Purpose, Analysis, Implementation, and Demonstration
These slides were prepared for an OGC-TC demonstration of ELFIE outcomes.
These materials should be considered preliminary and subject to change.
Use cases used to drive many aspects of the project.
We were delusional, but it made for great discussion.
Data: Watershed Boundary, hydrographic network, stream gage, water quality
Demo: Compiled into a simple map viewer
Data: Watershed boundary, hyrographic network, outlet location, stream gage, and water budget time series
Demo: Built into a visualization suited to a broad audience
Data: Aquifer, wells, piezometers, waterbodies, streamgages. Features description, links, and associated observations
Demo: prototype of static JSON-LD files based on BRGM Goundwater Information Network content
A comprehensive use case starting from a borehole/well its piezometer, the monitored aquifer and the resulting groundwater observations.
Data: Sensors, their observations, and features they observe
Demo: implemented in a prototype system for access to ELFIE structured JSON-LD transformed from a SensorThings service.
Access to the ELFIE objects is enabled by resolvable http formated uri-guids, all associations are represented via these uri-guids, thus data structure totally aligned with the static ELFIE examples available from GITHUB, the data can be visualized via the BRGM Linked data Viewer
Data: hydrolocation type and basic feature identification info
Demo: Working toward modern station pages experimenting with linked feature content
Data: Catchments, aquifers, wells, stream gages, waterbodies
Demo: Visualized in an experimental app for a cross border data exchange