All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values
- AbstractFeatures - Class in org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.collections
- AbstractFeatures() - Constructor for class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.collections.AbstractFeatures
- AbstractFeatures.CollectionResponseKey - Class in org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.collections
- AbstractFeatures.ResponseData - Class in org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.collections
- AbstractProcessor - Class in org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.queries
- AbstractProcessor() - Constructor for class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.queries.AbstractProcessor
- addAllBindings(Map<String, String>) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.util.NamespaceBindings
Adds all of the supplied namespace bindings to the existing set of entries.
- addNamespaceBinding(String, String) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.util.NamespaceBindings
Adds a namespace binding that associates a namespace name with a prefix.
- API_DEFINITION - Enum constant in enum class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.SuiteAttribute
Location of API Definition
- API_MODEL - Enum constant in enum class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.SuiteAttribute
Parsed OpenApi3 document resource /api; Added during execution.
- apiDef - Variable in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.collections.AbstractFeatures
- ApiDefinition - Class in org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.conformance
- ApiDefinition() - Constructor for class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.conformance.ApiDefinition
- APIDEFINITION - Enum constant in enum class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.TestRunArg
- apiDefinitionValidation(ITestContext) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.conformance.ApiDefinition
Abstract Test 5: Validate that the API Definition complies with the required structure and contents.
- apiDefUri - Variable in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.CommonFixture
- areaCollectionPaths(ITestContext) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.collections.AbstractFeatures
- AreaCollections - Class in org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.collections
- AreaCollections() - Constructor for class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.collections.AreaCollections
- areaCoordsParameterDefinition(TestPoint) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.collections.AreaCollections
Abstract Test 54: Validate that the coords query parameters are constructed correctly.
- areaCrsParameterDefinition(TestPoint) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.collections.AreaCollections
Abstract Test 62: Validate that the crs query parameters are constructed correctly.
- areaDateTimeParameterDefinition(TestPoint) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.collections.AreaCollections
Abstract Test 58: Validate that the dateTime query parameters are constructed correctly.
- areaFParameterDefinition(TestPoint) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.collections.AreaCollections
Abstract Test 64: Validate that the f query parameter is constructed correctly.
- areaParameternameParameterDefinition(TestPoint) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.collections.AreaCollections
Abstract Test 60: Validate that the parameter-name query parameters are processed correctly.
- AreaQueryProcessor - Class in org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.queries
- AreaQueryProcessor() - Constructor for class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.queries.AreaQueryProcessor
- areaZParameterDefinition(TestPoint) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.collections.AreaCollections
Abstract Test 56: Validate that the vertical level query parameters are constructed correctly.
- asQueryParameter() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.util.BBox
- assertFalse(boolean, String) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.EtsAssert
- assertIntegerGreaterZero(int, String) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.collections.FeaturesAssertions
- assertIntegerGreaterZero(Object, String) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.collections.FeaturesAssertions
- assertNumberMatched(OpenApi3, URI, String, JsonPath, boolean) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.collections.FeaturesAssertions
- assertNumberReturned(String, JsonPath, boolean) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.collections.FeaturesAssertions
- assertTimeStamp(String, JsonPath, ZonedDateTime, ZonedDateTime, boolean) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.collections.FeaturesAssertions
- assertTrue(boolean, String) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.EtsAssert
- BBox - Class in org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.util
- BBox(double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.util.BBox
- bboxParameterDefinition(TestPoint, OpenApi3) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.collections.CollectionsTime
Abstract Test 70: Validate that the bbox query parameters are constructed correctly.
- buildClient() - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.util.ClientUtils
Builds a client component for interacting with HTTP endpoints.
- buildClientWithProxy(String, int) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.util.ClientUtils
Constructs a client component that uses a specified web proxy.
- buildUrl() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.openapi3.UriBuilder
- byConformanceClass(String) - Static method in enum class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.conformance.RequirementClass
- clearMessages() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.CommonFixture
- CLIENT - Enum constant in enum class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.SuiteAttribute
A client component for interacting with HTTP endpoints.
- ClientUtils - Class in org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.util
Provides various utility methods for creating and configuring HTTP client components.
- ClientUtils() - Constructor for class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.util.ClientUtils
- collectionIdAndResponse - Variable in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.collections.AbstractFeatures
- collectionIDs(ITestContext) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.corecollections.CollectionsResponse
- collectionIDs(ITestContext) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.queries.QueryCollections
- collectionName(String) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.openapi3.UriBuilder
Adds the collectionName to the URI
- collectionPaths(ITestContext) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.collections.AbstractFeatures
- CollectionResponseKey(String) - Constructor for class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.collections.AbstractFeatures.CollectionResponseKey
- Collections - Class in org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.corecollections
- Collections() - Constructor for class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.corecollections.Collections
- COLLECTIONS - Enum constant in enum class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.openapi3.OpenApiUtils.PATH
- COLLECTIONS - Enum constant in enum class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.SuiteAttribute
Parsed collections from resource /collections; Added during execution.
- collectionsCRS84() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.corecollections.CollectionsResponse
Abstract Test 8: Validate that all spatial geometries provided through the API are in the CRS84 spatial reference system unless otherwise requested by the client.
- collectionsParameters() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.corecollections.CollectionsResponse
Abstract Test 17: Validate that each parameter in a collection is correctly defined.
