
public class ProcessList extends CommonFixture
A.2.5. List of processes {root}/processes
Benjamin Pross
  • Constructor Details

    • ProcessList

      public ProcessList()
  • Method Details

    • setup

      @BeforeClass public void setup()


    • testPlLimitDefinition

      public void testPlLimitDefinition()
       Abstract Test 9: /conf/core/pl-limit-definition
       Test Purpose: Validate that the `limit` query parameter is constructed correctly.
       Requirement: /req/core/pl-limit-definition
       Test Method:
    • testPlLimitResponse

      public void testPlLimitResponse()
       Abstract Test 12: /conf/core/pl-limit-response
       Test Purpose: Validate that the `limit` query parameter is processed correctly.
       Requirement: /req/core/pl-limit-response
       Test Method:
       1.  Verify that this count is not greater than the value specified by the `limit` parameter
       2.  If the API definition specifies a maximum value for `limit` parameter, verify that the count does not exceed this maximum value
       TODO: Check additional content
    • testPlLinks

      public void testPlLinks()
       Abstract Test 11: /conf/core/pl-links
       Test Purpose: Validate that the proper links are included in a repsonse.
       Requirement: /req/core/pl-links
       Test Method:
       1.  Verify that the `links` section of the response contains a link with `rel=alternate` for each response representation the service claims to support in its sc_conformance,conformance document
       TODO: Check additional content
    • testProcessList

      public void testProcessList()
       Abstract Test 8: /conf/core/process-list
       Test Purpose: Validate that information about the processes can be retrieved from the expected location.
       Requirement: /req/core/process-list
       Test Method:
       TODO: Check additional content
    • testProcessListSuccess

      public void testProcessListSuccess()
       Abstract Test 10: /conf/core/process-list-success
       Test Purpose: Validate that the process list content complies with the required structure and contents.
       Requirement: /req/core/process-list-success
       Test Method:
       The process list may be retrieved in a number of different formats. The following table identifies the applicable schema document for each format and the test to be used to validate the against that schema. All supported formats should be exercised.
       1. Schema and Tests for Lists content
       |Format |Schema Document |Test ID
       |HTML |link:[processList.yaml] |ats_html_content,/conf/html/content
       |JSON |link:[processList.yaml] |ats_json_content,/conf/json/content
       TODO: Check additional content