Class SpatialSamplingFeatureValidation


public class SpatialSamplingFeatureValidation extends DataFixture
Includes various tests of capability 1.
  • Constructor Details

    • SpatialSamplingFeatureValidation

      public SpatialSamplingFeatureValidation()
  • Method Details

    • SpatialSamplingValid

      public void SpatialSamplingValid()
      A.13 Spatial Sampling feature data. Verify that any XML element in the substitution group of sams:SF_SpatialSamplingFeature is well-formed and valid.
    • ShapeTypeConsistent

      public void ShapeTypeConsistent()
      A.13 Spatial Sampling feature data. Verify that the content model of any sams:shape element is consistent with the value of the xlink:href attribute of the sam:type element if one is present as a sub-element of the parent sams:SF_SpatialSamplingFeature