Class ETSAssert


public class ETSAssert extends Object
Provides a set of custom assertion methods.
  • Method Details

    • assertQualifiedName

      public static void assertQualifiedName(Node node, QName qName)
      Asserts that the qualified name of a DOM Node matches the expected value.
      node - The Node to check.
      qName - A QName object containing a namespace name (URI) and a local part.
    • assertXPath

      public static void assertXPath(String expr, Node context, Map<String,String> namespaceBindings)
      Asserts that an XPath 1.0 expression holds true for the given evaluation context. The following standard namespace bindings do not need to be explicitly declared:
      expr - A valid XPath 1.0 expression.
      context - The context node.
      namespaceBindings - A collection of namespace bindings for the XPath expression, where each entry maps a namespace URI (key) to a prefix (value). It may be null.
    • assertSchemaValid

      public static void assertSchemaValid(Validator validator, Source source)
      Asserts that an XML resource is schema-valid.
      validator - The Validator to use.
      source - The XML Source to be validated.
    • assertSchematronValid

      public static void assertSchematronValid(URL schemaRef, Source xmlSource, String activePhase)
      Asserts that an XML resource satisfies all applicable constraints defined for the specified phase in a Schematron (ISO 19757-3) schema. The "xslt2" query language binding is supported. Two phase names have special meanings:
      • "#ALL": All patterns are active
      • "#DEFAULT": The phase identified by the defaultPhase attribute on the schema element should be used.
      schemaRef - A URL that denotes the location of a Schematron schema.
      xmlSource - The XML Source to be validated.
      activePhase - The active phase (pattern set) whose patterns are used for validation; this is set to "#ALL" if not specified.
    • assertDescendantElementCount

      public static void assertDescendantElementCount(Document xmlEntity, QName elementName, int expectedCount)
      Asserts that the given XML entity contains the expected number of descendant elements having the specified name.
      xmlEntity - A Document representing an XML entity.
      elementName - The qualified name of the element.
      expectedCount - The expected number of occurrences.
    • assertExceptionReport

      public static void assertExceptionReport(org.glassfish.jersey.client.ClientResponse rsp, String exceptionCode, String locator)
      Asserts that the given response message contains an OGC exception report. The message body must contain an XML document that has a document element with the following properties:
      • [local name] = "ExceptionReport"
      • [namespace name] = ""
      rsp - A ClientResponse object representing an HTTP response message.
      exceptionCode - The expected OGC exception code.
      locator - A case-insensitive string value expected to occur in the locator attribute (e.g. a parameter name); the attribute value will be ignored if the argument is null or empty.