Class URIUtils


public class URIUtils extends Object
Provides a collection of utility methods for manipulating or resolving URI references.
  • Constructor Details

    • URIUtils

      public URIUtils()
  • Method Details

    • parseURI

      public static Document parseURI(URI uriRef) throws SAXException, IOException
      Parses the content of the given URI as an XML document and returns a new DOM Document object. Entity reference nodes will not be expanded. XML inclusions (xi:include elements) will be processed if present.
      uriRef - An absolute URI specifying the location of an XML resource.
      A DOM Document node representing an XML resource.
      SAXException - If the resource cannot be parsed.
      IOException - If the resource is not accessible.
    • dereferenceURI

      public static File dereferenceURI(URI uriRef) throws IOException
      Dereferences the given URI and stores the resulting resource representation in a local file. The file will be located in the default temporary file directory.
      uriRef - An absolute URI specifying the location of some resource.
      A File containing the content of the resource; it may be empty if resolution failed for any reason.
      IOException - If an IO error occurred.
    • resolveRelativeURI

      public static URI resolveRelativeURI(String baseURI, String uriRef)
      Constructs an absolute URI from the given URI reference and a base URI.
      baseURI - The base URI; if present, it must be an absolute URI.
      uriRef - A URI reference that may be relative to the given base URI.
      The resulting URI.
      See Also: