
public class Jobs extends CommonFixture
A.2.6. JobList {root}/jobs
Benjamin Pross
  • Nested Class Summary

    Nested Classes
    Modifier and Type
    (package private) static enum 

    Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class org.opengis.cite.ogcapiprocesses10.CommonFixture

    CommonFixture.Input, CommonFixture.Output, CommonFixture.Type
  • Field Summary

  • Constructor Summary

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    setup(org.testng.ITestContext testContext)
    Abstract Test 17: /conf/core/job-creation-auto-execution-mode Test Purpose: Validate that the server correctly handles the execution mode for a process.
    Abstract Test 18: /conf/core/job-creation-default-execution-mode Test Purpose: Validate that the server correctly handles the default execution mode for a process.
    Abstract Test 27: /conf/core/job-creation-default-outputs Test Purpose: Validate that the server correctly handles the case where no `outputs` parameter is specified on an execute request.
    Abstract Test 23: /conf/core/job-creation-input-array Test Purpose: Verify that the server correctly recognizes the encoding of parameter values for input parameters with a maximum cardinality greater than one.
    Abstract Test 21: /conf/core/job-creation-input-inline Test Purpose: Validate in-line process input values are validated against the corresponding schema from the process description.
    Abstract Test 27: /conf/core/job-creation-input-inline-bbox Test Purpose: Validate that inputs with a bounding box schema encoded in-line in an execute request are correctly processed.
    Abstract Test 26: /conf/core/job-creation-input-inline-binary Test Purpose: Validate that binary input values encoded as base-64 string in-line in an execute request are correctly processes.
    Abstract Test 25: /conf/core/job-creation-input-inline-mixed Test Purpose: Validate that inputs of mixed content encoded in-line in an execute request are correctly processed.
    Abstract Test 23: /conf/core/job-creation-input-inline-object Test Purpose: Validate that inputs with a complex object schema encoded in-line in an execute request are correctly processed.
    Abstract Test 22: /conf/core/job-creation-input-ref Test Purpose: Validate that input values specified by reference in an execute request are correctly processed.
    Abstract Test 20: /conf/core/job-creation-inputs Test Purpose: Validate that servers can accept input values both inline and by reference.
    Abstract Test null: /conf/core/job-creation-input-validation Test Purpose: Verify that the server correctly validates process input values according to the definition obtained from the sc_process_description,process description.
    Abstract Test 16: /conf/core/job-creation-op Test Purpose: Validate the creation of a new job.
    Abstract Test 19: /conf/core/job-creation-request Test Purpose: Validate that the body of a job creation operation complies with the required structure and contents.
    Abstract Test 34: /conf/core/job-creation-success-async Test Purpose: Validate the results of a job that has been created using the `async` execution mode.
    Abstract Test 33: /conf/core/job-creation-sync-document Test Purpose: Validate that the server responds as expected when synchronous execution is sc_execution_code,negotiated and the response type is `document`.
    Abstract Test 32: /conf/core/job-creation-sync-raw-mixed-multi Test Purpose: Validate that the server responds as expected when synchronous execution is sc_execution_mode,negotiated, the response type is `raw` and the output transmission is a mix of `value` and `reference`.
    Abstract Test 31: /conf/core/job-creation-sync-raw-ref Test Purpose: Validate that the server responds as expected when synchronous execution is sc_execution_mode,negotiated, the response type is `raw` and the transmission mode is `ref`.
    Abstract Test 30: /conf/core/job-creation-sync-raw-value-multi Test Purpose: Validate that the server responds as expected when synchronous execution is sc_execution_mode,negotiated, the response type is `raw` and the output transmission is `value`.
    Abstract Test 28: /conf/core/job-creation-sync-raw-value-one Test Purpose: Validate that the server responds as expected when synchronous execution is sc_execution_mode,negotiated, a single output value is requested, the response type is `raw` and the output transmission is `value`.
    Abstract Test 37: /conf/core/job-exception-no-such-job Test Purpose: Validate that an invalid job identifier is handled correctly.
    Abstract Test 35: /conf/core/job-op Test Purpose: Validate that the status info of a job can be retrieved.
    Abstract Test 38: /conf/core/job-results Test Purpose: Validate that the results of a job can be retrieved.
    Abstract Test 44: /conf/core/job-results-async-document Test Purpose: Validate that the server responds as expected when the asynchronous execution is sc_execution_mode,negotiated and the response type is `document`.
    Abstract Test 43: /conf/core/job-results-async-raw-mixed-multi Test Purpose: Validate that the server responds as expected when asynchronous execution is sc_execution_mode,negotiated, more than one output is requested, the response type is `raw` and the output transmission is a mix of `value` and `reference`.
    Abstract Test 42: /conf/core/job-results-async-raw-ref Test Purpose: Validate that the server responds as expected when asynchronous execution is ,sc_execution_mode,negotiated, the response type is `raw` and the output transmission is `reference`.
    Abstract Test 41: /conf/core/job-results-async-raw-value-multi Test Purpose: Validate that the server responds as expected when asynchronous execution is sc_execution_mode,negotiated, more than one output is requested, the response type is `raw` and the output transmission is `value`.
    Abstract Test 40: /conf/core/job-results-async-raw-value-one Test Purpose: Validate that the server responds as expected when asynchronous execution is sc_execution_mode,negotiated, one output is requested, the response type is `raw` and the output transmission is `value`.
    Abstract Test 46: /conf/core/job-results-exception-results-not-ready Test Purpose: Validate that the job results retrieved for an incomplete job complies with the require structure and contents.
    Abstract Test 47: /conf/core/job-results-failed Test Purpose: Validate that the job results for a failed job complies with the require structure and contents.
    Abstract Test null: /conf/core/job-results-no-such-job Test Purpose: Validate that the job results retrieved using an invalid job identifier complies with the require structure and contents.
    Abstract Test 39: /conf/core/job-results-sync Test Purpose: Validate that the server responds as expected when getting results from a job for a process that has been executed synchronously.
    Abstract Test 36: /conf/core/job-success Test Purpose: Validate that the job status info complies with the require structure and contents.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Constructor Details

