Class OpenApiUtils


public class OpenApiUtils extends Object
Lyn Goltz
  • Method Details

    • retrieveTestPoints

      static List<TestPoint> retrieveTestPoints(com.reprezen.kaizen.oasparser.model3.OpenApi3 apiModel, URI iut)
      Parse all test points from the passed OpenApi3 document as described in A.4.3. Identify the Test Points.
      apiModel - never null
      iut - the url of the instance under test, never null
      the parsed test points, may be empty but never null
    • retrieveTestPointsForConformance

      public static List<TestPoint> retrieveTestPointsForConformance(com.reprezen.kaizen.oasparser.model3.OpenApi3 apiModel, URI iut)
      Parse the CONFORMANCE test points from the passed OpenApi3 document as described in A.4.3. Identify the Test Points.
      apiModel - never null
      iut - the url of the instance under test, never null
      the parsed test points, may be empty but never null
    • retrieveTestPointsForCollectionsMetadata

      public static List<TestPoint> retrieveTestPointsForCollectionsMetadata(com.reprezen.kaizen.oasparser.model3.OpenApi3 apiModel, URI iut)
      Parse the COLLECTIONS METADATA test points from the passed OpenApi3 document as described in A.4.3. Identify the Test Points.
      apiModel - never null
      iut - the url of the instance under test, never null
      the parsed test points, may be empty but never null
    • retrieveTestPointsForCollectionMetadata

      public static List<TestPoint> retrieveTestPointsForCollectionMetadata(com.reprezen.kaizen.oasparser.model3.OpenApi3 apiModel, URI iut, String collectionName)
      Parse the COLLECTION METADATA test points for the passed collectionName including the extended path from the passed OpenApi3 document as described in A.4.3. Identify the Test Points.
      apiModel - never null
      iut - the url of the instance under test, never null
      collectionName - the extended path, may be null
      the parsed test points, may be empty but never null
    • retrieveTestPointsForCollections

      public static List<TestPoint> retrieveTestPointsForCollections(com.reprezen.kaizen.oasparser.model3.OpenApi3 apiModel, URI iut, int noOfCollection)
      Parse the COLLECTIONS test points from the passed OpenApi3 document as described in A.4.3. Identify the Test Points.
      apiModel - never null
      iut - the url of the instance under test, never null
      noOfCollection - the number of collections to return test points for (-1 means the test points of all collections should be returned)
      the parsed test points, may be empty but never null
    • retrieveTestPointsForCollection

      public static List<TestPoint> retrieveTestPointsForCollection(com.reprezen.kaizen.oasparser.model3.OpenApi3 apiModel, URI iut, String collectionName)
      Parse the test points with the passed path including the extended path from the passed OpenApi3 document as described in A.4.3. Identify the Test Points.
      apiModel - never null
      iut - the url of the instance under test, never null
      collectionName - the extended path, may be null
      the parsed test points, may be empty but never null
    • retrieveTestPointsForFeature

      public static List<TestPoint> retrieveTestPointsForFeature(com.reprezen.kaizen.oasparser.model3.OpenApi3 apiModel, URI iut, String collectionName, String featureId)
      Parse the test points with the passed path including the extended path from the passed OpenApi3 document as described in A.4.3. Identify the Test Points.
      apiModel - never null
      iut - the url of the instance under test, never null
      collectionName - the extended path, may be null
      featureId - the id of the feature, never null
      the parsed test points, may be empty but never null
    • retrieveParameterByName

      public static com.reprezen.kaizen.oasparser.model3.Parameter retrieveParameterByName(String collectionItemPath, com.reprezen.kaizen.oasparser.model3.OpenApi3 apiModel, String name)
    • isFreeFormParameterSupportedForCollection

      public static boolean isFreeFormParameterSupportedForCollection(com.reprezen.kaizen.oasparser.model3.OpenApi3 apiModel, String collectionName)
    • isParameterSupportedForCollection

      public static boolean isParameterSupportedForCollection(com.reprezen.kaizen.oasparser.model3.OpenApi3 apiModel, String collectionName, String queryParam)