Package org.opengis.cite.iso19142.querymgmt

package org.opengis.cite.iso19142.querymgmt
This package contains tests to verify that the IUT satisfies the requirements of the Manage stored queries conformance class. If the WFS service constraint ManageStoredQueries is set to "TRUE" in the capabilities document, it is possible for clients to add and remove stored queries.

All WFS implementations must handle the ListStoredQueries and DescribeStoredQueries requests. This conformance class introduces two requests for managing stored query definitions:

  • CreateStoredQuery
  • DropStoredQuery


  • OGC 09-025, cl. 14.5: CreateStoredQuery operation
  • OGC 09-025, cl. 14.6: DropStoredQuery operations
  • OGC 09-025, cl. A.1.15: Manage stored queries
  • Classes
    Provides test methods that verify the creation of stored queries.
    Provides test methods that verify the deletion of stored queries.
    Checks preconditions for running tests to verify that the IUT satisfies the requirements of the Manage stored queries conformance class.