    • Jobs

      public Jobs()
  • Method Details

    • setup

      @BeforeClass public void setup(org.testng.ITestContext testContext)


      testContext - a ITestContext object
    • testJobCreationAutoExecutionMode

      public void testJobCreationAutoExecutionMode()
       Abstract Test 17: /conf/core/job-creation-auto-execution-mode
       Test Purpose: Validate that the server correctly handles the execution mode for a process.
       Requirement: /req/core/job-creation-op
       Test Method:
       1.  Setting the HTTP `Prefer` header to include the `respond-sync` preference, construct an execute request according to test ats_core_job-creation-request,/conf/core/job-creation-request
       2.  For processes that are supposed to execute asynchronously according to the req_core_job-creation-auto-execution-mode,/req/core/job-creation-auto-execution-mode requirement, verify the successful execution according to the ats_core_job-creation-success-async,/conf/core/job-creation-success-async test
       3.  For processes that are supposed to execute synchronously according to the req_core_job-creation-auto-execution-mode,/req/core/job-creation-auto-execution-mode requirement, verify the successful execution according to the ats-job-creation-success-sync,relevant requirement based on the combination of execute parameters
       4.  For processes that may execute either synchronously or asynchronously according to the req_core_job-creation-auto-execution-mode,/req/core/job-creation-auto-execution-mode requirement, verify that successful execution according to the ats-job-creation-success-sync,relevant requirement based on the combination of execute parameters
       TODO: Check additional content
    • testJobCreationDefaultExecutionMode

      public void testJobCreationDefaultExecutionMode()
       Abstract Test 18: /conf/core/job-creation-default-execution-mode
       Test Purpose: Validate that the server correctly handles the default execution mode for a process.
       Requirement: /req/core/job-creation-op
       Test Method:
       1.  Without setting the HTTP `Prefer` header, construct an execute request according to test ats_core_job-creation-request,/conf/core/job-creation-request
       2.  For processes that are supposed to execute asynchronously according to the req_core_job-creation-default-execution-mode,/req/core/job-creation-default-execution-mode requirement, verify the successful execution according to the ats_core_job-creation-success-async,/conf/core/job-creation-success-async test
       3.  For processes that are supposed to execute synchronously according to the req_core_job-creation-auto-execution-mode,/req/core/job-creation-auto-execution-mode requirement, verify the successful synchronous execution according to the ats-job-creation-success-sync,relevant requirement based on the combination of execute parameters
       TODO: Check additional content
    • testJobCreationDefaultOutputs

      public void testJobCreationDefaultOutputs()
       Abstract Test 27: /conf/core/job-creation-default-outputs
       Test Purpose: Validate that the server correctly handles the case where no `outputs` parameter is specified on an execute request.
       Requirement: /req/core/job-creation-op
       Test Method:
       1.  For each process construct an execute request according to test ats_core_job-creation-request,/conf/core/job-creation-request taking care to omit the `outputs` parameter
       2.  Verify that each processes executed successfully according to the ats-job-creation-success-sync,relevant requirement based on the combination of execute parameters
       3.  Verify that each process includes all the outputs, as defined in the sc_process_description,process description, in the response
       TODO: Check additional content
    • testJobCreationInputArray