- CollectionsResponse - Class in org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.corecollections
- CollectionsResponse() - Constructor for class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.corecollections.CollectionsResponse
- CollectionsTime - Class in org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.collections
- CollectionsTime() - Constructor for class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.collections.CollectionsTime
- collectionsUris(ITestContext) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.corecollections.Collections
- collectNumberOfAllReturnedFeatures(JsonPath, int) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.util.JsonUtils
Collects the number of all returned features by iterating over all 'next' links and summarizing the size of features in 'features' array property.
- CommandLineArguments - Class in org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10
Declares supported command line arguments that are parsed using the JCommander library.
- CommandLineArguments() - Constructor for class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.CommandLineArguments
- CommonDataFixture - Class in org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10
- CommonDataFixture() - Constructor for class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.CommonDataFixture
- CommonFixture - Class in org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10
A supporting base class that sets up a common test fixture.
- CommonFixture() - Constructor for class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.CommonFixture
- Conformance - Class in org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.conformance
Conformance Path {root}/conformance
- Conformance() - Constructor for class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.conformance.Conformance
- CONFORMANCE - Enum constant in enum class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.openapi3.OpenApiUtils.PATH
- conformanceUris(ITestContext) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.conformance.Conformance
- constructDateTimeValue(String) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.CommonFixture
- convertInputStreamToString(InputStream) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.CommonFixture
- coordsParameterDefinition(TestPoint, OpenApi3) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.collections.CollectionsTime
Abstract Test 38: Validate that the coords query parameters are constructed correctly.
- CORE - Enum constant in enum class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.conformance.RequirementClass
- corridorCollectionPaths(ITestContext) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.collections.AbstractFeatures
- CorridorCollections - Class in org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.collections
- CorridorCollections() - Constructor for class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.collections.CorridorCollections
- corridorCoordsParameterDefinition(TestPoint) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.collections.CorridorCollections
Abstract Test 38: Validate that the coords query parameters are constructed correctly.
- corridorCorridorHeightParameterDefinition(TestPoint) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.collections.CorridorCollections
Abstract Test 120: Validate that the corridor-height query parameter is constructed correctly.
- corridorCorridorWidthParameterDefinition(TestPoint) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.collections.CorridorCollections
Abstract Test 118: Validate that the corridor-width query parameter is constructed correctly.
- corridorCrsParameterDefinition(TestPoint) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.collections.CorridorCollections
Abstract Test 46: Validate that the crs query parameters are constructed correctly.
- corridorDateTimeParameterDefinition(TestPoint) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.collections.CorridorCollections
Abstract Test 42: Validate that the dateTime query parameters are constructed correctly.
- corridorFParameterDefinition(TestPoint) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.collections.CorridorCollections
Abstract Test 48: Validate that the f query parameter is constructed correctly.
- corridorHeightParameterDefinition(TestPoint, OpenApi3) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.collections.CollectionsTime
Abstract Test 120: Validate that the corridor-height query parameter is constructed correctly.
- corridorParameternameParameterDefinition(TestPoint) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.collections.CorridorCollections
Abstract Test 44: Validate that the parameter-name query parameters are processed correctly.
- CorridorQueryProcessor - Class in org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.queries
- CorridorQueryProcessor() - Constructor for class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.queries.CorridorQueryProcessor
- corridorWidth - Variable in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.queries.CorridorQueryProcessor
- corridorWidthParameterDefinition(TestPoint, OpenApi3) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.collections.CollectionsTime
Abstract Test 118: Validate that the corridor-width query parameter is constructed correctly.
- corridorWidthUnit - Variable in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.queries.CorridorQueryProcessor
- corridorWithinParameterDefinition(TestPoint) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.collections.CorridorCollections
Requirement A.21: /req/edr/within-definition Parameter within definition
- corridorWithinUnitsParameterDefinition(TestPoint) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.collections.CorridorCollections
Abstract Test 124: Validate that the vertical level query parameters are constructed correctly.
- corridorZParameterDefinition(TestPoint) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.collections.CorridorCollections
Abstract Test 40: Validate that the vertical level query parameters are constructed correctly.
- createListOfMediaTypesToSupportForFeatureCollectionsAndFeatures() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.CommonDataFixture
- createListOfMediaTypesToSupportForFeatureCollectionsAndFeatures(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.CommonDataFixture
- createListOfMediaTypesToSupportForOtherResources(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.CommonDataFixture
- crsParameterDefinition(TestPoint, OpenApi3) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.collections.CollectionsTime
Abstract Test 46: Validate that the crs query parameters are constructed correctly.
- ct - Variable in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.collections.AreaCollections
- ct - Variable in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.collections.CorridorCollections
- ct - Variable in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.collections.CubeCollections
- ct - Variable in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.collections.LocationsCollections
- ct - Variable in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.collections.PositionCollections
- ct - Variable in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.collections.TrajectoryCollections
- cubeBboxParameterDefinition(TestPoint) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.collections.CubeCollections
Abstract Test 70: Validate that the coords query parameters are constructed correctly.
- cubeCollectionPaths(ITestContext) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.collections.AbstractFeatures
- CubeCollections - Class in org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.collections
- CubeCollections() - Constructor for class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.collections.CubeCollections
- cubeCrsParameterDefinition(TestPoint) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.collections.CubeCollections
Abstract Test 78: Validate that the crs query parameters are constructed correctly.
