
Contains tests that apply to GML geometry representations and envelopes. A geometry object is any element that substitutes for gml:AbstractGeometry; as a consequence its type definition must also be derived from gml:AbstractGeometryType.

If a geometry element does not carry the srsName attribute (a reference to a coordinate reference system), then it shall be inherited from a broader context as follows:

  1. the nearest ancestor geometry (aggregate) that has the srsName attribute; or
  2. the gml:boundedBy/gml:Envelope element in the containing feature instance.


  • ISO 19136, cl. 10.1.3: Abstract geometry
  • ISO 19136, cl. 9.10: Spatial reference system used in a feature or feature collection
  • ISO 19107, cl. 6: Geometry packages
  • Classes
    Validates the content of a gml:CompositeCurve element, which implements the GM_CompositeCurve class from ISO 19107.
    Validates the content of a gml:Curve element (or any element in its substitution group), which implements the GM_Curve class from ISO 19107.
    Validates the content of a gml:Envelope element, which implements the GM_Envelope class from ISO 19107.
    Provides specialized assertion methods that apply to representations of geometry objects.
    Validates the content of a gml:LineString element (or any element in its substitution group).
    Validates the content of a gml:Point element (or any element in its substitution group), which implements the GM_Point class from ISO 19107.
    Validates the content of a gml:Surface element (or any element in its substitution group), which implements the GM_Surface class from ISO 19107.