Class SurfaceCoordinateListFactory

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class SurfaceCoordinateListFactory extends Object implements CoordinateListFactory
Creates a sequence containing the coordinates comprising the exterior surface boundary.
  • Constructor Details

    • SurfaceCoordinateListFactory

      public SurfaceCoordinateListFactory()
  • Method Details

    • createCoordinateList

      public List<Coordinate> createCoordinateList(org.geotoolkit.gml.xml.AbstractGeometry gmlGeom)
      Description copied from interface: CoordinateListFactory
      Creates a list of coordinates from a GML geometry representation. The sequence typically includes the constituent vertices.
      Specified by:
      createCoordinateList in interface CoordinateListFactory
      gmlGeom - A GML geometry object (constructed from its XML representation).
      A list of 2D coordinates that constitute the geometry.
    • createCoordinateList

      public List<Coordinate> createCoordinateList(Element gmlSurface)
      Creates a list of coordinates on the exterior boundary of a GML surface geometry.
      gmlSurface - A gml:Surface or gml:Polygon element (including extension elements that can substitute for gml:Surface).
      A list of 2D coordinates.
    • interiorCoordinatesSet

      public Set<List<Coordinate>> interiorCoordinatesSet(org.geotoolkit.gml.xml.AbstractGeometry gmlGeom)
      Returns a set containing sequences of points on the interior boundaries of a surface geometry. Each list in the set corresponds to a distinct interior boundary.
      gmlGeom - A GML surface geometry (substitutes for gml:AbstractSurface).
      A set of Coordinate lists representing interior boundary curves; it may be empty.
    • interiorCoordinatesSet

      public Set<List<Coordinate>> interiorCoordinatesSet(Element gmlSurface)
      Returns a set containing sequences of points on the interior boundaries of a surface geometry. Each list in the set corresponds to a distinct interior boundary.
      gmlSurface - A GML surface geometry (or an element in its substitution group).
      A set of Coordinate lists representing interior boundary curves; it may be empty.
    • exteriorBoundaryOfSurface

      List<Coordinate> exteriorBoundaryOfSurface(org.geotoolkit.gml.xml.v321.SurfacePatchArrayPropertyType patchArray, String srsName)
      Returns a list of points on the exterior boundary of a Surface geometry. The constituent patches are merged.
      patchArray - An array property containing a sequence of surface patches; it corresponds to the gml:patches element.
      srsName - A CRS identifier that applies to the surface patches.
      A list of Coordinate objects representing a boundary curve (ring).
    • exteriorBoundaryOfPolygon

      List<Coordinate> exteriorBoundaryOfPolygon(org.geotoolkit.gml.xml.v321.PolygonType gmlPolygon)
      Returns a list of points on the exterior boundary of a Polygon geometry.
      gmlPolygon - A gml:Polygon geometry instance.
      A list of Coordinate objects representing a boundary curve.
    • interiorBoundariesOfPolygon

      Set<List<Coordinate>> interiorBoundariesOfPolygon(org.geotoolkit.gml.xml.v321.PolygonType gmlPolygon)
      Returns a set containing sequences of points on the interior boundaries of a Polygon geometry.
      gmlPolygon - A gml:Polygon geometry instance.
      A set of Coordinate lists representing interior boundary curves.
    • interiorBoundariesOfSurface

      Set<List<Coordinate>> interiorBoundariesOfSurface(org.geotoolkit.gml.xml.v321.SurfacePatchArrayPropertyType patchArray, String srsName)
      Returns a set containing sequences of points on the interior boundary curves of a Surface geometry.
      patchArray - An array property containing a sequence of surface patches; it corresponds to the gml:patches element.
      srsName - A CRS identifier that applies to the surface patches.
      A set of Coordinate lists representing interior boundary curves.