- cubeDateTimeParameterDefinition(TestPoint) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.collections.CubeCollections
Abstract Test 74: Validate that the dateTime query parameters are constructed correctly.
- cubeFParameterDefinition(TestPoint) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.collections.CubeCollections
Abstract Test 80: Validate that the f query parameter is constructed correctly.
- cubeParameternameParameterDefinition(TestPoint) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.collections.CubeCollections
Abstract Test 76: Validate that the parameter-name query parameters are processed correctly.
- cubeZParameterDefinition(TestPoint) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.collections.CubeCollections
Abstract Test 69: Validate that resources can be identified and extracted from a Collection with a Cube query using query parameters.
- dateTimeParameterDefinition(TestPoint, OpenApi3) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.collections.CollectionsTime
Abstract Test 42: Validate that the dateTime query parameters are constructed correctly.
- DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE - Variable in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.CommonFixture
- DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE - Variable in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.encodings.geojson.GeoJSONValidator
- deleteTempFiles(ISuite) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.SuiteFixtureListener
Deletes temporary files created during the test run if TestSuiteLogger is enabled at the INFO level or higher (they are left intact at the CONFIG level or lower).
- dereferenceURI(URI) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.util.URIUtils
Dereferences the given URI and stores the resulting resource representation in a local file.
- doDeleteSubjectOnFinish() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.CommandLineArguments
- doTestRun(Document) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.TestNGController
- EDRGeoJSON - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.encodings.geojson.GeoJSONValidator
- EDRGEOJSON - Enum constant in enum class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.conformance.RequirementClass
- EDRGeoJSONEncoding - Class in org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.encodings.edrgeojson
- EDRGeoJSONEncoding() - Constructor for class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.encodings.edrgeojson.EDRGeoJSONEncoding
- edrLandingPageValidation(ITestContext) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.landingpage.LandingPage
Abstract Test 2: Validate that a landing page can be retrieved from the expected location.
- EMPTY_STRING - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.ErrorMessageKeys
- equals(Object) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.collections.AbstractFeatures.CollectionResponseKey
- equals(Object) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.openapi3.TestPoint
- equals(Object) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.util.BBox
- ErrorMessage - Class in org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10
Utility class for retrieving and formatting localized error messages that describe failed assertions.
- ErrorMessage() - Constructor for class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.ErrorMessage
- ErrorMessageKeys - Class in org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10
Defines keys used to access localized messages for assertion errors.
- ErrorMessageKeys() - Constructor for class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.ErrorMessageKeys
- EtsAssert - Class in org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10
Provides a set of custom assertion methods.
- EtsAssert() - Constructor for class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.EtsAssert
- featureId(String) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.openapi3.UriBuilder
Adds the featureId to the URI
- FEATUREIDS - Enum constant in enum class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.SuiteAttribute
Collection names assigned to a feature id parsed from resource /collections/{name}/items; Added during execution.
- FeaturesAssertions - Class in org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.collections
- FeaturesAssertions() - Constructor for class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.collections.FeaturesAssertions
- findFeaturesUrlForGeoJson(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.collections.AbstractFeatures
- findLinkByRel(List<Map<String, Object>>, String) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.util.JsonUtils
Parses the link with 'rel=self'.
- findLinksWithoutRelOrType(List<Map<String, Object>>, Set<String>) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.util.JsonUtils
Parses the links without 'rel' or 'type' property.
- findLinksWithSupportedMediaTypeByRel(List<Map<String, Object>>, List<String>, String) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.util.JsonUtils
Parses all links with 'type' of one of the passed mediaTypes and the 'rel' property with the passed value.
- findUnsupportedTypes(List<Map<String, Object>>, List<String>) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.util.JsonUtils
Parsing the media types which does not have a link woth property 'type' for.
- format(String, Object...) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.ErrorMessage
Produces a formatted error message using the supplied substitution arguments and the current locale.
- formatDate(LocalDate) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.util.JsonUtils
Formats the passed string as ISO 8601 date.
- formatDate(ZonedDateTime) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.util.JsonUtils
Formats the passed string as ISO 8601 date.
- formatDateRange(ZonedDateTime, ZonedDateTime) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.util.JsonUtils
Formats the passed string as a period using a start and end time.
- formatDateRangeWithDuration(LocalDate, LocalDate) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.util.JsonUtils
Formats the passed string as a period using start time and a duration.
- fParameterDefinition(TestPoint, OpenApi3) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.collections.CollectionsTime
Abstract Test 48: Validate that the f query parameter is constructed correctly.
- GeoJSON - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.encodings.geojson.GeoJSONValidator
- GEOJSON - Enum constant in enum class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.conformance.RequirementClass
- GEOJSON_MIME_TYPE - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.OgcApiEdr10
- GeoJSONEncoding - Class in org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.encodings.geojson
- GeoJSONEncoding() - Constructor for class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.encodings.geojson.GeoJSONEncoding
- geoJSONTestingCollection - Variable in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.CommonFixture
- GeoJSONValidator - Class in org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.encodings.geojson
- GeoJSONValidator() - Constructor for class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.encodings.geojson.GeoJSONValidator
- get(String) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.ErrorMessage
Retrieves a simple message according to the current locale.
