Class OGCProcessDescription


public class OGCProcessDescription extends CommonFixture
A.3 OGC Process Description
Benjamin Pross
  • Constructor Details

    • OGCProcessDescription

      public OGCProcessDescription()
  • Method Details

    • setup

      @BeforeClass public void setup(org.testng.ITestContext testContext)


      testContext - a ITestContext object
    • testOGCProcessDescriptionJSON

      public void testOGCProcessDescriptionJSON()
       Abstract Test 48: /conf/ogc-process-description/json-encoding
       Test Purpose: Verify that a JSON-encoded OGC Process Description complies with the required structure and contents.
       Requirement: /req/ogc-process-description/json-encoding
       Test Method:
       1. Retrieve a description of each process according to test /conf/core/process.
       2. For each process, verify the contents of the response body validate against the JSON Schema: process.yaml.
    • testOGCProcessDescriptionInputsDef

      public void testOGCProcessDescriptionInputsDef()
       Abstract Test 49: /conf/ogc-process-description/inputs-def
       Test Purpose: Verify that the definition of inputs for each process complies with the required structure and contents.
       Requirement: /req/ogc-process-description/inputs-def
       Test Method:
       1. Retrieve a description of each process according to test /conf/core/process.
       2. For each process, verify that the definition of the inputs conforms to the JSON Schema: inputDescription.yaml.
    • testOGCProcessDescriptionInputDef

      public void testOGCProcessDescriptionInputDef()
       Abstract Test 50: /conf/ogc-process-description/input-def
       Test Purpose: Verify that the definition of each input for each process complies with the required structure and contents.
       Requirement: /req/ogc-process-description/input-def
       Test Method:
       For each input identified according to the test /conf/ogc-process-description/inputs-def verify that the value of the schema key, that defines the input, validates according to the JSON Schema: schema.yaml.
    • testOGCProcessDescriptionInputDefinitionOfMixedType

      public void testOGCProcessDescriptionInputDefinitionOfMixedType()
       Abstract Test 51: /conf/ogc-process-description/input-mixed-type
       Test Purpose: Validate that each input of mixed type complies with the required structure and contents.
       Requirement: /req/ogc-process-description/input-mixed-type
       Test Method:
       1. Retrieve a description of each process according to test /conf/core/process.
       2. For each process identify if the process has one or more inputs of mixed type.
       3. For each sub-schema of each identified input, verify that the definition validates according to the JSON Schema: schema.yaml.
    • testOGCProcessDescriptionOutputsDef

      public void testOGCProcessDescriptionOutputsDef()
       Abstract Test 52: /conf/ogc-process-description/outputs-def
       Test Purpose: Verify that the definition of outputs for each process complies with the required structure and contents.
       Requirement: /req/ogc-process-description/outputs-def
       Test Method:
       1. Retrieve a description of each process according to test /conf/core/process.
       2. For each process, verify that the definition of the outputs conforms to the JSON Schema: outputDescription.yaml.
    • testOGCProcessDescriptionOutputDef

      public void testOGCProcessDescriptionOutputDef()
       Abstract Test 53: /conf/ogc-process-description/output-def
       Test Purpose: Verify that the definition of each output for each process complies with the required structure and contents.
       Requirement: /req/ogc-process-description/output-def
       Test Method:
       For each output identified according to the test /conf/ogc-process-description/outputs-def verify that the value of the schema key, that defines the output, validates according to the JSON Schema: schema.yaml.
    • testOGCProcessDescriptionOutputDefinitionOfMixedType

      public void testOGCProcessDescriptionOutputDefinitionOfMixedType()
       Abstract Test 54: /conf/ogc-process-description/output-mixed-type
       Test Purpose: Validate that each output of mixed type complies with the required structure and contents.
       Requirement: /req/ogc-process-description/output-mixed-type
       Test Method:
       1. Retrieve a description of each process according to test /conf/core/process.
       2. For each process identify if the process has one or more output of mixed type denoted by the use of the oneOf JSON Schema keyword.
       3. For each sub-schema or each identified output, verify that the definition validates according to the JSON Schema: schema.yaml.