Package org.opengis.cite.om20.level1
package org.opengis.cite.om20.level1
Conformance Level 1 includes basic facilities. The following capabilities must be
- Capability 1.1
- Capability 1.2
- Capability 1.3
- See Also:
ClassesClassDescriptionIncludes various tests of capability 1.Includes various tests of capability 1.Includes various tests of capability 1.Includes various tests of capability 1.A supporting base class that provides a common fixture for validating data sets.Includes various tests of capability 1.Includes various tests of capability 1.Includes various tests of capability 1.Includes various tests of capability 1.Includes various tests of capability 1.Includes various tests of capability 1.Includes various tests of capability 1.Includes various tests of capability 1.Includes various tests of capability 1.Verifies that a GML instance document adheres to the constraints defined in Schematron schemas.Includes various tests of capability 1.Includes various tests of capability 1.Includes various tests of capability 1.Includes various tests of capability 1.Includes various tests of capability 1.