- getAllBindings() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.util.NamespaceBindings
Returns an unmodifiable view of the declared namespace bindings.
- getBegin() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.util.TemporalExtent
- getCode() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.TestNGController
- getCollectionResponse(String) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.CommonFixture
- getCollectionResponse(String, String, RequestSpecification) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.util.JsonUtils
- getCollectionURL(String, String) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.util.JsonUtils
- getConformanceClass() - Method in enum class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.conformance.RequirementClass
- getContentMediaTypes() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.openapi3.TestPoint
- getEnd() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.util.TemporalExtent
- getHref() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.util.Link
- getMaximum(int, int) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.queries.AbstractProcessor
- getMediaTypeFeaturesAndCollections() - Method in enum class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.conformance.RequirementClass
- getMediaTypeOtherResources() - Method in enum class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.conformance.RequirementClass
- getModel() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.CommonDataFixture
- getName() - Method in enum class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.SuiteAttribute
- getNamespaceURI(String) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.util.NamespaceBindings
- getOutputDir() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.CommandLineArguments
- getPath() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.openapi3.TestPoint
- getPredefinedTemplateReplacement() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.openapi3.TestPoint
- getPrefix(String) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.util.NamespaceBindings
- getPrefixes(String) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.util.NamespaceBindings
- getPropertiesFile() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.CommandLineArguments
- getRel() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.util.Link
- getRequest() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.CommonFixture
- getRequestMessageInfo(ClientRequest) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.TestFailureListener
Gets diagnostic information about a request message.
- getResponse() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.CommonFixture
- getResponseEntityAsDocument(ClientResponse, String) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.util.ClientUtils
Obtains the (XML) response entity as a DOM Document and resets the entity input stream for subsequent reads.
- getResponseEntityAsSource(ClientResponse, String) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.util.ClientUtils
Obtains the (XML) response entity as a JAXP Source object and resets the entity input stream for subsequent reads.
- getResponseMessageInfo(ClientResponse) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.TestFailureListener
Gets diagnostic information about a response message.
- getServerUrl() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.openapi3.TestPoint
- getSupportedFormat(List<String>) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.queries.AbstractProcessor
- getTitle() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.TestNGController
- getType() - Method in enum class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.SuiteAttribute
- getType() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.util.Link
- getVersion() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.TestNGController
- GML - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.Namespaces
ISO 19136 (GML 3.2)
- hashCode() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.collections.AbstractFeatures.CollectionResponseKey
- hashCode() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.openapi3.TestPoint
- hashCode() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.util.BBox
- hasMediaTypeForFeaturesAndCollections() - Method in enum class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.conformance.RequirementClass
- hasMediaTypeForOtherResources() - Method in enum class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.conformance.RequirementClass
- hasName(Parameter) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.collections.CollectionsTime
- hasProperty(String, JsonPath) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.util.JsonUtils
Checks if a property with the passed name exists in the jsonPath.
- http() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.conformance.Conformance
Abstract Test 1: Validate that the resource paths advertised through the API conform with HTTP 1.1 and, where approprate, TLS.
- init() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.CommonFixture
- initCommonFixture(ITestContext) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.CommonFixture
Initializes the common test fixture with a client component for interacting with HTTP endpoints.
- is200Response(URI) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.util.ClientUtils
Checks if a GET request to a given URI returns HTTP 200 - OK
- isExplode(Parameter) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.collections.AbstractFeatures
- isExplode(Parameter) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.collections.CollectionsTime
- isFreeFormParameterSupportedForCollection(OpenApi3, String) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.openapi3.OpenApiUtils
- isGeoJSONValidPerSchema(String, int) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.encodings.geojson.GeoJSONValidator
- isLoggable(Level) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.util.TestSuiteLogger
Indicates if the logger is enabled at a given logging level.
- isParameterSupportedForCollection(OpenApi3, String, String) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.openapi3.OpenApiUtils
- isRequired(Parameter) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.collections.AbstractFeatures
- isRequired(Parameter) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.collections.CollectionsTime
- iut - Variable in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.collections.AbstractFeatures
- iut - Variable in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.corecollections.CollectionsResponse
- iut - Variable in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.encodings.edrgeojson.EDRGeoJSONEncoding
- iut - Variable in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.encodings.geojson.GeoJSONEncoding
- iut - Variable in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.encodings.json.JSONEncoding
- iut - Variable in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.queries.QueryCollections
- IUT - Enum constant in enum class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.SuiteAttribute
The root URL.
- IUT - Enum constant in enum class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.TestRunArg
An absolute URI that refers to a representation of the test subject or metadata about it.
- JSONEncoding - Class in org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.encodings.json
- JSONEncoding() - Constructor for class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.encodings.json.JSONEncoding
- jsonPath() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.collections.AbstractFeatures.ResponseData
- JsonUtils - Class in org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.util
- LandingPage - Class in org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.landingpage
Updated at the OGC API - EDR Sprint 2020 by ghobona A.2.2.
- LandingPage() - Constructor for class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.landingpage.LandingPage
- LANDINGPAGEJSONPATH - Enum constant in enum class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.SuiteAttribute
LandingPage as JSONPath object
- Link - Class in org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.util
- Link(String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.util.Link
- linkIncludesRelAndType(Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.util.JsonUtils
Checks if the passed link contains 'rel' and 'type' properties.