      public void testJobCreationInputArray()
       Abstract Test 23: /conf/core/job-creation-input-array
       Test Purpose: Verify that the server correctly recognizes the encoding of parameter values for input parameters with a maximum cardinality greater than one.
       Requirement: /req/core/job-creation-input-array
       Test Method:
       1.  Get a description of each process offered by the server using test /conf/core/process.
       2.  Inspect the description of each process and identify the list of processes that have inputs with a maximum cardinality greater that one.
       3.  For each identified process construct an execute request according to test ats_core_job-creation-request,/conf/core/job-creation-request taking care to encode the inputs with maximum cardinality  1 according to the requirement req_core_job-creation-input-array,/req/core/job-creation-input-array
       4.  Verify that each process executes successfully according to the ats-job-creation-success-sync,relevant requirement based on the combination of execute parameters
       TODO: Check additional content
    • testJobCreationInputInlineBbox

      public void testJobCreationInputInlineBbox()
       Abstract Test 27: /conf/core/job-creation-input-inline-bbox
       Test Purpose: Validate that inputs with a bounding box schema encoded in-line in an execute request are correctly processed.
       Requirement: /req/core/job-creation-input-inline-bbox
       Test Method:
       1.  For each identified process construct an execute request according to test ats_core_job-creation-request,/conf/core/job-creation-request taking care to encode values for the identified bounding box inputs in-line in the execute request
       2.  Verify that each process executes successfully according to the ats_job-creation-success,relevant requirement based on the combination of execute parameters
    • testJobCreationInputInlineBinary

      public void testJobCreationInputInlineBinary()
       Abstract Test 26: /conf/core/job-creation-input-inline-binary
       Test Purpose: Validate that binary input values encoded as base-64 string in-line in an execute request are correctly processes.
       Requirement: /req/core/job-creation-input-binary
       Test Method:
       1.  For each identified process construct an execute request according to test ats_core_job-creation-request,/conf/core/job-creation-request taking care to encode binary input values in-line in the execute request according to requirement req_core_job-creation-input-inline-binary,/req/core/job-creation-input-inline-binary
       2.  Verify that each process executes successfully according to the ats-job-creation-success-sync,relevant requirement based on the combination of execute parameters
       TODO: Check additional content
    • testJobCreationInputInlineMixed

      public void testJobCreationInputInlineMixed()
       Abstract Test 25: /conf/core/job-creation-input-inline-mixed
       Test Purpose: Validate that inputs of mixed content encoded in-line in an execute request are correctly processed.
       Requirement: /req/core/job-creation-input-inline-mixed
       Test Method:
       1.  For each identified process construct an execute request according to test ats_core_job-creation-request,/conf/core/job-creation-request taking care to encode the identified mix-content inputs in-line in the execute request according to requirement req_core_job-creation-input-inline-mixed,/req/core/job-creation-input-inline-mixed
       2.  Verify that each process executes successfully according to the ats-job-creation-success-sync,relevant requirement based on the combination of execute parameters
       TODO: Check additional content
    • testJobCreationInputInlineObject

      public void testJobCreationInputInlineObject()
       Abstract Test 23: /conf/core/job-creation-input-inline-object
       Test Purpose: Validate that inputs with a complex object schema encoded in-line in an execute request are correctly processed.
       Requirement: /req/core/job-creation-input-inline-object
       Test Method:
       1.  For each identified process construct an execute request according to test ats_core_job-creation-request,/conf/core/job-creation-request taking care to encode the identified object inputs in-line in the execute request according to requirement req_core_job-creation-input-inline-object,/req/core/job-creation-input-inline-object
       2.  Verify that each process executes successfully according to the ats-job-creation-success-sync,relevant requirement based on the combination of execute parameters
       TODO: Check additional content
    • testJobCreationInputInline

      public void testJobCreationInputInline()
       Abstract Test 21: /conf/core/job-creation-input-inline
       Test Purpose: Validate in-line process input values are validated against the corresponding schema from the process description.
       Requirement: /req/core/job-creation-input-inline
       Test Method:
       1.  Verify that each process executes successfully according to the ats-job-creation-success-sync,relevant requirement based on the combination of execute parameters
       TODO: Check additional content
    • testJobCreationInputRef

      public void testJobCreationInputRef()
       Abstract Test 22: /conf/core/job-creation-input-ref
       Test Purpose: Validate that input values specified by reference in an execute request are correctly processed.
       Requirement: /req/core/job-creation-input-ref
       Test Method:
       1.  Verify that each process executes successfully according to the ats-job-creation-success-sync,relevant requirement based on the combination of execute parameters
       TODO: Check additional content
    • testJobCreationInputValidation

      public void testJobCreationInputValidation()
       Abstract Test null: /conf/core/job-creation-input-validation
       Test Purpose: Verify that the server correctly validates process input values according to the definition obtained from the sc_process_description,process description.
       Requirement: /req/core/job-creation-input-validation
       Test Method:
       1.  For each process construct an execute request according to test ats_core_job-creation-request,/conf/core/job-creation-request taking care to encode the input values according to the schema from the definition of each input
       2.  Verify that each process executes successfully according to the ats-job-creation-success-sync,relevant requirement based on the combination of execute parameters
       3.  For each process construct an execute request according to test ats_core_job-creation-request,/conf/core/job-creation-request taking care to encode some of the input values in violation of the schema from the definition of the selected input
       4.  Verify that each process generates an exception report that identifies the improperly specified input value(s)
       TODO: Check additional content
    • testJobCreationInputs

