OGC API-tiles 1.0 Conformance Test Suite 1.2 API
OGC API - Tiles Conformance Test Suite
This executable test suite (ETS) verifies that an OGC API - Tiles instance conforms to https://htmlpreview.github.io/?https://github.com/opengeospatial/OGC-API-Map-Tiles/blob/master/standard/OAPI_MapsTiles.html[OGC API - Tiles] (OGC 17-069r3) and related standards. Conformance testing is a kind of "black box" testing that examines externally visible characteristics or behaviors of the SUT and is independent of any implementation details.
The following conformance levels currently tested:
- Core
The test run arguments are summarized in the following table. The Obligation descriptor can have the following values: M (mandatory), O (optional), or C (conditional).
Name | Value domain | Obligation | Description |
iut | URI | M | A URI that refers to the landing page of the SUT. Ampersand ('&') characters must be percent-encoded as '%26'. |
noofcollections | Integer | O | Number of collections under test. -1 means that all collections should be tested. Default: 3 |
The root package includes supporting classes of general utility such as the main
controller, listeners, and reporters.
This package includes miscellaneous utility classes to support testing.