# Release Notes
2.7 (2019-08-19)
- #9 - Update archetype
- #7 - Tests fail if package name is not org.opengis.cite.{ets-code}
- #5 - Exception generating template
2.6 (2016-07-07)
This minor update includes the following changes:
- Update parent POM to ets-common-7 (depends on teamengine-spi-4.7)
- Replace the TestRunArguments class in root package with CommandLineArguments
- Move SuitePreconditions class to root package
- Add DOCTYPE declaration to testng.xml
2.5 (2015-11-24)
This update includes the following changes:
- Use the latest version of the common POM (ets-common-5)
- Update site documentation (describe non-interactive use)
- Switch ETS site docs to Markdown.
- Delete temp files in SuiteFixtureListener.onFinish method
- Add activePhase parameter to ETSAssert#assertSchematronValid
- Add the importElement() and evaluateXQuery() methods to XMLUtils
2.4 (2015-04-13)
This release includes the following notable changes:
- Use the latest release of the common POM (ets-common-4)
- Add CommonFixture (base class that sets up a common test fixture)
- Add TestFailureListener (augments a test result with diagnostic information in the event that a test method failed)
- Add ClientUtils (provides utility methods for using the Jersey client API)
2.3 (2015-01-07)
This minor update includes the following changes:
- Use latest release of the common POM (v3).
- Update site documentation.
2.2 (2014-10-30)
This update incorporates the following noteworthy changes:
- Don’t use TestNG Reporter API in listeners.
- Remove Saxon XPath implementation dependency.
- Configure Maven Release plugin (tagNameFormat).
2.1 (2014-08-21)
This minor update incorporates the following changes:
- Use latest parent POM (ets-common-2).
- Add method ValidationUtils#createSchemaResolver.
- Update assembly descriptor (ctl-scripts).
2.0 (2014-05-23)
This major release introduces several significant changes:
- Adapt project POM for GitHub hosting.
- Refer to parent POM (org.opengis.cite:ets-common).
- Add site content (also incorporated within the ctl-scripts assembly).
- Move assembly descriptors to standard location.
- Add unit test to verify results produced by TestNGController.
- Change license to Apache License, Version 2.0.
1.3 (2014-04-07)
This minor release includes the following updates:
- Refactor or fix various utility methods.
- Amend Javadoc overview, schema catalog.
- Update dependencies (of generated artifact).