      public void testJobCreationInputs()
       Abstract Test 20: /conf/core/job-creation-inputs
       Test Purpose: Validate that servers can accept input values both inline and by reference.
       Requirement: /req/core/job-creation-inputs
       Test Method:
    • testJobCreationOp

      public void testJobCreationOp()
       Abstract Test 16: /conf/core/job-creation-op
       Test Purpose: Validate the creation of a new job.
       Requirement: /req/core/job-creation-op
       Test Method:
       1.  Validate the creation of the job according the requirements req_core_job-creation-default-execution-mode,
    • testJobCreationRequest

      public void testJobCreationRequest()
       Abstract Test 19: /conf/core/job-creation-request
       Test Purpose: Validate that the body of a job creation operation complies with the required structure and contents.
       Requirement: /req/core/job-creation-request
       Test Method:
    • testJobCreationSuccessAsync

      public void testJobCreationSuccessAsync()
       Abstract Test 34: /conf/core/job-creation-success-async
       Test Purpose: Validate the results of a job that has been created using the `async` execution mode.
       Requirement: /req/core/job-creation-success-async
       Test Method:
       TODO: Check additional content
    • testJobCreationSyncDocument

      public void testJobCreationSyncDocument()
       Abstract Test 33: /conf/core/job-creation-sync-document
       Test Purpose: Validate that the server responds as expected when synchronous execution is sc_execution_code,negotiated and the response type is `document`.
       Requirement: /req/core/job-creation-sync-document
       Test Method:
       1.  For each identified process construct an execute request according to test ats_core_job-creation-request,/conf/core/job-creation-request ensuring that synchronous execution has been sc_execution_mode,negotiated according to tests ats_core_job-creation-default-execution-mode,/conf/core/job-creation-default-execution-mode and the requested response type is `document` (ie `"response": "document"`) according to requirement req_core_job-creation-sync-document,/req /core/job-creation-sync-document
       2.  Verify that each process executes successfully according to requirement req_core_job-creation-sync-document,/req/core/job-creation-sync-document
    • testJobCreationSyncRawMixedMulti

      public void testJobCreationSyncRawMixedMulti()
       Abstract Test 32: /conf/core/job-creation-sync-raw-mixed-multi
       Test Purpose: Validate that the server responds as expected when synchronous execution is sc_execution_mode,negotiated, the response type is `raw` and the output transmission is a mix of `value` and `reference`.
       Requirement: /req/core/job-creation-sync-raw-mixed-multi
       Test Method:
       1.  For each identified process construct an execute request according to test ats_core_job-creation-request,/conf/core/job-creation-request ensuring that synchronous execution is sc_execution_mode,negotiated according to test ats_core_job-creation-default-execution-mode,/conf/core/job-creation-default-execution-mode, that more than one output is requested, that the requested response type is `raw` (ie `"response": "raw"`) and the the transmission mode is a mix of `value` (ie `"transmissionMode": "value"`) and reference (ie `"transmissionMode": "reference"`) according to requirement req_core_job-creation-sync-raw-mixed-multi,/req/core/job-creation-sync-raw-mixed-multi
       2.  Verify that each process executes successfully according to requirement req_core_job-creation-sync-raw-mixed-multi,/req/core/job-creation-sync-raw-mixed-multi
       3.  For each output requested with `"transmissionMode": "value"` verify that the body of the corresponding part contains the output value
       4.  For each output requested with `"transmissionMode": "reference"` verify that the body of the corresponding part is empty and the `Content-Location` header is included that points to the output value
       TODO: Check additional content
    • testJobCreationSyncRawRef

      public void testJobCreationSyncRawRef()
       Abstract Test 31: /conf/core/job-creation-sync-raw-ref
       Test Purpose: Validate that the server responds as expected when synchronous execution is sc_execution_mode,negotiated, the response type is `raw` and the transmission mode is `ref`.
       Requirement: /req/core/job-creation-sync-raw-ref
       Test Method:
       1.  For each identified process construct an execute request according to test ats_core_job-creation-request,/conf/core/job-creation-request ensuring that synchronous execution is sc_execution_mode,negotiated according to test ats_core_job-creation-default-execution-mode,/conf/core/job-creation-default-execution-mode, that the requested response type is `raw` (ie `"response": "raw"`) and the transmission mode is set to `ref` (ie `"transmissionMode": "ref"`) according to requirement req_core_job-creation-sync-raw-ref,/req/core/job-creation-sync-raw-ref
       2.  Verify that each process executes successfully according to requirement req_core_job-creation-sync-raw-ref,/req/core/job-creation-sync-raw-ref
       TODO: Check additional content
    • testJobCreationSyncRawValueMulti

