The following table lists the OGC CDB 1.0 requirements and if they are implemented in the OGC CDB Cite tests.
Test | Requirement Test Classes (OGC 15-113r5) | Implemented in the CDB CITE Test | Description |
1 | A.1.1 General CDB Database and Implementation (Test 1) | Not implemented | Not possible to pass all the test cases in this vesion of CDB ETS |
A.1.2 Platform (Test 2-5) | |||
2 | Not implemented | Visual testing (removed from the OGC CDB 1.0 Vol 1 annex A) | |
3 | Not implemented | Visual and related to the target system configuration | |
4 | Not implemented | Visual and related to the target system configuration | |
5 | Implemented | Verify the CDB implementation including filenames and directory paths supports the literal case rules and semantic meaning as paths supports the literal case rules and semantic meaning as specified in the file naming conventions. | |
A.1.3 General Data Representation (Test 6-10) | |||
6 | Not implemented | Not implemented as related to the data format (Verify that the raster imagery datasets are stored and compressed as JPEG 2000 specification (Annex C Volume 2)). | |
7 | Not implemented | Not possible without a proper metadata file. | |
8 | Not implemented | Not possible without a proper metadata file. | |
9 | Not implemented | Not possible as it is related to the simulator implementation | |
10 | Not implemented | Not possible without a proper metada file. | |
A.1.4 Structure-Tiling Model | |||
11 |
Not implemented | Visual test method related to the Geocell file content | |
12 | Not implemented | Visual test method related to the Geocell file content | |
13 |
Not implemented | Visual test method related to the Geocell file content | |
14 |
Not implemented | Visual test method related to the Geocell file content | |
15 |
Not implemented | Visual test method related to the Geocell file content | |
16 |
Not implemented | Visual test method related to the Geocell file content | |
17-a | Not implemented | Visual test method related to the 3D models level of details (LOD) resolutions | |
A.1.5 Light Naming | |||
17-b |
Implemented: | Testing to verify that name of a light is based on the naming hierarchy style. | |
A.1.6 Light Name Hierarchy | |||
18 |
Implemented: | Testing whether the light code is conformant to light.XML schema located in the CDB schema folder. | |
19 |
Implemented: | Testing whether the light type name is conformant to light.XML schema located in the CDB schema folder. | |
20 |
Implemented: | Testing whether the light xml schema file created/edited by the simulator/vendor is conformant to light.XML schema located in the CDB schema folder. | |
21 |
Implemented: | Testing whether the light xml schema file edited by the simulator/vendor is conformant to light.XML schema located in the CDB schema folder. | |
A.1.7 Materials | |||
22 |
Implemented | Testing whether the composite materials are conformant to material.XML schema located in the CDB schema folder. | |
23* | Not implemented | Visual test method to validate the base material’s name begins with “BM_” followed by a unique arbitrary string based on specific conventions. | |
24 |
Not implemented | Visual test method to verify that if there is a Primary_Substrate, there is only one. | |
25 |
Not implemented | Visual test method to verify that the base materials of each substrate is listed in decreasing order of weighting. | |
26 |
Not implemented | Visual test method to verify that each composite material is tagged with a specific convention. | |
27 |
Not implemented | Visual test method to verify that any SEM has a corresponding Base Material for each of
the CDB Base Materials. |
28 |
Not implemented | Visual test method to verify the zones or selected polygons are tagged with the appropriate materials in 3D models. | |
A.1.8 CDB Root Directory | |||
29 | Implemented: | Testing to verify the files stored within a CDB data store are under the root
directory or within a subdirectory under the root directory |
30 |
Not implemented | Not possible as it is related to the application not datastore (i.e. to verify that run-time applications are given the path and device on which the CDB is stored in order to access the CDB.) | |
31 |
Not implemented | Visual test method to verify that the CDB Standard also has provisions for the handling of multiple, incremental versioning of the CDB. | |
32 |
Not implemented | Visual test method to verify that If no change is encountered in any of the incremental versions, the applications use the content of the active default CDB. | |
A.1.9 Version Metadata File | |||
33 |
Implemented: | Testing whether each CDB Version has a metadata file called “Version.xml” available in “\CDB\Metadata\” | |
A.1.10 FLIR Metadata File | |||
34 |
