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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values


addAllBindings(Map<String, String>) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.util.NamespaceBindings
Adds all of the supplied namespace bindings to the existing set of entries.
addNamespaceBinding(String, String) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.util.NamespaceBindings
Adds a namespace binding that associates a namespace name with a prefix.
APP_GP10 - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.GPKG10
Application id for OGC GeoPackage 1.0.
APP_ID_OFFSET - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.GPKG10
Starting offset of "Application ID" field in file header (4 bytes).
applicationID() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.core.SQLiteContainerTests
A GeoPackage shall contain 0x47503130 ("GP10" in UTF-8/ASCII, [71,80,49,48]) in the "Application ID" field of the database header.
asList(NodeList) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.util.XMLUtils
Returns a List view of the nodes in the given NodeList collection.
assertDescendantElementCount(Document, QName, int) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.ETSAssert
Asserts that the given XML entity contains the expected number of descendant elements having the specified name.
assertExceptionReport(ClientResponse, String, String) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.ETSAssert
Asserts that the given response message contains an OGC exception report.
assertQualifiedName(Node, QName) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.ETSAssert
Asserts that the qualified name of a DOM Node matches the expected value.
assertSchematronValid(URL, Source, String) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.ETSAssert
Asserts that an XML resource satisfies all applicable constraints defined for the specified phase in a Schematron (ISO 19757-3) schema.
assertSchemaValid(Validator, Source) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.ETSAssert
Asserts that an XML resource is schema-valid.
assertXPath(String, Node, Map<String, String>) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.ETSAssert
Asserts that an XPath 1.0 expression holds true for the given evaluation context.


BAD_CONTENTS_ENTRY_LAST_CHANGE_FORMAT - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.ErrorMessageKeys
Constant BAD_CONTENTS_ENTRY_LAST_CHANGE_FORMAT="BadContentsEntryLastChangeFormat"
BAD_CONTENTS_TABLE_DEFINITION - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.ErrorMessageKeys
Constant BAD_CONTENTS_TABLE_DEFINITION="BadContentsTableDefinition"
BAD_CONTENTS_TABLE_SRS_FOREIGN_KEY - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.ErrorMessageKeys
Constant BAD_CONTENTS_TABLE_SRS_FOREIGN_KEY="BadContentsTableSrsForeignKey"
BAD_MATRIX_CONTENTS_REFERENCES - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.ErrorMessageKeys
Constant BAD_MATRIX_CONTENTS_REFERENCES="BadMatrixContentsReferences"
BAD_MATRIX_SET_SRS_REFERENCE - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.ErrorMessageKeys
Constant BAD_MATRIX_SET_SRS_REFERENCE="BadMatrixSetSrsReference"
BAD_METADATA_REFERENCE_SCOPE_COLUMN_NAME_AGREEMENT - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.ErrorMessageKeys
Constant BAD_METADATA_REFERENCE_SCOPE_COLUMN_NAME_AGREEMENT="BadMetadataReferenceScopeColumnNameAgre"{trunked}
BAD_METADATA_REFERENCE_TABLE_DEFINITION - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.ErrorMessageKeys
Constant BAD_METADATA_REFERENCE_TABLE_DEFINITION="BadMetadataReferenceTableDefinition"
BAD_METADATA_TABLE_DEFINITION - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.ErrorMessageKeys
Constant BAD_METADATA_TABLE_DEFINITION="BadMetadataTableDefinition"
BAD_PIXEL_DIMENSIONS - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.ErrorMessageKeys
Constant BAD_PIXEL_DIMENSIONS="BadPixelDimensions"
BAD_SRS_TABLE_DEFINITION - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.ErrorMessageKeys
Constant BAD_SRS_TABLE_DEFINITION="BadSrsTableDefinition"
BAD_TILE_MATRIX_SET_TABLE_DEFINITION - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.ErrorMessageKeys
Constant BAD_TILE_MATRIX_SET_TABLE_DEFINITION="BadTileMatrixSetTableDefinition"
BAD_TILE_MATRIX_TABLE_DEFINITION - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.ErrorMessageKeys
Constant BAD_TILE_MATRIX_TABLE_DEFINITION="BadTileMatrixTableDefinition"
BAD_TILE_PYRAMID_USER_DATA_TABLE_DEFINITION - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.ErrorMessageKeys
Constant BAD_TILE_PYRAMID_USER_DATA_TABLE_DEFINITION="BadTilePyramidUserDataTableDefinition"
buildClient() - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.util.ClientUtils
Builds a client component for interacting with HTTP endpoints.
buildClientWithProxy(String, int) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.util.ClientUtils
Constructs a client component that uses a specified web proxy.
buildGetRequest(URI, Map<String, String>, MediaType...) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.util.ClientUtils
Builds an HTTP request message that uses the GET method.
buildSchematronValidator(String, String) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.util.ValidationUtils
Constructs a SchematronValidator that will check an XML resource against the rules defined in a Schematron schema.