- LOCAL_NAME - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.ErrorMessageKeys
- locationsCollectionPaths(ITestContext) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.collections.AbstractFeatures
- LocationsCollections - Class in org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.collections
- LocationsCollections() - Constructor for class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.collections.LocationsCollections
- locationsCrsParameterDefinition(TestPoint) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.collections.LocationsCollections
Abstract Test 143: Validate that the crs query parameters are constructed correctly.
- locationsDateTimeParameterDefinition(TestPoint) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.collections.LocationsCollections
Abstract Test 139: Validate that the datetime query parameters are constructed correctly.
- locationsFParameterDefinition(TestPoint) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.collections.LocationsCollections
Abstract Test 145: Validate that the f query parameter is constructed correctly.
- locationsParameternameParameterDefinition(TestPoint) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.collections.LocationsCollections
Abstract Test 141: Validate that the parameter-name query parameters are processed correctly.
- log(Level, String) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.util.TestSuiteLogger
Logs a simple message at the specified logging level.
- log(Level, String, Exception) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.util.TestSuiteLogger
Logs a message at the specified logging level with the given Exception object that represents a noteworthy error condition.
- log(Level, String, Object[]) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.util.TestSuiteLogger
Logs a message at the specified logging level with the given message parameters.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.TestNGController
A convenience method for running the test suite using a command-line interface.
- MISSING_ENTITY - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.ErrorMessageKeys
- MISSING_INFOSET_ITEM - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.ErrorMessageKeys
- modelUri - Variable in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.CommonDataFixture
- NAMESPACE_NAME - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.ErrorMessageKeys
- NamespaceBindings - Class in org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.util
Provides namespace bindings for evaluating XPath 1.0 expressions using the JAXP XPath API.
- NamespaceBindings() - Constructor for class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.util.NamespaceBindings
- Namespaces - Class in org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10
XML namespace names.
- NO_OF_COLLECTIONS - Enum constant in enum class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.SuiteAttribute
The number of collections to test.
- noOfCollections - Variable in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.CommonDataFixture
- noOfCollections(ITestContext) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.CommonDataFixture
- noOfCollections(ITestContext) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.queries.QueryCollections
- NOOFCOLLECTIONS - Enum constant in enum class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.TestRunArg
The number of collections to test (a value less or equal to 0 means all collections).
- NOT_SCHEMA_VALID - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.ErrorMessageKeys
- OgcApiEdr10 - Class in org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10
Contains various constants pertaining to WFS 3.0 specification and related standards.
- onExecutionFinish() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.TestRunListener
- onExecutionStart() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.TestRunListener
- onFinish(ISuite) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.SuiteFixtureListener
- onStart(ISuite) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.SuiteFixtureListener
- onTestFailure(ITestResult) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.TestFailureListener
Sets the "request" and "response" attributes of a test result.
- OPEN_API_MIME_TYPE - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.OgcApiEdr10
- openapiDocumentRetrieval() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.conformance.ApiDefinition
Abstract Test 4: Test Purpose: Validate that the API Definition document can be retrieved from the expected location.
- OpenApiUtils - Class in org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.openapi3
- OpenApiUtils.PATH - Enum Class in org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.openapi3
- org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10 - package org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10
The root package includes supporting classes of general utility such as the main controller, listeners, and reporters.
- org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.collections - package org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.collections
- org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.conformance - package org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.conformance
- org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.corecollections - package org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.corecollections
- org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.encodings.edrgeojson - package org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.encodings.edrgeojson
- org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.encodings.geojson - package org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.encodings.geojson
- org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.encodings.json - package org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.encodings.json
- org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.landingpage - package org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.landingpage
- org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.openapi3 - package org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.openapi3
- org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.queries - package org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.queries
- org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.util - package org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.util
This package includes miscellaneous utility classes to support testing.
- otherConvertInputStreamToString(InputStream) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.encodings.geojson.GeoJSONValidator
- OWS - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.Namespaces
OGC 06-121r3 (OWS 1.1)
- parameternameParameterDefinition(TestPoint, OpenApi3) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.collections.CollectionsTime
Abstract Test 44: Validate that the parameter-name query parameters are processed correctly.
- parseAndValidateRequirementClasses(JsonPath) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.conformance.Conformance
- parseApiUrl(JsonPath) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.openapi3.OpenApiUtils
- parseAsDate(String) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.util.JsonUtils
Parses the passed string as ISO 8601 date.
- parseFeatureId(JsonPath) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.util.JsonUtils
Parses the id of the first feature from the passed json.
- parseSpatialExtent(Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.util.JsonUtils
Parses the spatial extent from the passed collection.
- parseTemporalExtent(Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.util.JsonUtils
Parses the temporal extent from the passed collection.
- positionCollectionPaths(ITestContext) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.collections.AbstractFeatures
- PositionCollections - Class in org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.collections
- PositionCollections() - Constructor for class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.collections.PositionCollections
- positionCoordsParameterDefinition(TestPoint) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.collections.PositionCollections
Abstract Test 38: Validate that the coords query parameters are constructed correctly.
