Class ServiceURLBuilder


public class ServiceURLBuilder extends Object
Utility class that helps preparing the URL string for the targeted entity.
  • Constructor Details

    • ServiceURLBuilder

      public ServiceURLBuilder()
  • Method Details

    • buildURLString

      public static String buildURLString(String rootURI, EntityType parentEntityType, long parentId, EntityType relationEntityType, String property)
      Build the URL String based on the entityType, parent EntityType and id, and the targeted property or query
      rootURI - The base URL of the SensorThings Service
      parentEntityType - The entity type of the parent entity
      parentId - The parent entity id
      relationEntityType - The entity type of the targeted entity
      property - The targeted property or the query string
      The URL String created based on the input parameters
    • buildURLString

      public static String buildURLString(String rootURI, List<String> entityTypes, List<Long> ids, String property)
      Build the URL String based on a chain of entity type hierarchy and ids, and the targeted property or query
      rootURI - The base URL of the SensorThings Service
      entityTypes - The list of entity type chain
      ids - The ids for the entity type chain
      property - The targeted property or the query string
      The URL String created based on the input parameters