checkContentSrs() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.core.SpatialReferenceSystemsTests
The gpkg_spatial_ref_sys table in a GeoPackage SHALL contain records to define all spatial reference systems used by features and tiles in a GeoPackage.
CLIENT - Enum constant in enum class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.SuiteAttribute
A client component for interacting with HTTP endpoints.
ClientUtils - Class in org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.util
Provides various utility methods for creating and configuring HTTP client components.
ClientUtils() - Constructor for class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.util.ClientUtils
close() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.CommonFixture
columnDataTypes() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.core.DataContentsTests
The columns of tables in a GeoPackage SHALL only be declared using one of the data types specified in table GeoPackage Data Types.
ColumnDefinition - Class in org.opengis.cite.gpkg10
ColumnDefinition class.
ColumnDefinition(String, boolean, boolean, boolean, String) - Constructor for class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.ColumnDefinition
Constructor for ColumnDefinition.
CommonFixture - Class in org.opengis.cite.gpkg10
A supporting base class that sets up a common test fixture.
CommonFixture() - Constructor for class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.CommonFixture
CONTENT_TABLE_DOES_NOT_EXIST - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.ErrorMessageKeys
Constant CONTENT_TABLE_DOES_NOT_EXIST="ContentTableDoesNotExist"
contentsTableDefinition() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.core.DataContentsTests
A GeoPackage file SHALL include a gpkg_contents table per table Contents Table or View Definition and gpkg_contents Table Definition SQL.
contentsTablesExist() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.core.DataContentsTests
The table_name column value in a gpkg_contents table row SHALL contain the name of a SQLite table or view.
createElement(QName) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.util.XMLUtils
Creates a new Element having the specified qualified name.
createSchemaResolver(URI) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.util.ValidationUtils
Creates a resource resolver suitable for locating schemas using an entity catalog.


databaseConnection - Variable in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.CommonFixture
DatabaseUtility - Class in org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.util
Provides database utility methods
DataContentsTests - Class in org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.core
Defines test methods that apply to descriptive information about the contents of a GeoPackage.
DataContentsTests() - Constructor for class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.core.DataContentsTests
dataSource - Variable in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.CommonFixture
A JDBC DataSource for accessing the SQLite database.
DB_HEADER_LENGTH - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.GPKG10
Length of SQLite database file header (bytes).
deleteTempFiles(ISuite) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.SuiteFixtureListener
Deletes temporary files created during the test run if TestSuiteLogger is enabled at the INFO level or higher (they are left intact at the CONFIG level or lower).
dereferenceURI(URI) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.util.URIUtils
Dereferences the given URI and stores the resulting resource representation in a local file.
doesTableOrViewExist(Connection, String) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.util.DatabaseUtility
doTestRun(Document) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.TestNGController


EMPTY_STRING - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.ErrorMessageKeys
Constant EMPTY_STRING="EmptyString"
equals(Object) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.ColumnDefinition
equals(Object) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.ForeignKeyDefinition
equals(Object) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.UniqueDefinition
equals(String) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.UniqueDefinition
ErrorMessage - Class in org.opengis.cite.gpkg10
Utility class for retrieving and formatting localized error messages that describe failed assertions.
ErrorMessage() - Constructor for class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.ErrorMessage
ErrorMessageKeys - Class in org.opengis.cite.gpkg10
Defines keys used to access localized messages for assertion errors.
ErrorMessageKeys() - Constructor for class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.ErrorMessageKeys
ETSAssert - Class in org.opengis.cite.gpkg10
Provides a set of custom assertion methods.
evaluateXPath(Node, String, Map<String, String>) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.util.XMLUtils
Evaluates an XPath 1.0 expression using the given context and returns the result as a node set.
evaluateXPath(Node, String, Map<String, String>, QName) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.util.XMLUtils
Evaluates an XPath expression using the given context and returns the result as the specified type.
evaluateXPath2(Source, String, Map<String, String>) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.util.XMLUtils
Evaluates an XPath 2.0 expression using the Saxon s9api interfaces.
evaluateXQuery(Source, String, Map<String, String>) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.util.XMLUtils
Evaluates an XQuery 1.0 expression using the Saxon s9api interfaces.
expandReferencesInText(String) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.util.XMLUtils
Expands character entity (&name;) and numeric references ( &#xhhhh; or &dddd;) that occur within a given string value.
extractSchemaReferences(Source, String) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.util.ValidationUtils
Extracts a set of XML Schema references from a source XML document.