- positionCrsParameterDefinition(TestPoint) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.collections.PositionCollections
Abstract Test 46: Validate that the crs query parameters are constructed correctly.
- positionDateTimeParameterDefinition(TestPoint) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.collections.PositionCollections
Abstract Test 42: Validate that the dateTime query parameters are constructed correctly.
- positionFParameterDefinition(TestPoint) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.collections.PositionCollections
Abstract Test 48: Validate that the f query parameter is constructed correctly.
- positionParameternameParameterDefinition(TestPoint) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.collections.PositionCollections
Abstract Test 44: Validate that the parameter-name query parameters are processed correctly.
- PositionQueryProcessor - Class in org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.queries
- PositionQueryProcessor() - Constructor for class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.queries.PositionQueryProcessor
- positionZParameterDefinition(TestPoint) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.collections.PositionCollections
Abstract Test 40: Validate that the vertical level query parameters are constructed correctly.
- processSuiteParameters(ISuite) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.SuiteFixtureListener
Processes test suite arguments and sets suite attributes accordingly.
- QueryCollections - Class in org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.queries
- QueryCollections() - Constructor for class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.queries.QueryCollections
- queryTypeNotSupported - Variable in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.queries.AbstractProcessor
- queryTypeNotSupported - Variable in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.queries.CorridorQueryProcessor
- readJSONObjectFromURL(URL) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.encodings.geojson.GeoJSONValidator
- readStringFromURL(String, int) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.queries.AbstractProcessor
- registerClientComponent(ISuite) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.SuiteFixtureListener
A client component is added to the suite fixture as the value of the
attribute; it may be subsequently accessed via theITestContext.getSuite()
method. - removeParameters(MediaType) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.util.ClientUtils
Creates a copy of the given MediaType object but without any parameters.
- requestLoggingFilter - Variable in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.CommonFixture
- RequirementClass - Enum Class in org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.conformance
Updated at the OGC API - Tiles Sprint 2020 by ghobona Encapsulates all known requirement classes.
- requirementClasses(ITestContext) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.CommonDataFixture
- REQUIREMENTCLASSES - Enum constant in enum class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.SuiteAttribute
Requirement classes parsed from /conformance; Added during execution.
- resolutionxParameterDefinition(TestPoint, OpenApi3) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.collections.CollectionsTime
Requirement A.25: /req/edr/resolution-x-definition Parameter resolution-x definition
- resolutionyParameterDefinition(TestPoint, OpenApi3) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.collections.CollectionsTime
Requirement A.28: /req/edr/resolution-y-definition Parameter resolution-y definition
- resolutionzParameterDefinition(TestPoint, OpenApi3) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.collections.CollectionsTime
Requirement A.30: /req/edr/resolution-z-definition Parameter resolution-z definition
- ResponseData(Response, ZonedDateTime, ZonedDateTime) - Constructor for class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.collections.AbstractFeatures.ResponseData
- responseLoggingFilter - Variable in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.CommonFixture
- retrieveApiModel(ITestContext) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.CommonDataFixture
- retrieveApiUrl() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.conformance.ApiDefinition
- retrieveParameterByName(String, OpenApi3, String) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.openapi3.OpenApiUtils
- retrieveRequiredInformationFromTestContext(ITestContext) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.collections.AbstractFeatures
- retrieveTestPoints(OpenApi3, URI) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.openapi3.OpenApiUtils
Parse all test points from the passed OpenApi3 document as described in A.4.3.
- retrieveTestPointsForCollection(OpenApi3, URI, String) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.openapi3.OpenApiUtils
Parse the test points with the passed path including the extended path from the passed OpenApi3 document as described in A.4.3.
- retrieveTestPointsForCollectionMetadata(OpenApi3, URI, String) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.openapi3.OpenApiUtils
Parse the COLLECTION METADATA test points for the passed collectionName including the extended path from the passed OpenApi3 document as described in A.4.3.
- retrieveTestPointsForCollections(OpenApi3, URI, int) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.openapi3.OpenApiUtils
Parse the COLLECTIONS test points from the passed OpenApi3 document as described in A.4.3.
- retrieveTestPointsForCollectionsMetadata(OpenApi3, URI) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.openapi3.OpenApiUtils
Parse the COLLECTIONS METADATA test points from the passed OpenApi3 document as described in A.4.3.
- retrieveTestPointsForConformance(OpenApi3, URI) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.openapi3.OpenApiUtils
Parse the CONFORMANCE test points from the passed OpenApi3 document as described in A.4.3.
- retrieveTestPointsForFeature(OpenApi3, URI, String, String) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.openapi3.OpenApiUtils
Parse the test points with the passed path including the extended path from the passed OpenApi3 document as described in A.4.3.
- rootUri - Variable in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.CommonFixture
- SCH - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.Namespaces
Schematron (ISO 19757-3) namespace
- setHref(String) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.util.Link
- setRel(String) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.util.Link
- setType(String) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.util.Link
- sizeOfLensSide - Variable in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.queries.AreaQueryProcessor
- sizeOfLensSide - Variable in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.queries.CorridorQueryProcessor
- sizeOfLensSide - Variable in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.queries.TrajectoryQueryProcessor
- SOAP_ENV - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.Namespaces
SOAP 1.2 message envelopes.
