This document summarizes normative JSON-LD Context Files to be referenced by JSON-LD encoded representations of resources provided by ELFIE participants. These contexts and the example files linked below are general in nature and do not make reference to any ELFIE use cases or specific demos. This is due to the fact that they were developed in support of all use cases and slightly preceding primary implementation of the demos.
They have been designed using the ‘Testbed-12 JSON and GeoJSON User Guide’ OGC 16-122r1 as a guideline. The ELFIE team relied on that guide as a cumulative summary of earlier discussions (e.g. those out of Testbed 11). The contexts and linking recommendations were later reviewed against the Architecture DWG’s draft JSON Best Practice.
To ensure confidence that normative contexts are being used the context of a JSON-LD document should not be provided inline but by reference to the normative context document. This practice should ensure consistency of encoding (e.g. use of the same key values) as an in-line context object could be modified by the provider.
These contexts assume they are building blocks for a larger graph-of-graphs. As such, they will define self-contained representations that make consistent use of links to reference other features. The rationale is that larger documents, pulling together a set of linked features, are use case specific and therefore should not be limited by a core set of contexts. Obviously, being JSON-LD, an appropriate context should be referenced with a vigorous expectation that the semantics of ELFIE contexts be preserved.
Documents should provide link relations as object stubs, allowing the target resource to be typed and supporting decisions by a crawler (adding name key allows creation of hyperlinks. E.g.:
"relation": [
{"@id": "", "@type": "sosa:Sample"},
{"@id": "", "@type": "hyf:HY_River"}
instead of
"relation": [
elf.jsonld | Core properties of each feature that support discovery, indexing and basic linking. Each domain specific JSON file should include these. | |
elf-network.jsonld | A simple set of spatial and temporal topological relations from GeoSPARQL and OWL Time. | |
floodcast.jsonld | TX_Harvey2017_1.json | FloodCast classes. |
gsml.jsonld | BSS001REWW.json | GeoSciML 4.0 classes. |
gw.jsonld | 507AC00.json | GroundWaterML 2.0 classes. |
hyf.jsonld | 010300032404.json | HY Features classes and relations. |
skos.jsonld | skos-concept-nzsc-uym.json | SKOS classes and relations. |
soilie.jsonld | soilie-soil-2108.json | Soil Data IE application schema classes and relations. |
sosa.jsonld | sosa-sample-2108.json | Based on the O&M ttl examples introduced in Annex C.10 of SOSA specification. Restricted to O&M sampling and observation features for simplicity’s sake (no sensor descriptions etc). |
tsml.jsonld | Context for time-series Observations. See notes below. | |
xample-elf-tsml-observation-byref.json | Example where the observation result (“hasResult”) is presented as a reference to another file. In this case a pair of TSML GML files (xample-elf-tsml-result-dr.xml; xample-elf-tsml-result-tvp.xml). | |
xample-elf-tsml-observation-inline.json | Example where the observation result (“hasResult”) is presented as an inline JSON object. | |
xample-elf-tsml-result-dr.xml | Target of the reference in xample-elf-tsml-observation-byref.json. Domain-Range encoding. | |
xample-elf-tsml-result-tvp.xml | Target of the reference in xample-elf-tsml-observation-byref.json. Time-Value-Pair encoding. |
A number of contexts were deprecated or renamed as the experiment progressed. These can be found here.
A simple experiment to test the provision of time-series data using the Timeseries profile of Observations and Measurements (OGC 15-043r3).
but this was ignored for clarity, and to stimulate discussion.The reference example result is an array of references for the same result with different encodings (DR and TVP). ABHR: this feels like a hack and that it is getting too close to the alternative representations problem we’re trying to avoid getting caught up in. Thoughts? An alternative to the typed example (see xample-elf-tsml-observation-byref.json) is a simple array.
"hasResult": [