fileContents() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.core.SQLiteContainerTests
A GeoPackage shall only contain data elements, SQL constructs and GeoPackage extensions with the "gpkg" author name specified in this encoding standard.
fileHeaderString() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.core.SQLiteContainerTests
A GeoPackage shall be a SQLite database file using version 3 of the SQLite file format.
filenameExtension() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.core.SQLiteContainerTests
A GeoPackage shall have the file extension name ".gpkg".
filter(ClientRequestContext, ClientResponseContext) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.ReusableEntityFilter
foreignKeyCheck() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.core.SQLiteContainerTests
The SQLite PRAGMA foreign_key_check SQL with no parameter value SHALL return an empty result set indicating no invalid foreign key values for a GeoPackage file.
ForeignKeyDefinition - Class in org.opengis.cite.gpkg10
ForeignKeyDefinition class.
ForeignKeyDefinition(String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.ForeignKeyDefinition
Constructor for ForeignKeyDefinition.
format(String, Object...) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.ErrorMessage
Produces a formatted error message using the supplied substitution arguments and the current locale.


get(String) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.ErrorMessage
Retrieves a simple message according to the current locale.
getAllBindings() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.util.NamespaceBindings
Returns an unmodifiable view of the declared namespace bindings.
getCode() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.TestNGController
getColumnNames() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.UniqueDefinition
Getter for the field columnNames.
getColumns() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.TableDefinition
Getter for the field columns.
getDefaultValue() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.ColumnDefinition
Getter for the field defaultValue.
getElementsByNamespaceURI(Node, String) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.util.XMLUtils
Returns a List of all descendant Element nodes having the specified [namespace name] property.
getForeignKeys() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.TableDefinition
Getter for the field foreignKeys.
getFromColumnName() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.ForeignKeyDefinition
Getter for the field fromColumnName.
getGroupUniques() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.TableDefinition
Getter for the field groupUniques.
getName() - Method in enum class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.SuiteAttribute
getName() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.TableDefinition
Getter for the field name.
getNamespaceURI(String) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.util.NamespaceBindings
getOutputDir() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.TestRunArguments
Getter for the field outputDir.
getPrefix(String) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.util.NamespaceBindings
getPrefixes(String) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.util.NamespaceBindings
getPropertiesFile() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.TestRunArguments
getReferenceTableName() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.ForeignKeyDefinition
Getter for the field referenceTableName.
getResponseEntityAsDocument(Response, String) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.util.ClientUtils
Obtains the (XML) response entity as a DOM Document and resets the entity input stream for subsequent reads.
getResponseEntityAsSource(Response, String) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.util.ClientUtils
Obtains the (XML) response entity as a JAXP Source object and resets the entity input stream for subsequent reads.
getTitle() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.TestNGController
getToColumnName() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.ForeignKeyDefinition
Getter for the field toColumnName.
getType() - Method in enum class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.SuiteAttribute
getVersion() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.TestNGController
GML - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.Namespaces
ISO 19136 (GML 3.2)
GPKG_FILENAME_SUFFIX - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.GPKG10
GeoPackage file name extension.
GPKG10 - Class in org.opengis.cite.gpkg10
Provides various constants pertaining to GeoPackage 1.0 data containers.
GPKG10() - Constructor for class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.GPKG10
gpkgFile - Variable in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.CommonFixture
A SQLite database file containing a GeoPackage.


hashCode() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.ColumnDefinition
hashCode() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.ForeignKeyDefinition
hashCode() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.UniqueDefinition


ICS - Enum constant in enum class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.TestRunArg
imageFormat() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.tiles.TileTests
In a GeoPackage that contains a tile pyramid user data table that contains tile data that is not MIME type image/jpeg, by default SHALL store that tile data in MIME type image/png.
imageFormatJpg() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.tiles.TileTests
In a GeoPackage that contains a tile pyramid user data table that contains tile data that is not MIME type image/png, by default SHALL store that tile data in MIME type image/jpeg.
importElement(Element) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.util.XMLUtils
Creates a DOM Document with the given Element as the document element.
initCommonFixture(ITestContext) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.CommonFixture
Initializes the common test fixture.
INVALID_DATA_TYPE - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.ErrorMessageKeys
Constant INVALID_DATA_TYPE="InvalidDataType"
INVALID_FOREIGN_KEY - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.ErrorMessageKeys
Constant INVALID_FOREIGN_KEY="InvalidForeignKey"
INVALID_HEADER_STR - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.ErrorMessageKeys
Constant INVALID_HEADER_STR="InvalidHeaderString"
INVALID_IMAGE_FORMAT - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.ErrorMessageKeys
Constant INVALID_IMAGE_FORMAT="InvalidImageFormat"
INVALID_METADATA_REFERENCE_SCOPE - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.ErrorMessageKeys
Constant INVALID_METADATA_REFERENCE_SCOPE="InvalidMetadataReferenceScope"
INVALID_METADATA_REFERENCE_TABLE - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.ErrorMessageKeys
Constant INVALID_METADATA_REFERENCE_TABLE="InvalidMetadataReferenceTable"
INVALID_METADATA_SCOPE - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.ErrorMessageKeys
Constant INVALID_METADATA_SCOPE="InvalidMetadataScope"
INVALID_SUFFIX - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.ErrorMessageKeys
Constant INVALID_SUFFIX="InvalidSuffix"
isLoggable(Level) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.util.TestSuiteLogger
Indicates if the logger is enabled at a given logging level.
IUT - Enum constant in enum class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.TestRunArg
An absolute URI that refers to a representation of the test subject or metadata about it.


