position of a geometric point.
Provides specialized assertion methods that apply to representations of spatial objects.
Named spatial relationship predicates based on the dimensionally extended nine-intersection matrix (DE-9IM) and ISO 19143 (OGC 09-026r2).
Creates a sequence containing the coordinates comprising the exterior surface boundary.
Surface patch type.
Compares temporal objects according to their relative position in time.
Provides various utility methods that apply to representations of temporal objects.
Provides methods to test for the existence of a specified spatial relationship between two geometric objects.