Last Published: 2024-08-30
Version: 1.21
Release Notes
Project Documentation
Project Information
WCS 2.0 Test Suite Release Notes
1.21 (2024-08-30)
- Advice requested for a failing WCS 2.0.1 test
- Improve check for Coverage GML Profile
- Set version of TEAM Engine dependency to 5.7
1.20 (2023-08-29)
- WCS 2.0.1 test on earth observation application profile has problem in Test wcseo:req6
- WCS 2.0.1 - Inconsistence between WCS Core and WCS Scaling Extension requirement
- WCS 2.0.1 test on earth observation application profile has problem in Test wcseo:req38
- Test wcs2:get-kvp-crs-req6 first listed crsSupported incompatible with coverage
- wcs 2.0.1 te2 Test wcs2:req41 has problem
1.19 (2023-05-31)
- My WCS 2.0.1 service fails at the very beginning when run against compliance test
- Upgrade TEAM Engine dependencies to v5.6.1
1.18 (2022-11-29)
- Test get-kvp-core-req41 is failing on Beta environment
- Update url to license and integration into reporting and replace ogc logo
- Fix SoapUI integration tests
- Add credentials to SoapUI project
1.17 (2021-05-28)
- wcs2:get-int-req17 and wcs2:get-int-req18 have wrong content in interpolationMethod parameter
- wcs2:post-xml-req5 fails with InvocationTargetException (post/xml)
- Add template to get an XML/JSON response via rest endpoint
- Set Docker TEAM Engine version to 5.4.1
- Bump junit from 4.12 to 4.13.1
- Added header for soapui test.
- Update ext_get-int.xml
1.16 (2020-07-01)
- Test wcs2:main_test makes invalid GetCapabilities request
- Create SoapUI tests and integrate them into Maven and Jenkinsfile
- problems in checking gml support
- query parameters in service endpoint are ignored
- several test of interpolatin extension does not appears in test result
- Test wcseo:req6 does not accept gml:EnvelopeWithTimePeriod
1.15 (2019-07-30)
- wcs2:req21 & wcs2:req22 are failed with validation error if it has the <nilValues> element
- EO WCS Test takes too long to execute
- Update to TEAM Engine 5.4 API
- CRS_Extension srsName attribute is not valid WCS.2.0.1 schema
- The req21 and req22 are failed with the OSGeo(MapServer) Server
- Enable Docker support
- Enable test execution using a RESTful API
1.14 (2018-05-16)
- Update CTL with better information about conformance classes
1.13.1 (2018-03-01)
- DescribeCoverage test fails with validation failure
1.13 (2018-02-28)
- wcseo:get-kvp-req63-66 fails with InvocationTargetException (eowcs)
- wcseo:get-kvp-req50 fails with InvocationTargetException (eowcs)
- Scale extension is wrong for scaleByFactor in test script
- escape special char from get parameters
- wcseo:get-kvp-req63-66 because of missing attribute number-Returned attribute
- Clean up extension ‘Interpolation’
- Test of extension Interpolation fails with NPE
- Validate the service endpoint URL before running test
- CRS Extension Req18 error in TeamEngine with SOAP version 1.2
- [Critical]ext_crs wrong input parameters (Capabilities,SupportsGML) from calling in wcs2main.xml
- Fix execution of extension ‘Interpolation’ (wrong use of choose-when)
- Integrated local GML 3.2 schema dependencies
1.12 (2017-03-09)
- Updated the test name req63-66. #34
- Test wise:DescribeEOCoverageSet Failed req
- Update eowcs_DescribeCoverage.xml
1.11 (2016-11-30)
- WCS test can only run the first chosen Test subset of test suite
- Update user form to match correct names for conformance classes
- Error in calling extensions in WCS2 .0.1 (EOWCS) with Null Exception
- req:12 failed due to multiple serviceTypeVersion parameter in response
- WCS test can only run the first chosen test subset of test suite
- Fixed eowcs Namespace issue
- Error in calling extensions in WCS2 .0.1 (EOWCS) with Null Exception
1.10 (2016-09-09)
- Req37 kvp test on coverage id
1.9 (2016-01-28)
- Test wcs2:get-kvp-core-req42 in GetCoverage.xml always fail
- Wrong version of OWS in WCS GetCapabilities request
- URL encoding of ‘+’ character in GetCoverage request
- Fixed version metadata in GetCapabilities Post requests
- PNG not being parsing with ImageParser - Test wcs2:get-proc-req8-10
1.8 (2015-08-19)
- Merge core, post, processing, scaling, interpolation, range subsetting, crs extensions and eowcs profile
1.7 (2015-03-05)
Update to new scheme versioning
r6 (2014-11-30)
- Test failure - java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
Edited and adjusted documentation (index.html)
Migrate source code to
Adopt Apache Maven as the build tool
r5 (2013-10-29)
Fixed issue #853 when supporting multiple formats
Fixed references to standard documents (#880)
r4 (2013-08-09)
Fixed issue #770
Fixed issue #743
Corrected check for operations
Corrected checking or GML support
Fixed issue #849
Fixed issue #755 - Adjusted schema location and version
Corrected KVP encoding
Fixed issue #850
Adjusted requirements
Adjusted exception test to use wrong subsetting values.
Added http response code 404 testing
Fixed test on invalid subsetting according to req41 and etc.
Updated documentation (lb)
r3 (2013-07-17)
Edited documentation (index.html)
r2 (2012-02-014)
fixed req1-9 on the duplicated url
fixed req12 for post request of Capabilities
fixed req23 for xpath of concate()
r1 (2012-02-08)
Added http code checking according to OWS common
r0 (2012-11-15)
Add/update test suites according to OGC-09-110r4 and OGC-09-147r3