This executable test suite (ETS) verifies the behavior of implementations with respect to following specifications:
Figure 1 - Relevant specifications
The documents listed below stipulate requirements that must be satisfied by a conforming implementation.
There are 24 conformance classes defined in the principal specification (OGC 12-176r5); only a subset of these are covered by this test suite:
Basic search and retrieval functionality required of all implementations; there are several subsidiary conformance classes that introduce additional requirements:
Supports OpenSearch 1.1 parameters, including extensions for simple spatial (bounding box) queries.
The test requires a valid URL that points to a CSW 3.0 capabilities document.
The test suite definition file (testng.xml) is located in the root package, org.opengis.cite.cat30
. A conformance class corresponds to a test element; each test element includes a set of test classes that define the actual test methods. The general structure of the test suite is as follows:
Conformance class | Test classes in the Java code |
Basic-Catalogue | org.opengis.cite.cat30.basic |
OpenSearch | org.opengis.cite.cat30.opensearch |
The Javadoc documentation provides more detailed information about the test methods that constitute this test executable suite.
The test suite may be run in any of the following environments:
Integrated development environment (IDE): The main Java class is org.opengis.cite.cat30.TestNGController
. The first argument must refer to an XML properties file containing the required test run argument (a reference to a CSW 3.0 capabilities document). If not specified, the default location at ${user.home}/test-run-props.xml will be used. You can modify the sample file in src/main/config/test-run-props.xml. The TestNG results file (testng-results.xml) will be written to a subdirectory in ${user.home}/testng/ having a UUID value as its name.
RESTful API: Submit a request that includes the required arguments to the test run controller (/rest/suites/cat30/${project.version}/run).
Command shell (console): Execute the “all-in-one” JAR file:
java -jar ets-cat30-${version}-aio.jar [-o|--outputDir $TMPDIR] [test-run-props.xml]
TEAM-Engine: Run the CTL script located in the /src/main/ctl/
The test run arguments are summarized in Table 2. The Obligation descriptor can have the following values: M (mandatory), O (optional), or C (conditional).
Name | Value domain | Obligation | Description |
iut | URI | M | A URI that refers to a service capabilities document (csw:Capabilities) that describes the implementation under test. Ampersand (%26) characters must be percent-encoded as ‘%26’. |
More information at the users guide page.