LOCAL_NAME - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.ErrorMessageKeys
Constant LOCAL_NAME="LocalName"
log(Level, String) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.util.TestSuiteLogger
Logs a simple message at the specified logging level.
log(Level, String, Exception) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.util.TestSuiteLogger
Logs a message at the specified logging level with the given Exception object that represents a noteworthy error condition.
log(Level, String, Object[]) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.util.TestSuiteLogger
Logs a message at the specified logging level with the given message parameters.


main(String[]) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.TestNGController
A convenience method for running the test suite using a command-line interface.
matrixHeightGreaterThanZero() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.tiles.TileTests
matrix_height column value in a gpkg_tile_matrix table row SHALL be greater than 0.
matrixSetNameForEachTilesTable() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.tiles.TileTests
The gpkg_tile_matrix_set table or view SHALL contain one row record for each tile pyramid user data table.
matrixSetNamesReferenceTiles() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.tiles.TileTests
Values of the gpkg_tile_matrix_set table_name column SHALL reference values in the gpkg_contents table_name column for rows with a data type of "tiles".
matrixSetSrsIdReferencesGoodId() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.tiles.TileTests
Values of the gpkg_tile_matrix_set srs_id column SHALL reference values in the gpkg_spatial_ref_sys srs_id
matrixWidthGreaterThanZero() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.tiles.TileTests
matrix_width column value in a gpkg_tile_matrix table row SHALL be greater than 0.
metadataReferenceScopeAgreement() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.metadata.MetadataTests
Every gpkg_metadata_reference table row with a reference_scope column value of 'geopackage' SHALL have a table_name column value that is NULL.
metadataReferencesScopeValues() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.metadata.MetadataTests
Every gpkg_metadata_reference table reference scope column value SHALL be one of 'geopackage', 'table', 'column', 'row', 'row/col' in lowercase.
metadataReferencesTableDefinition() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.metadata.MetadataTests
A GeoPackage that contains a gpkg_metadata table SHALL contain a gpkg_metadata_reference table per clause Table Definition, Metadata Reference Table Definition (Table Name: gpkg_metadata_reference) and gpkg_metadata_reference Table Definition SQL.
metadataScopeValues() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.metadata.MetadataTests
Each md_scope column value in a gpkg_metadata table or updateable view SHALL be one of the name column values from Metadata Scopes.
metadataTableDefinition() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.metadata.MetadataTests
A GeoPackage MAY contain a table named gpkg_metadata.
MetadataTests - Class in org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.metadata
Defines test methods that apply to descriptive information about a GeoPackage's content as it pertains to the metadata extension.
MetadataTests() - Constructor for class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.metadata.MetadataTests
MISSING_ENTITY - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.ErrorMessageKeys
Constant MISSING_ENTITY="MissingEntity"
MISSING_INFOSET_ITEM - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.ErrorMessageKeys
Constant MISSING_INFOSET_ITEM="MissingInfosetItem"
MISSING_METADATA_REFERENCE_TABLE - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.ErrorMessageKeys
Constant MISSING_METADATA_REFERENCE_TABLE="MissingMetadataReferenceTable"
MISSING_TILE_MATRIX_ENTRY - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.ErrorMessageKeys
Constant MISSING_TILE_MATRIX_ENTRY="MissingTileMatrixEntry"


