Class ValidationUtils


public class ValidationUtils extends Object
A utility class that provides convenience methods to support schema validation.
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • ValidationUtils

      public ValidationUtils()
  • Method Details

    • createSchemaResolver

      public static LSResourceResolver createSchemaResolver(URI schemaLanguage)
      Creates a resource resolver suitable for locating schemas using an entity catalog. In effect, local copies of standard schemas are returned instead of retrieving them from external repositories.
      schemaLanguage - A URI that identifies a schema language by namespace name.
      A LSResourceResolver object that is configured to use an OASIS entity catalog.
    • buildSchematronValidator

      public static org.opengis.cite.validation.SchematronValidator buildSchematronValidator(String schemaRef, String phase)
      Constructs a SchematronValidator that will check an XML resource against the rules defined in a Schematron schema. An attempt is made to resolve the schema reference using an entity catalog; if this fails the reference is used as given.
      schemaRef - A reference to a Schematron schema; this is expected to be a relative or absolute URI value, possibly matching the system identifier for some entry in an entity catalog.
      phase - The name of the phase to invoke.
      A SchematronValidator instance, or null if the validator cannot be constructed (e.g. invalid schema reference or phase name).
    • extractSchemaReferences

      public static Set<URI> extractSchemaReferences(Source source, String baseURI) throws XMLStreamException
      Extracts a set of XML Schema references from a source XML document. The document element is expected to include the standard xsi:schemaLocation attribute.
      source - The source instance to read from; its base URI (systemId) should be set.
      baseURI - An alternative base URI to use if the source does not have a system identifier set or if its system id is a file URI. This will usually be the URI used to retrieve the resource; it may be null.
      A Set containing absolute URI references that specify the locations of XML Schema resources.
      XMLStreamException - If an error occurs while reading the source instance.