      public void testJobCreationSyncRawValueMulti()
       Abstract Test 30: /conf/core/job-creation-sync-raw-value-multi
       Test Purpose: Validate that the server responds as expected when synchronous execution is sc_execution_mode,negotiated, the response type is `raw` and the output transmission is `value`.
       Requirement: /req/core/job-creation-sync-raw-value-multi
       Test Method:
       1.  For each identified process construct an execute request according to test ats_core_job-creation-request,/conf/core/job-creation-request ensuring that synchronous execution is sc_execution_mode,negotiated according to test ats_core_job-creation-default-execution-mode,/conf/core/job-creation-default-execution-mode, that more than one output is requested, that the requested response type is `raw` (ie `"response": "raw"`) and the the transmission mode is set to `value` (ie `"transmissionMode": "value"`) according to requirement req_core_job-creation-sync-raw-value-multi,/req/core/job-creation-sync-raw-value-multi
       2.  Verify that each process executes successfully according to requirement req_core_job-creation-sync-raw-value-multi,/req/core/job-creation-sync-raw-value-multi
       TODO: Check additional content
    • testJobCreationSyncRawValueOne

      public void testJobCreationSyncRawValueOne()
       Abstract Test 28: /conf/core/job-creation-sync-raw-value-one
       Test Purpose: Validate that the server responds as expected when synchronous execution is sc_execution_mode,negotiated, a single output value is requested, the response type is `raw` and the output transmission is `value`.
       Requirement: /req/core/job-creation-sync-raw-value-one
       Test Method:
       1.  For each identified process construct an execute request according to test ats_core_job-creation-request,/conf/core/job-creation-request ensuring that synchronous execution is sc_execution_mode,negotiated according to test ats_core_job-creation-default-execution-mode,/conf/core/job-creation-default-execution-mode, that only one output is requested, that the requested response type is `raw` (ie `"response": "raw"`) and that the output transmission is set to `value` (ie `"transmissionMode": "value"`) according to requirement req_core_job-creation-sync-raw-value-one,/req/core/job-creation-sync-raw-value-one
       2.  Verify that each process executes successfully according to requirement req_core_job-creation-sync-raw-value-one,/req/core/job-creation-sync-raw-value-one
       TODO: Check additional content
    • testJobExceptionNoSuchJob

      public void testJobExceptionNoSuchJob()
       Abstract Test 37: /conf/core/job-exception-no-such-job
       Test Purpose: Validate that an invalid job identifier is handled correctly.
       Requirement: /req/core/job-exception-no-such-job
       Test Method:
       1.  Validate that the document contains the exception type "http://wwwopengisnet/def/exceptions/ogcapi-processes-1/10/no-such-job"
       2.  Validate the document for all supported media types using the resources and tests identified in job-exception-no-such-job
       An exception response caused by the use of an invalid job identifier may be retrieved in a number of different formats. The following table identifies the applicable schema document for each format and the test to be used to validate the response. All supported formats should be exercised.
       3. Schema and Tests for the Job Result for Non-existent Job
       |Format |Schema Document |Test ID
       |HTML |link:[exception.yaml] |ats_html_content,/conf/html/content
       |JSON |link:[exception.yaml] |ats_json_content,/conf/json/content
       TODO: Check additional content
    • testJobOp

      public void testJobOp()
       Abstract Test 35: /conf/core/job-op
       Test Purpose: Validate that the status info of a job can be retrieved.
       Requirement: /req/core/job
       Test Method:
       1.  Validate the contents of the returned document using the test ats_core_job-success,/conf/core/job-success
       TODO: Check additional content
    • testJobResultsNoSuchJob

      public void testJobResultsNoSuchJob()
       Abstract Test null: /conf/core/job-results-no-such-job
       Test Purpose: Validate that the job results retrieved using an invalid job identifier complies with the require structure and contents.
       Requirement: /req/core/job-results-exception-no-such-job
       Test Method:
       1.  Validate that the document contains the exception type "http://wwwopengisnet/def/exceptions/ogcapi-processes-1/10/no-such-job"
       2.  Validate the document for all supported media types using the resources and tests identified in job-results-exception-no-such-job
       The job results page for a job may be retrieved in a number of different formats. The following table identifies the applicable schema document for each format and the test to be used to validate the job results for a non-existent job against that schema.  All supported formats should be exercised.
       3. Schema and Tests for the Job Result for Non-existent Job
       |Format |Schema Document |Test ID
       |HTML |link:[exception.yaml] |ats_html_content,/conf/html/content
       |JSON |link:[exception.yaml] |ats_json_content,/conf/json/content
       TODO: Check additional content
    • testJobResultsExceptionResultsNotReady

