Class CollectionsResponse


public class CollectionsResponse extends CommonFixture
  • Field Details

    • iut

      protected URI iut
  • Constructor Details

    • CollectionsResponse

      public CollectionsResponse()
  • Method Details

    • collectionIDs

      @DataProvider(name="collectionIDs") public Iterator<Object[]> collectionIDs(org.testng.ITestContext testContext)
    • validateRetrievalOfCollections

      public void validateRetrievalOfCollections(Object collectionIdentifiers)
    • validateRetrievalOfEnvironmentalDataCollections

      public void validateRetrievalOfEnvironmentalDataCollections(Object collectionIdentifiers)
    • collectionsCRS84

      public void collectionsCRS84()
       Abstract Test 8: Validate that all spatial geometries provided through the API are in the CRS84 spatial reference system unless otherwise requested by the client.
       Requirement A.46 G, which is in the Collections Requirements Class, states that "Every Collection within a collections array MUST have a 'crs' parameter which must comply with the requirement '/req/edr/rc-crs'."
       Therefore we can expect that there be a declaration of support for CRS84
    • collectionsParameters

      public void collectionsParameters()
       Abstract Test 17: Validate that each parameter in a collection is correctly defined.
    • verifyCollectionsMetadata

      public void verifyCollectionsMetadata()
       Abstract Test 13: Validate the extent property if it is present
       Abstract Test 14: Validate that each collection provided by the server is described in the Collections Metadata.
       Abstract Test 15: Validate that each Collection metadata entry in the Collections Metadata document includes all required links (data or collection).
       Abstract Test 16: Validate that the required links are included in the Collections Metadata document (self and alternate).