Not implemented | Not implemented as it is related to the cliend device (i.e. Visually inspect whether if each “FLIR” client device has a client specific metadata file called “Lights_FLIR.xml” available in a specific folder “\CDB\Metadata\“) | |
A.1.11 Database Version Directory Structure | |||
35* | Not implemented | Visual test methos to verify that a CDB Version is stored directly in the root directory of a
disk device or volume |
36* | Not implemented | Visual testing to verify that a CDB Version path name is acceptable while using
within another CDB Version |
37* | Not implemented | Visual testing to verify that the path to boot CDB is provided to all client devices and run-time applications have access, directly or indirectly, to all disk devices and volumes as well as all paths to all linked CDB Versions simultaneously. | |
38* | Not implemented | Visual testing to verify that all CDB chains have no more than eight CDB versions | |
A.1.12 Model Types | |||
39* | Not implemented | Visually inspect weather the cultural features of a CDB data store are one of the following types of modeled representations: GTModel, GSModel, T2DModel and MModel. | |
A.1.13 Geospecific Model (GSModel) Storage | |||
40 |
Not implemented | Visually check if geospecific models are stored in the \CDB\Tiles\
with a unique file name derived from the model’s unique position, level-of-detail, and its feature code. |
41 |
Not implemented | Visually check if the geometry, texture, and signature datasets of 3D models is organized into levels of details (LOD) based on their resolutions. | |
A.1.14 Geotypical Models (GTModel) Naming Conventions | |||
42* | Implemented | Testing that the name of 3D model textures is character string having a minimum of 2 characters and a maximum length of 32 characters and the first two characters are alphanumeric. | |
43* | Implemented | Testing that the acronym TNAM represents the texture name and is used to compose texture file and directory names and The following directory structure is used by CDB Model texture-related datasets: \A\B\TNAM\ | |
44* | Implemented | Testing that in the context of the CDB Standard, filenames and directory names are composed from the concept of LOD. | |
45 |
Implemented: | Testing that the “\CDB\GTModel\” folder is the root directory of the GTModel library which is composed of the following datasets: GTModelGeometry,GTModelTexture,GTModelDescriptor,GTModelMaterial, GTModelCMT, GTModelInteriorGeometry,GTModelInteriorTexture,GTModelinteriorDescriptor,GTModelInteriorMaterial, GTModelInteriorCMT,GTModelSignature. | |
46 |
Implemented: | Testing that the files of the GTModelGeometry Entry File dataset is stored in level 4 of its directory structure and the names of the files adhere to the following naming convention: D500_Snnn_Tnnn_FeatureCode_FSC_MODL.<ext>. Always flt in CDB Version 1,0 | |
47 |
Implemented: | Testing that the files of the GTModelGeometry Level of Detail dataset are stored in level 5 of its directory structure and the names of the files adhere to the following naming convention: D510_Snnn_Tnnn_LOD_FeatureCode_FSC_MODL.<ext>. In CDB Version 1.0 this was always “.flt” for OpenFlight files. | |
48 |
Implemented: | Testing that the files of the GTModelDescriptor dataset are stored in level 4 of of its directory structure and the names of the files adhere to the following naming convention: D503_Snnn_Tnnn_FeatureCode_FSC_MODL.xml | |
49 |
Implemented: | Testing that the names of the GTModelTexture files adhere to the following naming convention: D511_Snnn_Tnnn_LOD_TNAM.<ext> Always rgb in CDB Version 1,0 | |
50 |
Implemented: | Testing that the names of the GTModelMaterial files adhere to the following naming convention: D504_Snnn_Tnnn_LOD_TNAM.<ext> Always tif in CDB Version 1,0 | |
51 |
Implemented: | Testing that the names of the GTModelCMT files adhere to the following naming convention: D505_Snnn_Tnnn_TNAM.xml | |
52 |
Implemented: | Testing that the files of the GTModelInteriorGeometry dataset is stored in level 5 of its directory structure and the names of the files adhere to the following naming convention: D506_Snnn_Tnnn_LOD_FeatureCode_FSC_MODL.<ext>. For CDB Version 1.0 this was always “.flt” for OpenFlight files. | |
53 |
Implemented: | Testing that the GTModelInteriorDescriptor dataset is stored in level 4 of the 5-level directory structure presented above. The names of the files adhere to the following naming convention: D508_Snnn_Tnnn_FeatureCode_FSC_MODL.xml | |
54 |
Implemented: | Testing that the names of the GTModelInteriorTexture files adhere to the following naming convention: D507_Snnn_Tnnn_LOD_TNAM.<ext> Always rgb in CDB Version 1,0 | |
55 |
Implemented: | Testing that the names of the GTModelInteriorMaterial files adhere to the following naming convention: D509_Snnn_Tnnn_LOD_TNAM.<ext> Always tif in CDB Version 1,0 | |
56 |
Implemented: | Testing that the names of the GTModelSignature files adhere to the following naming convention: D512_Snnn_Tnnn_LOD_FeatureCode_FSC_MODL.ext | |