- storeRequirementClassesInTestContext(ITestContext) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.conformance.Conformance
- SuiteAttribute - Enum Class in org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10
An enumerated type defining ISuite attributes that may be set to constitute a shared test fixture.
- SuiteFixtureListener - Class in org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10
A listener that performs various tasks before and after a test suite is run, usually concerned with maintaining a shared test suite fixture.
- SuiteFixtureListener() - Constructor for class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.SuiteFixtureListener
- SuitePreconditions - Class in org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10
Checks that various preconditions are satisfied before the test suite is run.
- SuitePreconditions() - Constructor for class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.SuitePreconditions
- TemporalExtent - Class in org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.util
- TemporalExtent(ZonedDateTime, ZonedDateTime) - Constructor for class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.util.TemporalExtent
- TEST_SUBJ_FILE - Enum constant in enum class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.SuiteAttribute
A File containing the test subject or a description of it.
- TestFailureListener - Class in org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10
A listener that augments a test result with diagnostic information in the event that a test method failed.
- TestFailureListener() - Constructor for class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.TestFailureListener
- testingWktPOINT - Variable in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.CommonFixture
- TestNGController - Class in org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10
Main test run controller oversees execution of TestNG test suites.
- TestNGController() - Constructor for class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.TestNGController
Default constructor uses the location given by the "" system property as the root output directory.
- TestNGController(String) - Constructor for class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.TestNGController
Construct a controller that writes results to the given output directory.
- TestPoint - Class in org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.openapi3
Encapsulates a Test Point with the UriTemplate and predefined replacements.
- TestPoint(String, String, Map<String, MediaType>) - Constructor for class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.openapi3.TestPoint
Instantiates a TestPoint with UriTemplate but without predefined replacements.
- TestPoint(String, String, Map<String, String>, Map<String, MediaType>) - Constructor for class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.openapi3.TestPoint
Instantiates a TestPoint with UriTemplate and predefined replacements.
- TestRunArg - Enum Class in org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10
An enumerated type defining all recognized test run arguments.
- TestRunListener - Class in org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10
A listener that is invoked before and after a test run.
- TestRunListener() - Constructor for class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.TestRunListener
- TestSuiteLogger - Class in org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.util
Logging utility class that provides simple access to the JDK Logging API.
- timeStampAfterResponse - Variable in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.collections.AbstractFeatures.ResponseData
- timeStampBeforeResponse - Variable in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.collections.AbstractFeatures.ResponseData
- toString() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.openapi3.TestPoint
- toString() - Method in enum class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.SuiteAttribute
- toString() - Method in enum class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.TestRunArg
- toString() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.util.BBox
- toString() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.util.NamespaceBindings
- trajectoryCollectionPaths(ITestContext) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.collections.AbstractFeatures
- TrajectoryCollections - Class in org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.collections
- TrajectoryCollections() - Constructor for class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.collections.TrajectoryCollections
- trajectoryCoordsParameterDefinition(TestPoint) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.collections.TrajectoryCollections
Abstract Test 92: Validate that the coords query parameters are constructed correctly.
- trajectoryCrsParameterDefinition(TestPoint) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.collections.TrajectoryCollections
Abstract Test 96: Validate that the crs query parameters are constructed correctly.
- trajectoryDateTimeParameterDefinition(TestPoint) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.collections.TrajectoryCollections
Abstract Test 91: Validate that resources can be identified and extracted from a Collection with a Trajectory query using query parameters.
- trajectoryFParameterDefinition(TestPoint) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.collections.TrajectoryCollections
Abstract Test 98: Validate that the f query parameter is constructed correctly.
- trajectoryParameternameParameterDefinition(TestPoint) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.collections.TrajectoryCollections
Abstract Test 94: Validate that the parameter-name query parameters are processed correctly.
- TrajectoryQueryProcessor - Class in org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.queries
- TrajectoryQueryProcessor() - Constructor for class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.queries.TrajectoryQueryProcessor
- trajectoryZParameterDefinition(TestPoint) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.collections.TrajectoryCollections
Abstract Test 91: Validate that resources can be identified and extracted from a Collection with a Trajectory query using query parameters.
- UNEXPECTED_MEDIA_TYPE - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.ErrorMessageKeys
- UNEXPECTED_STATUS - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.ErrorMessageKeys
- UriBuilder - Class in org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.openapi3
Builds a URL out of a TestPoint.
- UriBuilder(TestPoint) - Constructor for class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.openapi3.UriBuilder
- URIUtils - Class in org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.util
Provides a collection of utility methods for manipulating or resolving URI references.
- URIUtils() - Constructor for class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.util.URIUtils
- validateAreaQueryUsingParameters(Object) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.queries.QueryCollections
Abstract Test 53 : Validate that resources can be identified and extracted from a Collection with an Area query using query parameters.
- validateAreaQueryUsingParameters(Set<String>, String, int, RequestSpecification) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.queries.AreaQueryProcessor
- validateCollectionMetadata_Links(TestPoint) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.corecollections.Collections
Abstract Test 15: Validate that each Collection metadata entry in the Collections Metadata document includes all required links.
- validateCollectionsMetadata_Links(TestPoint) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.corecollections.Collections
Abstract Test 16: Validate that the required links are included in the Collections Metadata document.
