Release Notes
1.6 (2025-01)
- #55 - Migrate test suite to TEAM Engine 6 (Java 17)
- #56 - Upgrade to geomatics-geotk version 1.17-SNAPSHOT
1.5 (2024-05)
- #57 - Upgrade dependencies to current versions
- #54 - Add credentials to SoapUI project
1.4 (2022-02)
- #47 - Add template to get an XML/JSON response via rest endpoint
- #53 - Bump xercesImpl from 2.12.0 to 2.12.2
- #52 - Set Docker TEAM Engine version to 5.4.1
- #51 - Added header for soapui test.
1.3 (2020-10)
- Fix #43 - Update dependency of geomatics-geotk to version 1.15
- Fix #46 - Bump xercesImpl from 2.11.0 to 2.12.0
- Fix #44 - Cleanup dependencies
- Fix #41 - Update tests to use TEAM Engine 5.4
- Fix #39 - Create integration tests
- Fix #35 - Maven dependencies could not be resolved
- Fix #34 - Introduce Dockerfile and Maven Docker plugin
- Fix #32 - Create SoapUI tests and integrate them into Maven and Jenkinsfile
1.2 (2018-05)
- Fix #25 - Tests of online TEAM Engine fail due to dependency issues
- Fix #27 - HTML report is not created with TEAM Engine 5.0 when using Web Browser Interface
1.1 (2017-10)
- Fix issue #24 - Update CTL with better information about conformance classes
- Fix issue #23 - Test shows status Beta when it needs to show status Final.
1.0 (2016-12)
- Fix issue #22 - Tag 1.0 - Test got approved by OGC
- Fix issue #21 - Update documentation with correct version numbers and convert to markdown
0.10 (2015-10-30)
- Fix issue #17: Multi-byte characters are not encoded in search term
0.9 (2015-09-01)
- Fix issue #12: Write results to user-specified directory
- Fix issue #10: Disable calls to
in simple keyword searches (pending spec clarification)
- Remove test for maxRecords=“unlimited” (pending specification CR)
- In ETSAssert#assertAllTermsOccur, percent encode search term in assertion error message (it may contain non-ASCII chars).
0.8 (2015-07-21)
- Fix issues/15: Allow foreign elements in os:Url
- Fix issues/7: Recognize RSS content in OpenSearch response
- Fix issues/6: Illegal chars in record id
- Fix issues/5: Clean up temp files
- In BasicGetRecordsTests, change presentSubjectProperty test to presentTitleProperty (verify that no optional elements appear)
- In ETSAssert.assertAllTermsOccur, also search attributes for matching text
- In BasicSearchTests, add separate test for maxRecords=“unlimited” (REQ-087)
0.7 (2015-06-03)
- New test for GetRecords with multiple search criteria (implicit AND)
- New tests for GetRecords requests with the
parameter (mutually exclusive with ElementSetName
- New tests for GetRecords requests with the
and maxRecords
- Add
parameter to GetRecords requests as necessary (Requirement-101 to be expunged)
- Add Schematron schema for Atom feed
- Recognize georss:where/{}Envelope in Atom feed
0.6 (2015-05-20)
This release expands test coverage as follows:
- Add negative tests for GetRecordById
- Check operation parameters in capabilities document
- Add tests for GetCapabilities requests with ‘sections’ and ‘acceptFormats’ parameters
- Add tests covering Requirement-006, -007 (OGC 12-176r6, cl. 6.4)
0.5 (2015-04-29)
This release includes the following enhancements:
- Add tests for basic text search with multiple terms (implicit AND)
- Verify sample queries specified in OpenSearch description
- Add test for retrieving OpenSearch description by using the ‘OpenSearchDescriptionDocument’ constraint.
0.4 (2015-04-09)
This release extends the test suite to cover basic text and record searches:
- Add test for GetRecords (KVP) request with the ‘recordIds’ query parameter
- Add tests for GetRecords (KVP) request with the ‘q’ query parameter
- Add tests for OpenSearch queries with the searchTerms parameter
0.3 (2015-03-31)
This release includes the following enhancements:
- Add tests for GetRecords with BBOX parameter (bounding box search)
- Add tests for OpenSearch requests containing the geo:box template parameter (bounding box search)
- Add tests for OpenSearch requests containing the geo:uid template parameter (record search)
0.2 (2015-02-27)
This update adds positive and negative tests for the following requests:
- GetRecordById
- GetRecords (without search criteria)
0.1 (2015-02-03)
Initial release.
- Includes basic tests to obtain and validate service metadata resources (service capabilities and OpenSearch description documents).