Class Capability1Tests


public class Capability1Tests extends Object
Includes various tests of "A.1 Sensing Core" Conformance class.
  • Field Details

    • rootUri

      public String rootUri
      The root URL of the SensorThings service under the test
  • Constructor Details

    • Capability1Tests

      public Capability1Tests()
  • Method Details

    • obtainTestSubject

      @BeforeClass public void obtainTestSubject(org.testng.ITestContext testContext)
      This method will be run before starting the test for this conformance class.
      testContext - The test context to find out whether this class is requested to test or not
    • readEntitiesAndCheckResponse

      public void readEntitiesAndCheckResponse()
      This method is testing GET entities. It should return 200. Then the response entities are tested for control information, mandatory properties, and mandatory related entities.
    • readNonexistentEntity

      public void readNonexistentEntity()
      This method is testing GET when requesting a nonexistent entity. The response should be 404.
    • readEntityAndCheckResponse

      public void readEntityAndCheckResponse()
      This method is testing GET for a specific entity with its id. It checks the control information, mandatory properties and mandatory related entities for the response entity.
    • readPropertyOfEntityAndCheckResponse

      public void readPropertyOfEntityAndCheckResponse()
      This method is testing GET for a property of an entity.
    • checkResourcePaths

      public void checkResourcePaths()
      This method is testing the resource paths based on specification to the specified level.
    • checkServiceRootUri

      public void checkServiceRootUri()
      This method is testing the root URL of the service under test. It basically checks the first page.