NAMESPACE_NAME - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.ErrorMessageKeys
Constant NAMESPACE_NAME="NamespaceName"
NamespaceBindings - Class in org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.util
Provides namespace bindings for evaluating XPath 1.0 expressions using the JAXP XPath API.
NamespaceBindings() - Constructor for class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.util.NamespaceBindings
Namespaces - Class in org.opengis.cite.gpkg10
XML namespace names.
NEGATIVE_ZOOM_LEVEL - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.ErrorMessageKeys
Constant NEGATIVE_ZOOM_LEVEL="NegativeZoomLevel"
NO_GEOGRAPHIC_SRS - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.ErrorMessageKeys
Constant NO_GEOGRAPHIC_SRS="NoGeographicSrs"
NO_SQL_ACCESS - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.ErrorMessageKeys
Constant NO_SQL_ACCESS="NoSqlAccess"
NO_UNDEFINED_CARTESIAN_SRS - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.ErrorMessageKeys
Constant NO_UNDEFINED_CARTESIAN_SRS="NoUndefinedCartesianSrs"
NO_UNDEFINED_GEOGRAPHIC_SRS - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.ErrorMessageKeys
Constant NO_UNDEFINED_GEOGRAPHIC_SRS="NoUndefinedGeographicSrs"
NON_POSITIVE_MATRIX_HEIGHT - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.ErrorMessageKeys
Constant NON_POSITIVE_MATRIX_HEIGHT="NonPositiveMatrixHeight"
NON_POSITIVE_MATRIX_WIDTH - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.ErrorMessageKeys
Constant NON_POSITIVE_MATRIX_WIDTH="NonPositiveMatrixWidth"
NON_POSITIVE_PIXEL_X_SIZE - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.ErrorMessageKeys
Constant NON_POSITIVE_PIXEL_X_SIZE="NonPositivePixelXSize"
NON_POSITIVE_PIXEL_Y_SIZE - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.ErrorMessageKeys
Constant NON_POSITIVE_PIXEL_Y_SIZE="NonPositivePixelYSize"
NON_POSITIVE_TILE_HEIGHT - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.ErrorMessageKeys
Constant NON_POSITIVE_TILE_HEIGHT="NonPositiveTileHeight"
NON_POSITIVE_TILE_WIDTH - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.ErrorMessageKeys
Constant NON_POSITIVE_TILE_WIDTH="NonPositiveTileWidth"
NOT_SCHEMA_VALID - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.ErrorMessageKeys
Constant NOT_SCHEMA_VALID="NotSchemaValid"


onExecutionFinish() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.TestRunListener
onExecutionStart() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.TestRunListener
onFinish(ISuite) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.SuiteFixtureListener
onStart(ISuite) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.SuiteFixtureListener
onTestFailure(ITestResult) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.TestFailureListener
Invoked each time a test method fails.
org.opengis.cite.gpkg10 - package org.opengis.cite.gpkg10
The root package includes supporting classes of general utility such as the main controller, listeners, and reporters.
org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.core - package org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.core
This package contains tests covering the Core conformance class.
org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.metadata - package org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.metadata
org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.tiles - package org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.tiles
This package contains tests covering the Tiles conformance class.
org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.util - package org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.util
This package includes miscellaneous utility classes to support testing.
OWS - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.Namespaces
OGC 06-121r3 (OWS 1.1)


parseURI(URI) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.util.URIUtils
Parses the content of the given URI as an XML document and returns a new DOM Document object.
PIXEL_SIZE_NOT_DECREASING - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.ErrorMessageKeys
Constant PIXEL_SIZE_NOT_DECREASING="PixelSizeNotDecreasing"
pixelXSizeGreaterThanZero() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.tiles.TileTests
pixel_x_size column value in a gpkg_tile_matrix table row SHALL be greater than 0.
pixelYSizeGreaterThanZero() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.tiles.TileTests
pixel_y_size column value in a gpkg_tile_matrix table row SHALL be greater than 0.
PRAGMA_INTEGRITY_CHECK - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.GPKG10
PRAGMA_INTEGRITY_CHECK_NOT_OK - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.ErrorMessageKeys
Constant PRAGMA_INTEGRITY_CHECK_NOT_OK="PragmaIntegrityCheckNotOk"
pragmaIntegrityCheck() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.core.SQLiteContainerTests
The SQLite PRAGMA integrity_check SQL command SHALL return "ok" for a GeoPackage file.
processSuiteParameters(ISuite) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.SuiteFixtureListener
Processes test suite arguments and sets suite attributes accordingly.


removeParameters(MediaType) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.util.ClientUtils
Creates a copy of the given MediaType object but without any parameters.
requiredSrsEntries() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.core.SpatialReferenceSystemsTests
The gpkg_spatial_ref_sys table in a GeoPackage SHALL contain a record for organization EPSG or epsg and organization_coordsys_id 4326 for WGS-84, a record with an srs_id of -1, an organization of "NONE", an organization_coordsys_id of -1, and definition "undefined" for undefined Cartesian coordinate reference systems, and a record with an srs_id of 0, an organization of "NONE", an organization_coordsys_id of 0, and definition "undefined" for undefined geographic coordinate reference systems.
resolveRelativeURI(String, String) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.util.URIUtils
Constructs an absolute URI from the given URI reference and a base URI.
ReusableEntityFilter - Class in org.opengis.cite.gpkg10
Buffers the (response) entity so it can be read multiple times.
ReusableEntityFilter() - Constructor for class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.ReusableEntityFilter
ROOT_PKG - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.util.ValidationUtils
ROOT_PKG_PATH - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.CommonFixture
Root test suite package (absolute path).


