OGC Catalogue 3.0 Conformance Test Suite


This executable test suite (ETS) verifies the behavior of implementations with respect to following specifications:

Set of relevant specifications Figure 1 - Relevant specifications

The documents listed below stipulate requirements that must be satisfied by a conforming implementation.

  • OGC 12-176r7 OGC Catalogue Services 3.0 Specification – HTTP Protocol Binding
  • OGC 12-168r6 Catalog Services Specification 3.0 – General Model
  • OGC 14-014r3 OGC Catalogue Services 3.0 Specification – HTTP Protocol Binding – Abstract Test Suite
  • OGC 10-032r8 OGC OpenSearch Geo and Time Extensions, Version 1.0
  • OpenSearch OpenSearch 1.1, Draft 5
  • RFC 4287 The Atom Syndication Format

There are 24 conformance classes defined in the principal specification (OGC 12-176r5); only a subset of these are covered by this test suite:


Basic search and retrieval functionality required of all implementations; there are several subsidiary conformance classes that introduce additional requirements:

  • Filter-FES-KVP
  • CSW-response
  • ATOM-response


Supports OpenSearch 1.1 parameters, including extensions for simple spatial (bounding box) queries.

Test requirements

The test requires a valid URL that points to a CSW 3.0 capabilities document.

Test suite structure

The test suite definition file (testng.xml) is located in the root package, org.opengis.cite.cat30. A conformance class corresponds to a test element; each test element includes a set of test classes that define the actual test methods. The general structure of the test suite is as follows:

Conformance class Test classes in the Java code
Basic-Catalogue org.opengis.cite.cat30.basic
OpenSearch org.opengis.cite.cat30.opensearch

The Javadoc documentation provides more detailed information about the test methods that constitute this test executable suite.

How to run the tests

The test suite may be run in any of the following environments:

  • Integrated development environment (IDE): The main Java class is org.opengis.cite.cat30.TestNGController. The first argument must refer to an XML properties file containing the required test run argument (a reference to a CSW 3.0 capabilities document). If not specified, the default location at ${user.home}/test-run-props.xml will be used. You can modify the sample file in src/main/config/test-run-props.xml. The TestNG results file (testng-results.xml) will be written to a subdirectory in ${user.home}/testng/ having a UUID value as its name.

  • RESTful API: Submit a request that includes the required arguments to the test run controller (/rest/suites/cat30/${project.version}/run).

  • Command shell (console): Execute the “all-in-one” JAR file:

    java -jar ets-cat30-${version}-aio.jar [-o|--outputDir $TMPDIR] [test-run-props.xml]


  • TEAM-Engine: Run the CTL script located in the /src/main/ctl/ directory.

The test run arguments are summarized in Table 2. The Obligation descriptor can have the following values: M (mandatory), O (optional), or C (conditional).

Name Value domain Obligation Description
iut URI M A URI that refers to a service capabilities document (csw:Capabilities) that describes the implementation under test. Ampersand (%26) characters must be percent-encoded as ‘%26’.

More information at the users guide page.