      public void testJobResultsExceptionResultsNotReady()
       Abstract Test 46: /conf/core/job-results-exception-results-not-ready
       Test Purpose: Validate that the job results retrieved for an incomplete job complies with the require structure and contents.
       Requirement: /req/core/job-results-exception-results-not-ready
       Test Method:
       1.  Validate that the document was returned with a 404
       2.  Validate that the document contains the exception `type` "http://wwwopengisnet/def/exceptions/ogcapi-processes-1/10/result-not-ready"
       3.  Validate the document for all supported media types using the resources and tests identified in job-results-exception-results-not-ready
       The job results page for a job may be retrieved in a number of different formats. The following table identifies the applicable schema document for each format and the test to be used to validate the job results for an incomplete job against that schema.  All supported formats should be exercised.
       4. Schema and Tests for the Job Result for an Incomplete Job
       |Format |Schema Document |Test ID
       |HTML |link:[exception.yaml] |ats_html_content,/conf/html/content
       |JSON |link:[exception.yaml] |ats_json_content,/conf/json/content
       TODO: Check additional content
    • testJobResultsFailed

      public void testJobResultsFailed()
       Abstract Test 47: /conf/core/job-results-failed
       Test Purpose: Validate that the job results for a failed job complies with the require structure and contents.
       Requirement: /req/core/job-results-failed
       Test Method:
       1.  Issue an HTTP GET request to the URL '/jobs/{jobID}/results'
       2.  Validate that the document was returned with a HTTP error code (4XX or 5XX)
       3.  Validate that the document contains an exception `type` that corresponds to the reason the job failed (eg InvalidParameterValue for invalid input data)
       4.  Validate the document for all supported media types using the resources and tests identified in job-results-failed-schema
       The job results page for a job may be retrieved in a number of different formats. The following table identifies the applicable schema document for each format and the test to be used to validate the job results for a failed job against that schema.  All supported formats should be exercised.
       5. Schema and Tests for the Job Result for a Failed Job
       |Format |Schema Document |Test ID
       |HTML |link:[exception.yaml] |ats_html_content,/conf/html/content
       |JSON |link:[exception.yaml] |ats_json_content,/conf/json/content
       TODO: Check additional content
    • testJobResults

      public void testJobResults()
       Abstract Test 38: /conf/core/job-results
       Test Purpose: Validate that the results of a job can be retrieved.
       Requirement: /req/core/job-results
       Test Method:
       1.  Validate that the document was returned with a status code 200
       2.  Validate the contents of the returned document using the test ats_job-results-success,/conf/core/job-results-success
       TODO: Check additional content
    • testJobResultsAsyncDocument

      public void testJobResultsAsyncDocument()
       Abstract Test 44: /conf/core/job-results-async-document
       Test Purpose: Validate that the server responds as expected when the asynchronous execution is sc_execution_mode,negotiated and the response type is `document`.
       Requirement: /req/core/job-results-async-document
       Test Method:
       1.  For each identified process construct an execute request according to test ats_core_job-creation-request,/conf/core/job-creation-request ensuring that asynchronous execution is sc_execution_mode,negotiated according to test ats_core_job-creation-auto-execution-mode,/conf/core/job-creation-auto-execution-mode and that the requested response type is `document` (ie `"response": "document"`) according to requirement req_core_job-creation-async-document,/req/core/job-creation-async-document
       2.  If the server responds asynchronously periodically retrieve the status of the asynchronously execute job as per test ats_core_job-op,/conf/core/job-op
       3.  When the job status is `successful`, get the results as per test ats_core_job-results-op,/conf/core/job-results and verify that they conform to requirement req_core_job-results-async-document,/req/core/job-results-async-document
       NOTE: In the case where a process supports both `async-execute` and `sync-execute` job control options there is a possibility that the server responds synchronously even though the `Prefer` headers asserts a `respond-async` preference.  In this case, the following additional test should be performed:
       ^|Test Method |. Inspect the headers of the synchronous response and see if a `Link` header is included with `rel=monitor`.
       4.  If the link exists, get the job status as per test ats_core_job-op,/conf/cor e/job-op and ensure that the job status is set to `successful`
       5.  Get the results as per test ats_core_job-results-op,/conf/core/job-results and verify that they conform to the test ats_core_job-results-async-document,/conf/core/job-results-async-document
       6.  If the link does not exist then verify that the synchronous response conforms to the requirement req_core_job-creation-sync-document,/req/core/job-creation-sync-documen
       TODO: Check additional content
    • testJobResultsAsyncRawMixedMulti