SCH - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.Namespaces
Schematron (ISO 19757-3) namespace
setUp() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.metadata.MetadataTests
Sets up variables used across methods
setUp() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.tiles.TileTests
Sets up variables used across methods
SOAP_ENV - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.Namespaces
SOAP 1.2 message envelopes.
sortedPixelSizes() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.tiles.TileTests
The pixel_x_size and pixel_y_size column values for zoom_level column values in a gpkg_tile_matrix table sorted in ascending order SHALL be sorted in descending order.
SpatialReferenceSystemsTests - Class in org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.core
Defines test methods that apply to spatial reference systems defined in a GeoPackage.
SpatialReferenceSystemsTests() - Constructor for class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.core.SpatialReferenceSystemsTests
sqlCheck() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.core.SQLiteContainerTests
A GeoPackage SQLite Configuration SHALL provide SQL access to GeoPackage contents via software APIs.
SQLITE_MAGIC_HEADER - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.GPKG10
SQLite v3 header string (terminated with a NULL character).
SQLITE_OMIT_OPTIONS - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.ErrorMessageKeys
Constant SQLITE_OMIT_OPTIONS="SqliteOmitOptions"
SQLiteContainerTests - Class in org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.core
Defines test methods that apply to an SQLite database file.
SQLiteContainerTests() - Constructor for class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.core.SQLiteContainerTests
sqliteOptions() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.core.SQLiteContainerTests
Every GeoPackage SQLite Configuration SHALL have the SQLite library compile and run time options specified in table Every GeoPackage SQLite Configuration.
srsIdReferencesSrsTable() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.core.DataContentsTests
Values of the gpkg_contents table srs_id column SHALL reference values in the gpkg_spatial_ref_sys table srs_id column.
srsTableDefinition() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.core.SpatialReferenceSystemsTests
A GeoPackage SHALL include a gpkg_spatial_ref_sys table per clause Table Definition, Table Spatial Ref Sys Table Definition and Table gpkg_spatial_ref_sys Table Definition SQL.
SuiteAttribute - Enum Class in org.opengis.cite.gpkg10
An enumerated type defining ISuite attributes that may be set to constitute a shared test fixture.
SuiteFixtureListener - Class in org.opengis.cite.gpkg10
A listener that performs various tasks before and after a test suite is run, usually concerned with maintaining a shared test suite fixture.
SuiteFixtureListener() - Constructor for class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.SuiteFixtureListener
SuitePreconditions - Class in org.opengis.cite.gpkg10
Checks that various preconditions are satisfied before the test suite is run.
SuitePreconditions() - Constructor for class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.SuitePreconditions