- validateCollectionsMetadataOperation(TestPoint) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.corecollections.Collections
Abstract Test 82: Validate that information about the Collections can be retrieved from the expected location.
- validateConformanceOperationAndResponse(TestPoint) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.conformance.Conformance
Abstract Test 6: Validate that a Conformance Declaration can be retrieved from the expected location.
- validateCoordsQueryParameters(Object) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.queries.QueryCollections
Abstract Test 35 : Validate that an error is returned by a Position query when the coords query parameter is not specified.
- validateCorridorQueryUsingParameters(Object) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.queries.QueryCollections
Abstract Test 115 : Validate that resources can be identified and extracted from a Collection with a Corridor query using query parameters.
- validateCorridorQueryUsingParameters(Set<String>, String, int, RequestSpecification) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.queries.CorridorQueryProcessor
- validateFeaturesProperty(AbstractFeatures.CollectionResponseKey) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.collections.AbstractFeatures
Abstract Test 22, Test Method 2
- validateLinks(AbstractFeatures.CollectionResponseKey) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.collections.AbstractFeatures
Abstract Test 22, Test Method 4 (Abstract Test 23)
- validateNoQueryParameters(Object) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.queries.QueryCollections
Abstract Test 34 : Validate that an error is returned by a Position query if no query parameters are specified.
- validateNumberReturned(AbstractFeatures.CollectionResponseKey) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.collections.AbstractFeatures
Abstract Test 22, Test Method 7 (Abstract Test 26)
- validatePositionQueryUsingParameters(Object) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.queries.QueryCollections
Abstract Test 37 : Validate that resources can be identified and extracted from a Collection with a Position query using query parameters.
- validatePositionQueryUsingParameters(Set<String>, String, int, RequestSpecification) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.queries.PositionQueryProcessor
- validateResponseForEDRGeoJSON(ITestContext) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.encodings.edrgeojson.EDRGeoJSONEncoding
Abstract Test 22: Verify support for the EDR GeoJSON Schema Abstract Test 23: Verify the content of an EDR GeoJSON document given an input document and schema.
- validateResponseForGeoJSON(ITestContext) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.encodings.geojson.GeoJSONEncoding
Abstract Test 20: Verify support for JSON and GeoJSON Abstract Test 21: Verify the content of a JSON document given an input document and schema.
- validateResponseForJSON() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.encodings.json.JSONEncoding
Abstract Test 18: Verify support for JSON Abstract Test 19: Verify the content of a JSON document given an input document and schema.
- validateRetrievalOfCollections(Object) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.corecollections.CollectionsResponse
- validateRetrievalOfEnvironmentalDataCollections(Object) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.corecollections.CollectionsResponse
- validateTestRunArgs(Document) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.TestNGController
Validates the test run arguments.
- validateTimeStamp(AbstractFeatures.CollectionResponseKey) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.collections.AbstractFeatures
Abstract Test 22, Test Method 5 (Abstract Test 24)
- validateTrajectoryQueryUsingParameters(Object) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.queries.QueryCollections
Abstract Test 91 : Validate that resources can be identified and extracted from a Collection with a Trajectory query using query parameters.
- validateTrajectoryQueryUsingParameters(Set<String>, String, int, RequestSpecification) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.queries.TrajectoryQueryProcessor
- validateTypeProperty(AbstractFeatures.CollectionResponseKey) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.collections.AbstractFeatures
Abstract Test 22, Test Method 1
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.conformance.RequirementClass
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.openapi3.OpenApiUtils.PATH
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.SuiteAttribute
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.TestRunArg
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- values() - Static method in enum class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.conformance.RequirementClass
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.openapi3.OpenApiUtils.PATH
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.SuiteAttribute
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.TestRunArg
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- verifyCollectionsMetadata() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.corecollections.CollectionsResponse
Abstract Test 13: Validate the extent property if it is present Abstract Test 14: Validate that each collection provided by the server is described in the Collections Metadata.
- verifyTestSubject() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.SuitePreconditions
Verifies that the referenced test subject exists and has the expected type.
- withinParameterDefinition(TestPoint, OpenApi3) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.collections.CollectionsTime
Requirement A.21: /req/edr/within-definition Parameter within definition
- withinUnitsParameterDefinition(TestPoint, OpenApi3) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.collections.CollectionsTime
Requirement A.23: /req/edr/within-units-definition Parameter withinUnits definition
- withStandardBindings() - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.util.NamespaceBindings
Creates a NamespaceBindings object that declares the following namespace bindings: ows: "" xlink: "" gml: ""
- writeNodeToString(Node) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.util.XMLUtils
Writes the content of a DOM Node to a string.
- XLINK - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.Namespaces
W3C XLink
- XML_ERROR - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.ErrorMessageKeys
- XMLUtils - Class in org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.util
Provides various utility methods for accessing or manipulating XML representations.
- XMLUtils() - Constructor for class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.util.XMLUtils
- XPATH_ERROR - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.ErrorMessageKeys
- XPATH_RESULT - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.ErrorMessageKeys
- XSD - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.Namespaces
W3C XML Schema namespace
- zParameterDefinition(TestPoint, OpenApi3) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiedr10.collections.CollectionsTime
Abstract Test 40 (/conf/edr/rc-z-definition): Validate that the vertical level query parameters are constructed correctly.
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