A.1.15 Moving Model (MModel) Naming Conventions | |||
57 |
Implemented: | Testing that the \CDB\MModel\ folder is the root directory of the MModel library and is composed of the following datasets. MModelGeometry, MModelDescriptor, MModelTexture, MModelMaterial, MModelCMT, MModelSignature. | |
58 |
Implemented: | Testing that the names of all MModelGeometry files adhere to the following naming convention: D600_Snnn_Tnnn_MMDC.”.ext”. “.flt” for OpenFlight files. | |
59* | Implemented | Testing that the MModelDescriptor dataset is assigned dataset code 603 and the names of all MModelDescriptor files adhere to the following naming convention: D603_S001_T001_MMDC.xml. | |
60 |
Implemented: | Testing that the names of all MModelTexture files adhere to the following naming convention: D601_Snnn_Tnnn_Wnn_TNAM.<ext> Always rgb in CDB Version 1,0 | |
61 |
Implemented | Testing that the MModelMaterial dataset is assigned dataset code 604 and the names of all MModelMaterial files adhere to the following naming convention: D604_Snnn_Tnnn_Wnn_TNAM.<ext>. Always tif in CDB Version 1,0 | |
62 |
Implemented | Testing that the MModelCMT dataset is assigned dataset code 605 and the names of all MModelCMT files adhere to the following naming convention: D605_S001_T001_TNAM.xml. | |
63 |
Implemented: | Testing that the names of all MModelSignature files adhere to the following naming convention: D606_Snnn_Tnnn_LOD_MMDC.ext where ext is the file extension for each file or table required for the Model Signature file | |
A.1.16 Tiled Datasets | |||
64* | Implemented | Testing that the \CDB\MModel\ folder is the root directory of the MModel library which is composed of the following datasets: MModelGeometry, MModelDescriptor, MModelTexture, MModelMaterial, MModelCMT, MModelSignature. | |
65 |
Implemented: | Testing that the Latitude Directory naming is based on a specific policy. | |
66 |
Implemented: | Testing that the Longitude Directory naming is based on a specific policy. | |
67 |
Implemented: | Testing that all files stored in the UREF subdirectory of section have the following naming convention: LatLon_Dnnn_Snnn_Tnnn_LOD_Un_Rn.ext | |
A.1.17 Archive Names | |||
68* | Implemented | Testing that the files inside those archives follow the naming conventions defined here: LatLon_Dnnn_Snnn_Tnnn_LOD_Un_Rn_"extra_tokens".<ext> | |
69* | Implemented | Testing that the files from the GSModelGeometry and GSModelInteriorGeometry datasets have the following naming convention: LatLon_Dnnn_Snnn_Tnnn_LOD_Un_Rn_FeatureCode_FSC_MO DL.<ext> “.flt” for OpenFlight files. | |
70* | Implemented | Testing that the files from the GSModelTexture and GSModelInteriorTexture datasets have the following naming convention: LatLon_Dnnn_Snnn_Tnnn_LOD_Un_Rn_TNAM.<ext> For CDB Version 1.0 this is rgb | |
71* | Implemented | Testing that the files from the GSModelMaterial and GSModelInteriorMaterial datasets have the following naming convention: LatLon_Dnnn_Snnn_Tnnn_LOD_Un_Rn_TNAM.<ext> For CDB Version 1.0 this is tif | |
72* | Implemented | Testing that the files from the GSModelGeometry and GSModelInteriorGeometry datasets have the following naming convention: LatLon_Dnnn_Snnn_Tnnn_LOD_Un_Rn_FeatureCode_FSC_MO DL.<ext>For Version 1.0 this is “.flt” for OpenFlight files. | |
A.1.18 NavData Naming Convention | |||
73 |
Implemented: | Testing if all files of the NavData dataset have the following naming convention: D400_Snnn_Tnnn.dbf and Table 3- 32: NavData Naming Convention. | |
A.1.19 Metadata Datasets | |||
74* | Implemented | Testing to verify if the content of the Version.xml is based on a xml schema file. | |
75* | Implemented | Testing to compare attributes elements versus a xml XSD file. | |
76 | Implemented: | Testing to compare schema level elements versus a xml XSD file. | |
77 | Implemented: | Testing to compare attributes values versus a xml XSD file. | |
78 |
Implemented: | Testing to compare scalers definitions a xml XSD file. | |
79 |
Implemented: | Testing to compare attributes unites versus a xml XSD file. | |
80* | Implemented | Visual testing to verify that the angular distance feature is recordable or not. | |
A.1.20 Navigation Data | |||
81* | Not implemented | Visual test method to verify that the Navigation Dataset uses a CDB specified vector data format | |
82* | Not implemented | Visually test if the value of CS2 is T002 for the schema files, | |
83* | Not implemented | Visual test method to verify that for each attribute that has an index key in the schema file, an index Key Dataset is available and For Key Datasets, the Dataset CS2 include the last three digits of the index key from the schema file | |
84* | Not implemented | Visual test method to check if for the Airport NavData Component, there are 4 key datasets (for attributes StoraNumber, Ident, IcaoCode and Country) | |