TableDefinition - Class in org.opengis.cite.gpkg10
TableDefinition class.
TableDefinition(String, Map<String, ColumnDefinition>) - Constructor for class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.TableDefinition
TableDefinition(String, Map<String, ColumnDefinition>, Set<ForeignKeyDefinition>) - Constructor for class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.TableDefinition
TableDefinition(String, Map<String, ColumnDefinition>, Set<ForeignKeyDefinition>, Set<UniqueDefinition>) - Constructor for class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.TableDefinition
TableVerifier - Class in org.opengis.cite.gpkg10
TableVerifier class.
TEST_SUBJ_FILE - Enum constant in enum class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.SuiteAttribute
A File containing the test subject or a description of it.
TEST_SUBJECT - Enum constant in enum class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.SuiteAttribute
A DOM Document that represents the test subject or metadata about it.
TestFailureListener - Class in org.opengis.cite.gpkg10
A listener that augments a test result with diagnostic information in the event that a test method failed.
TestFailureListener() - Constructor for class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.TestFailureListener
TestNGController - Class in org.opengis.cite.gpkg10
Main test run controller oversees execution of TestNG test suites.
TestNGController() - Constructor for class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.TestNGController
Default constructor uses the location given by the "" system property as the root output directory.
TestNGController(String) - Constructor for class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.TestNGController
Construct a controller that writes results to the given output directory.
TestRunArg - Enum Class in org.opengis.cite.gpkg10
An enumerated type defining all recognized test run arguments.
TestRunArguments - Class in org.opengis.cite.gpkg10
Declares supported command line arguments that are parsed using the JCommander library.
TestRunArguments() - Constructor for class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.TestRunArguments
Constructor for TestRunArguments.
TestRunListener - Class in org.opengis.cite.gpkg10
A listener that is invoked before and after a test run.
TestRunListener() - Constructor for class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.TestRunListener
TestSuiteLogger - Class in org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.util
Logging utility class that provides simple access to the JDK Logging API.
TILE_COLUMN_OUT_OF_RANGE - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.ErrorMessageKeys
Constant TILE_COLUMN_OUT_OF_RANGE="TileColumnOutOfRange"
TILE_MATRIX_SET_TABLE_DOES_NOT_EXIST - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.ErrorMessageKeys
Constant TILE_MATRIX_SET_TABLE_DOES_NOT_EXIST="TileMatrixSetTableDoesNotExist"
TILE_MATRIX_TABLE_DOES_NOT_EXIST - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.ErrorMessageKeys
Constant TILE_MATRIX_TABLE_DOES_NOT_EXIST="TileMatrixTableDoesNotExist"
TILE_ROW_OUT_OF_RANGE - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.ErrorMessageKeys
Constant TILE_ROW_OUT_OF_RANGE="TileRowOutOfRange"
tileColumnRange() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.tiles.TileTests
For each distinct table_name from the gpkg_tile_matrix (tm) table, the tile pyramid (tp) user data table tile_column column value in a GeoPackage SHALL be in the range <= tp.tile_column <= tm.matrix_width - 1 where the tm and tp zoom_level column values are equal.
tileHeightGreaterThanZero() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.tiles.TileTests
tile_height column value in a gpkg_tile_matrix table row SHALL be greater than 0.
tileMatrixDimensionAgreement() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.tiles.TileTests
The width of a tile matrix (the difference between min_x and max_x in gpkg_tile_matrix_set) SHALL equal the product of matrix_width, tile_width, and pixel_x_size for that zoom level.
tileMatrixPerZoomLevel() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.tiles.TileTests
The gpkg_tile_matrix table or view SHALL contain one row record for each zoom level that contains one or more tiles in each tile pyramid user data table or view.
tileMatrixSetTable() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.tiles.TileTests
A GeoPackage that contains a tile pyramid user data table SHALL contain gpkg_tile_matrix_set table or view per Table Definition, Tile Matrix Set Table or View Definition and gpkg_tile_matrix_set Table Creation SQL.
tileMatrixTableContentsReferences() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.tiles.TileTests
Values of the gpkg_tile_matrix table_name column SHALL reference values in the gpkg_contents table_name column for rows with a data_type of 'tiles'.
tileMatrixTableDefinition() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.tiles.TileTests
A GeoPackage that contains a tile pyramid user data table SHALL contain a gpkg_tile_matrix table or view per clause Table Definition, Table Tile Matrix Metadata Table or View Definition and Table gpkg_tile_matrix Table Creation SQL.
tileRowRange() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.tiles.TileTests
For each distinct table_name from the gpkg_tile_matrix (tm) table, the tile pyramid (tp) user data table tile_row column value in a GeoPackage SHALL be in the range 0 <= tp.tile_row <= tm.matrix_height - 1 where the tm and tp zoom_level column values are equal.
TILES_TABLES_NOT_REFERENCED_IN_CONTENTS - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.ErrorMessageKeys
Constant TILES_TABLES_NOT_REFERENCED_IN_CONTENTS="TilesTablesNotReferencedInContents"
tilesTableDefinitions() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.tiles.TileTests
Each tile matrix set in a GeoPackage SHALL be stored in a different tile pyramid user data table or updateable view with a unique name that SHALL have a column named "id" with column type INTEGER and PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT column constraints per Clause Table Definition, Tiles Table or View Definition and EXAMPLE: tiles table Insert Statement (Informative).
tilesTablesAreReferenced() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.tiles.TileTests
The gpkg_contents table SHALL contain a row with a data_type column value of "tiles" for each tile pyramid user data table or view.
TileTests - Class in org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.tiles
Defines test methods that apply to descriptive information about a GeoPackage's content as it pertains to tiles.
TileTests() - Constructor for class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.tiles.TileTests
tileWidthGreaterThanZero() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.tiles.TileTests
tile_width column value in a gpkg_tile_matrix table row SHALL be greater than 0.
timestampFormat() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.core.DataContentsTests
Values of the gpkg_contents table last_change column SHALL be in ISO 8601 format containing a complete date plus UTC hours, minutes, seconds and a decimal fraction of a second, with a 'Z' ('zulu') suffix indicating UTC.
toString() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.ColumnDefinition
toString() - Method in enum class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.SuiteAttribute
toString() - Method in enum class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.TestRunArg
toString() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.util.NamespaceBindings
transform(Source, Node) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.util.XMLUtils
Transforms the content of a DOM Node using a specified XSLT stylesheet.


