CeRDI VVG - SELFIE Demonstration

Use Case Description

To provide a means whereby all the relevant information (resources) about a real world feature (in this case a borehole or well) can be brought together via a machine readable (and indexable) ‘page/not a page’

CeRDI SELFIE testbed

User Story

Groundwater bore data management in Victoria is split across a number of Government departments, research agencies and community groups. Information about the same real-world entity borehole may exist in multiple databases. The VVG web portal partly addressed this problem by federating these disparate data services into a spatial web portal that allows the user to access ALL the information regardless of the source or duplication. History of Bore data in Victoria

Information about a borehole exists at one or more of:

These are services deliver one or more of:

The data from these services may be about:

Currently the user must individually discover and access these different data services and compile the relevant information about a Borehole manually. Where the same borehole exists aross multiple data sources its is not readily apparent that they are the same real world feature (there is no common identifier across these services). Additionally there is no mechanism to identify the different types of information available.

Through this demonstration a user should be able to use a standard search engine to discover the availability of these various sources, formats and contents via a MetaResource (MR). The user (including machines) can navigate via the links in the MR to request data from the various providers in one of the available formats.


####What have we done so far: The demo is currently designed to expose a single borehole via its real-world identifier.

  1. The application resolves a URI pattern for the real-world-feature of the form which performs a 303 redirect to a SELFIE Meta Resource (MR)

  2. The application then uses a lookup tool (rosetta stone) to determine which of the various data providers have a corresponding borehole and the source-specific ID needed to access that data resource (DR).

  3. Basic Content Negotiation via accepts header caters for both HTML (with embedded JSON-LD) and straight JSON-LD. The format can be overrided with either a .json or ?f=json in the URI
    For the JSON-LD the MR encodes the various representations (DRs) into the SubjectOf block.

JSON LD Example

We have included Images and Reports where they are available


State library Archives

For the data resources (DRs) in most cases we were starting with existing WFS services delivering complex features as GML. We have made use of Alistair Ritchie’s WFS mediator to allow on-the-fly conversion of the GML into JSON-LD and HTML (as implemented in ELFIE-1) We have not been able to validate these yet apart from checking that they generate something that looks like JSON-LD.

These DRs follow a URI scheme /sourceprovider/data/datatype/featuretype/id

WMIS Service

GSV service

We have attempted to generate an sosa:ObservationCollection to provide access to lab data (water quality) via bore ID

####What we have not done (Yet): There are some fairly major parts of the SELFIE puzzle missing at the moment.

Demo Screenshot(s)

CeRDI MIR screenshot

alt text -- ELFIE Logo

Add links to source files, code used, example JSON-LD files, etc. Add descriptive text so people can walk through the demo themselves without much prior knowledge. Describe how the links in the data can be traversed, especially how the links are/were traversed by the demo application.

Demo findings and potential next steps

Discuss issues that this demo works around or would otherwise need to be solved to take it from demonstration/experiment to production.