Uses of Class
Packages that use SchemaModelFixture
Includes tests to verify schema components that define specific types of geographic
objects as required in clause 21.2.1 of ISO 19136.
Contains test classes that check general constraints applicable to all GML application
Includes tests covering recommended constraints that need not be satisfied by a fully
conforming IUT.
Uses of SchemaModelFixture in org.opengis.cite.iso19136.components
Subclasses of SchemaModelFixture in org.opengis.cite.iso19136.componentsModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Verifies schema components that define geographic features and feature collections.class
Verifies schema components that define geometry and geometry property types.class
Verifies schema components that define temporal elements and temporal property types.class
Verifies schema components that define topology and topology property types. -
Uses of SchemaModelFixture in org.opengis.cite.iso19136.general
Subclasses of SchemaModelFixture in org.opengis.cite.iso19136.generalModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Checks constraints that apply to various complex properties of GML objects.class
Includes tests for adherence to mandatory GML model and syntax constraints. -
Uses of SchemaModelFixture in org.opengis.cite.iso19136.recommendations
Subclasses of SchemaModelFixture in org.opengis.cite.iso19136.recommendationsModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Includes tests for compliance with various lexical conventions that are "strongly recommended" in the specification.