UNDEFINED_SRS - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.ErrorMessageKeys
Constant UNDEFINED_SRS="UndefinedSrs"
UNDEFINED_ZOOM_LEVEL - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.ErrorMessageKeys
Constant UNDEFINED_ZOOM_LEVEL="UndefinedZoomLevel"
UNEXPECTED_MEDIA_TYPE - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.ErrorMessageKeys
Constant UNEXPECTED_MEDIA_TYPE="UnexpectedMediaType"
UNEXPECTED_STATUS - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.ErrorMessageKeys
Constant UNEXPECTED_STATUS="UnexpectedStatus"
UniqueDefinition - Class in org.opengis.cite.gpkg10
UniqueDefinition class.
UniqueDefinition(String...) - Constructor for class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.UniqueDefinition
Constructor for UniqueDefinition.
UniqueDefinition(Collection<String>) - Constructor for class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.UniqueDefinition
Constructor for UniqueDefinition.
UNKNOWN_APP_ID - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.ErrorMessageKeys
Constant UNKNOWN_APP_ID="UnknownApplicationId"
UNREFERENCED_TILE_MATRIX_SET_TABLE - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.ErrorMessageKeys
Constant UNREFERENCED_TILE_MATRIX_SET_TABLE="UnreferencedTileMatrixSetTable"
UNREFERENCED_TILES_CONTENT_TABLE_NAME - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.ErrorMessageKeys
Constant UNREFERENCED_TILES_CONTENT_TABLE_NAME="UnreferencedTilesContentTableName"
URIUtils - Class in org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.util
Provides a collection of utility methods for manipulating or resolving URI references.
URIUtils() - Constructor for class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.util.URIUtils


validateMetadataLevelEnabled(ITestContext) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.metadata.MetadataTests
validateTestRunArgs(Document) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.TestNGController
Validates the test run arguments.
validateTileLevelEnabled(ITestContext) - Method in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.tiles.TileTests
ValidationUtils - Class in org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.util
A utility class that provides convenience methods to support schema validation.
ValidationUtils() - Constructor for class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.util.ValidationUtils
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.SuiteAttribute
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.TestRunArg
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.SuiteAttribute
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.TestRunArg
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
VALUES_DO_NOT_VARY_BY_FACTOR_OF_TWO - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.ErrorMessageKeys
Constant VALUES_DO_NOT_VARY_BY_FACTOR_OF_TWO="ValuesDoNotVaryByFactorOfTwo"
verifySQLiteMajorVersion() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.SuitePreconditions
Verifies that the referenced test subject exists and is a SQLite database file.
verifyTable(Connection, String, Map<String, ColumnDefinition>, Set<ForeignKeyDefinition>, Iterable<UniqueDefinition>) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.TableVerifier


withStandardBindings() - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.util.NamespaceBindings
Creates a NamespaceBindings object that declares the following namespace bindings: ows: "" xlink: "" gml: ""
writeNode(Node, OutputStream) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.util.XMLUtils
Writes the content of a DOM Node to a byte stream.
writeNodeToString(Node) - Static method in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.util.XMLUtils
Writes the content of a DOM Node to a string.


XLINK - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.Namespaces
W3C XLink
XML_ERROR - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.ErrorMessageKeys
Constant XML_ERROR="XMLError"
XMLUtils - Class in org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.util
Provides various utility methods for accessing or manipulating XML representations.
XMLUtils() - Constructor for class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.util.XMLUtils
XPATH_ERROR - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.ErrorMessageKeys
Constant XPATH_ERROR="XPathError"
XPATH_RESULT - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.ErrorMessageKeys
Constant XPATH_RESULT="XPathResult"
XSD - Static variable in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.Namespaces
W3C XML Schema namespace


zoomLevelNotNegative() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.tiles.TileTests
The zoom_level column value in a gpkg_tile_matrix table row SHALL not be negative.
zoomLevelRange() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.tiles.TileTests
For each distinct table_name from the gpkg_tile_matrix (tm) table, the tile pyramid (tp) user data table zoom_level column value in a GeoPackage SHALL be in the range min(tm.zoom_level) <= tp.zoom_level <= max(tm.zoom_level).
zoomTimesTwo() - Method in class org.opengis.cite.gpkg10.tiles.TileTests
In a GeoPackage that contains a tile pyramid user data table that contains tile data, by default, zoom level pixel sizes for that table SHALL vary by a factor of 2 between adjacent zoom levels in the tile matrix metadata table.
A B C D E F G H I L M N O P R S T U V W X Z 
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