Package org.opengis.cite.iso19142.util
package org.opengis.cite.iso19142.util
This package includes miscellaneous utility classes to support testing.
ClassesClassDescriptionUtility methods for accessing and analyzing components of GML application schemas.Obtains samples of the feature data available from the WFS under test.An immutable description of a feature property.Provides namespace bindings for evaluating XPath 1.0 expressions using the JAXP XPath API.Provides utility methods to randomly generate test inputs.Provides various utility methods for accessing service metadata.A W3C SOAP message consumer that converts an input stream to a
object.Logging utility class that provides simple access to the JDK Logging API.Provides various utility methods for working with representations of temporal values.Provides a collection of utility methods for manipulating or resolving URI references.A utility class that provides convenience methods to support schema validation.A WFS 2.0 client component.Provides various utility methods for constructing, accessing, or manipulating the content of WFS request and response messages.Provides various utility methods for accessing or manipulating XML representations.