A.1.21 Tiled Raster Datasets | |||
85 |
Not implemented | Visual test method to verify that the tile grid structure has correct alignment. | |
86 |
Not implemented | Visual test method to verify the latitude and longitude of an implicit corner data element in a grid are correct based on the equation 5-1. | |
87 |
Not implemented | Visual test method to verify that the position of an implicit center data element in a tile are acceptable referring to the equation 5.2. | |
A.1.22 Tiled Elevation Dataset | |||
88 |
Not implemented | Visual test method for file content (Verify that the Primary Terrain Elevation component of the Elevation dataset is represented as a 1 or 2-channel TIFF image.) | |
89 |
Not implemented | Visual test method for file content(Verify that the first channel of the TIFF image contains the Elevation component and is represented as a floating-point or signed integer value.) | |
90 |
Not implemented | Visual test method for file content(Verify that the second channel, third and fourth channels of the TIFF image contains the necessary components and are stored in correct format.) | |
91 |
Not implemented | Visual test method for file content(Verify that after terrain constraining is performed off-line, hypsography features have AHGT set to True, thereby instructing the SE Tools to constrain the terrain elevation using the supplied coordinates; and, the vector feature is a type PointZ, a MultiPointZ, a PolyLineZ, a PolygonZ or a MultiPatch.) | |
92 |
Not implemented | Visual test method for file content(Verify that for the Feature’s AHGT attribute is set to TRUE in some specific cases listed in section | |
93 |
Not implemented | Visual test method for file content(Verify that in the case where features overlap one other, clientdevices use the mandatory Layer Priority Number (LPN) attribute.) | |
94 |
Not implemented | Visual test method for file content(Verify that the MinElevation and MaxElevation components are represented correctly according to the formula mentioned in Req 94.) | |
95 |
Not implemented | Visual test method for file content(Verify that the MaxCulture component is represented correctly according to the formula mentioned in Req 95.) | |
A.1.23 Tiled Terrain Bathymetry | Not implemented | Visual test method for file content | |
96 |
Not implemented | Visual test method for file content | |
97 |
Not implemented | Visual test method for file content | |
98 |
Not implemented | Visual test method for file content | |
A.1.24 Tiled JPEG Metadata | |||
99 |
Not implemented | Visual test method for file content | |
100 |
Not implemented | Visual test method for file content | |
A.1.25 Visible Spectrum Terrain Imagery (VSTI) | |||
101 |
Not implemented | Visual test method for file content | |
102 |
Not implemented | Visual test method for file content | |
A.1.26 Visible Spectrum Terrain Light Map (VSTLM) | |||
103 |
Not implemented | Visual test method for file content | |
A.1.27 Raster Composite Material | |||
104 |
Not implemented | Visual test method for file content | |
105 |
Not implemented | Visual test method for file content | |
106 |
Not implemented | Visual test method for file content | |
A.1.28 Tiled Vector Datasets | |||
107 |
Not implemented | Visual test method for file content | |
108 |
Not implemented | Visual test method for file content | |
109 |
Not implemented | Visual test method for file content | |
110 |
Not implemented | Visual test method for file content | |
111 |
Not implemented | Visual test method for file content | |
A.1.29 Vector Datasets Mandatory Attribute Usage | |||
113 |
Not implemented | Visual test method for file content | |
114 |
Not implemented | Visual test method for file content | |
115 |
Not implemented | Visual test method for file content | |
116 |
Not implemented | Visual test method for file content | |
A.1.30 Vector Datasets Topology | |||
117 |
Not implemented | Visual test method for file content | |
118 |
Not implemented | Visual test method for file content | |
119 |
Not implemented | Visual test method for file content | |
A.1.31 Elevation Constraints | |||
120 |
Not implemented | Visual test method for file content | |
121 |
Not implemented | Visual test method for file content | |
122 |
Not implemented | Visual test method for file content | |
123 |
Not implemented | Visual test method for file content | |
124 |
A.1.32 Tiled Road Networks | Not implemented | Visual test method for file content |
125 |
A.1.33 Tiled Railroad Networks | Not implemented | Visual test method for file content |
126 |
A.1.34 Tiled PowerLine Networks | Not implemented | Visual test method for file content |
127 |
A.1.35 Tiled Hydrography Networks | Not implemented | Visual test method for file content |
128 |
A.1.36 Vector Composite Material Table (VCMT) | Not implemented | Visual test method for file content |