      public void testJobResultsAsyncRawMixedMulti()
       Abstract Test 43: /conf/core/job-results-async-raw-mixed-multi
       Test Purpose: Validate that the server responds as expected when asynchronous execution is sc_execution_mode,negotiated, more than one output is requested, the response type is `raw` and the output transmission is a mix of `value` and `reference`.
       Requirement: /req/core/job-results-async-raw-mixed-multi
       Test Method:
       1.  For each identified process construct an execute request according to test ats_core_job-creation-request,/conf/core/job-creation-request ensuring that asynchronous execution is sc_execution_mode,negotiated according to test ats_core_job-creation-auto-execution-mode,/conf/core/job-creation-auto-execution-mode, that the requested response type is `raw` (ie `"response": "raw"`) and that the output transmission is set to a mix of `value` (ie `"outputTransmission": "value"`) and `reference` (ie `"outputTransmission": "reference"`) according to requirement req_core_job-creation-async-raw-mixed-multi,/req/core/job-creation-async-raw-mixed-multi
       2.  Periodically retrieve the status of the asynchronously execute job as per test ats_core_job-op,/conf/core/job-op
       3.  When the job status is `successful`, get the results as per test ats_core_job-results-op,/conf/core/job-results and verify that they conform to requirement req_core_job-results-async-raw-mixed-multi,/conf/core/job-results-async-raw-mixed-multi
       4.  For each output requested with `"transmissionMode": "value"` verify that the body of the corresponding part contains the output value
       5.  For each output requested with `"transmissionMode": "reference"` verify that the body of the corresponding part is empty and the `Content-Location` header is included that points to the output value
       NOTE: In the case where a process supports both `async-execute` and `sync-execute` job control options there is a possibility that the server responds synchronously even though the `Prefer` headers asserts a `respond-async` preference.  In this case, the following additional test should be performed.
       ^|Test Method |. Inspect the headers of the synchronous response and see if a `Link` header is included with `rel=monitor`.
       6.  If the link exists, get the job status as per test ats_core_job-op,/conf/cor e/job-op and ensure that the job status is set to `successful`
       7.  Get the results as per test ats_core_job-results-op,/conf/core/job-results and verify that they conform to the test ats_core_job-results-async-raw-mixed-multi,/conf/core/job-results-async-raw-mixed-multi
       8.  If the link does not exist then verify that the synchronous response conforms to requirement req_core_job-creation-sync-raw-mixed-multi,/req/core/job-creation-sync-raw-mixed-multi
       TODO: Check additional content
    • testJobResultsAsyncRawRef

      public void testJobResultsAsyncRawRef()
       Abstract Test 42: /conf/core/job-results-async-raw-ref
       Test Purpose: Validate that the server responds as expected when asynchronous execution is ,sc_execution_mode,negotiated, the response type is `raw` and the output transmission is `reference`.
       Requirement: /req/core/job-results-async-raw-ref
       Test Method:
       1.  For each identified process construct an execute request according to test ats_core_job-creation-request,/conf/core/job-creation-request ensuring that synchronous execution is sc_execution_mode,negotiated according to test ats_core_job-creation-auto-execution-mode,/conf/core/job-creation-auto-execution-mode, that the requested response type is `raw` (ie `"response": "raw"`) and that the output transmission is set to `reference` (ie `"outputTransmission": "reference"`) according to requirement req_core_job-creation-async-raw-ref,/req/core/job-creation-async-raw-ref
       2.  If the server responds asynchronously, periodically retrieve the status of the asynchronously executed job as per test ats_core_job-op,/conf/core/job-op
       3.  When the job status is `successful`, get the results as per test ats_core_job-results-op,/conf/core/job-results and verify that they conform to requirement req_core_job-results-async-raw-ref,/req/core/job-results-async-ref
       NOTE: In the case where a process supports both `async-execute` and `sync-execute` job control options there is a possibility that the server responds synchronously even though the `Prefer` headers asserts a `respond-async` preference.  In this case, the following additional test should be performed.
       ^|Test Method |. Inspect the headers of the synchronous response and see if a `Link` header is included with `rel=monitor`.
       4.  If the link exists, get the job status as per test ats_core_job-op,/conf/core/job-op and ensure that the job status is set to `successful`
       5.  Get the results as per test ats_core_job-results-op,/conf/core/job-results and verify that they conform to the test ats_core_job-results-async-document,/conf/core/job-results-async-document
       6.  If the link does not exist then verify that the synchronous response conforms to requirement req_core_job-creation-sync-raw-ref,/req/core/job-creation-sync-raw-ref
       TODO: Check additional content
    • testJobResultsAsyncRawValueMulti

      public void testJobResultsAsyncRawValueMulti()
       Abstract Test 41: /conf/core/job-results-async-raw-value-multi
       Test Purpose: Validate that the server responds as expected when asynchronous execution is sc_execution_mode,negotiated, more than one output is requested, the response type is `raw` and the output transmission is `value`.
       Requirement: /req/core/job-results-async-raw-value-multi
       Test Method:
       1.  For each identified process construct an execute request according to test ats_core_job-creation-request,/conf/core/job-creation-request ensuring that asynchronous execution is sc_execution_mode,negotiated according to test ats_core_job-creation-auto-execution-mode,/conf/core/job-creation-auto-execution-mode, that the requested response type is `raw` (ie `"response": "raw"`) and that the output transmission is set to `value` (ie `"outputTransmission": "value"`) according to requirement req_core_job-creation-async-raw-value-multi,/req/core/job-creation-async-raw-value-multi
       2.  Periodically retrieve the status of the asynchronously execute job as per test ats_core_job-op,/conf/core/job-op
       3.  When the job status is `successful`, get the results as per test ats_core_job-results-op,/conf/core/job-results and verify that they conform to requirement req_core_job-results-async-raw-value-multi,/conf/core/job-results-async-raw-value-multi
       NOTE: In the case where a process supports both `async-execute` and `sync-execute` job control options there is a possibility that the server responds synchronously even though the `Prefer` headers asserts a `respond-async` preference.  In this case, the following additional test should be performed.
       ^|Test Method |. Inspect the headers of the synchronous response and see if a `Link` header is included with `rel=monitor`.
       4.  If the link exists, get the job status as per test ats_core_job-op,/conf/cor e/job-op and ensure that the job status is set to `successful`
       5.  Get the results as per test ats_core_job-results-op,/conf/core/job-results and verify that they conform to the test ats_core_job-results-async-raw-value-multi,/conf/core/job-results-async-raw-value-multi
       6.  If the link does not exist then verify that the synchronous response conforms to requirement req_core_job-creation-sync-raw-value-multi,/req/core/job-creation-sync-raw-value-multi
       TODO: Check additional content
    • testJobResultsAsyncRawValueOne

      public void testJobResultsAsyncRawValueOne()
       Abstract Test 40: /conf/core/job-results-async-raw-value-one
       Test Purpose: Validate that the server responds as expected when asynchronous execution is sc_execution_mode,negotiated, one output is requested, the response type is `raw` and the output transmission is `value`.
       Requirement: /req/core/job-results-async-raw-value-one
       Test Method:
       1.  For each identified process construct an execute request according to test ats_core_job-creation-request,/conf/core/job-creation-request ensuring that asynchronous execution is sc_execution_mode,negotiated according to test ats_core_job-creation-auto-execution-mode,/conf/core/job-creation-auto-execution-mode, that the requested response type is `raw` (ie `"response": "raw"`) and that the output transmission is set to `value` (ie `"outputTransmission": "value"`) according to requirement req_core_job-creation-async-raw-value-one,/req/core/job-creation-async-raw-value-one
       2.  If the server responds asynchronously, periodically retrieve the status of the asynchronously executed job as per test ats_core_job-op,/conf/core/job-op
       3.  When the job status is `successful`, get the results as per test ats_core_job-results-op,/conf/core/job-results and verify that they conform to requirement req_core_job-results-async-raw-value-one,/req/core/job-results-async-raw-value-one
       NOTE: In the case where a process supports both `async-execute` and `sync-execute` job control options there is a possibility that the server responds synchronously even though the `Prefer` headers asserts a `respond-async` preference.  In this case, the following additional test should be performed.
       ^|Test Method |. Inspect the headers of the synchronous response and see if a `Link` header is included with `rel=monitor`.
       4.  If the link exists, get the job status as per test ats_core_job-op,/conf/core/job-op and ensure that the job status is set to `successful`
       5.  Get the results as per test ats_core_job-results-op,/conf/core/job-results and verify that they conform to the test ats_core_job-results-async-raw-value-multi,/conf/core/job-results-async-raw-value-multi
       6.  If the link does not exist then verify that the synchronous response conforms to requirement req_core_job-creation-sync-raw-value-one/req/core/job-creation-sync-raw-value-one
       TODO: Check additional content
    • testJobResultsSync

      public void testJobResultsSync()
       Abstract Test 39: /conf/core/job-results-sync
       Test Purpose: Validate that the server responds as expected when getting results from a job for a process that has been executed synchronously.
       Requirement: /req/core/job-results-sync
       Test Method:
       1.  For each identified process construct an execute request according to test ats_core_job-creation-request,/conf/core/job-creation-request ensuring that synchronous execution is sc_execution_mode,negotiated according to test ats_core_job-creation-default-execution-mode,/conf/core/job-creation-default-execution-mode
       2.  Inspect the headers of the response and see if a `Link` header is included with `rel=monitor`
       3.  If the link exists, get the job status as per test ats_core_job-op,/conf/core/job-op and ensure that the job status is set to `successful`
       TODO: Check additional content
    • testJobSuccess

      public void testJobSuccess()
       Abstract Test 36: /conf/core/job-success
       Test Purpose: Validate that the job status info complies with the require structure and contents.
       Requirement: /req/core/job-success
       Test Method:
       The status info page for a job may be retrieved in a number of different formats. The following table identifies the applicable schema document for each format and the test to be used to validate the status info against that schema. All supported formats should be exercised.
       1. Schema and Tests for the Job Status Info
       |Format |Schema Document |Test ID
       |HTML |link:[statusInfo.yaml] |ats_html,/conf/html/content
       |JSON |link:[statusInfo.yaml] |ats_json_content,/conf/json/content
       TODO: Check additional content